
Friday Questions!

This weekend my lil sis Holly is in town for the weekend. We are headed to another show to see one of her fave bands. While I'm dreading the Screamo music, I'm excited to hang out with her. And I'm excited because it's time for FRIDAY QUESTIONS! Come and play along!

  1. Have you ever written a fan letter? Did he/she respond?
  2. What's the most embarrassing poster you had on your wall growing up?
  3. Do you talk in your sleep? What's something crazy you've said?
  4. What's the last movie you rented?
Elle's Answers
1. Yes! Chad Allen--it was a pre-written general fan letter. I was devastated. I only did it because my friend wrote him & got the general letter. I was convinced he would write me back and prove her wrong!
2. Any guy who was a tv star in the late 80s, early 90s (Fred Savage!). I also had a poster of the band Warrant. HA!
3. No, but apparently any friend/family member I've had to share a room/bed with does! My sis is famous for this!
4. The Girl Who Played With Fire...excellent!


  1. Have you ever written a fan letter? Did he/she respond?
    Lol, no, but my constant daydreaming of an alternate life with said person isn't any more sane so I have no room to speak.

    What's the most embarrassing poster you had on your wall growing up?
    Hmmm....not embarrassed by any of them that I've had.

    Do you talk in your sleep? What's something crazy you've said?
    Nope, don't do that. Thank god! lol..but I've spoken while DRUNK and that's not any better! say all kinds of wild things apparently, lol.

    What's the last movie you rented? The Lovely Bones....very visually beautiful...sad story, but the very last lines of the movie really made me love it and I kept rewinding that part

  2. 1. Have you ever written a fan letter? Did he/she respond? Not that I can remember!
    2. What's the most embarrassing poster you had on your wall growing up? I wasn't allowed to hang posters on my wall growing up. Isn't that sad?
    3. Do you talk in your sleep? What's something crazy you've said? Jared says I do, but he's never mentioned me saying anything in particular. Now he literally talks, it just never makes sense to me.
    4. What's the last movie you rented? I have no idea! It's been so long since I've watched a movie.

  3. This is Elle Sees mommy , and I thought I would like to jump in and correct Elle Sees on Fridays answers. 1. Posters everywhere of (Back Street Boys.....
    #2.yes Elle Sees does laugh in her sleep ..... #3. And her mommy loves her very much !!!!!!!!! xxx oooo

  4. Have you ever written a fan letter? Did he/she respond?
    I can't remember but I am sure I have!

    What's the most embarrassing poster you had on your wall growing up?
    Some sort of boy band, Back Street Boys, NKOTB!

    Do you talk in your sleep? What's something crazy you've said?
    I have a couple times in my life, I actually stood up on the bed one time and didn't remember anything the next day.

    What's the last movie you rented? Killers with Ashton and Kathrine Heigel...it was ok.

    I love the jewelry rack idea...I may need to try that.


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)


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