
12 Months of Resolutions: April (& March Revisited)

Instead of creating a list of resolutions New Years Eve, I decided to do a different resolution each month. I did this in hopes that the resolution would stick. See previous months here.

For April, I am going out of my comfort zone with my style. I tend to have a classic. contemporary style but I always "play it safe." Not this month! Here's what I have planned: tights with shorts, brightly colored tights, brighter colors, color blocking, adventures with makeup & hair, wide-leg trousers, and red lipstick. If you've been following me on Twitter or reading my outfit posts, you've read how things are going so far! Are there any trends I should I add to the list?

For March, my resolution was to give up complaining. I thought this would be easy, but no. It did get easier with time!

NOTES: I don't think we realize how much we complain--I know I didn't. Ask most people if they think they're complainers and I'm sure your answer would be no for most. This is so not the case! 
We are so freaking lucky. Even on our worst days, we are lucky. I became aware of my words, and then my thoughts. I would try to turn that negative thought into a positive one. Before I got out of bed I would remind myself of all the good things. But I'm not perfect: I found that I complained about two things: Atlanta traffic (it's some of the worst I've ever witnessed) & others complaining (see Twitter).

CONTINUE: Yes! While I'm not as aware of it as I was in March, I still will catch myself. 

Could you go without complaining for a week? A month?


  1. not complaining would be so hard!
    and it looks like you're doing well with the whole branching out with style resolution. the color blocking outfit was cute! and i've always thought about tights with shorts but never actually tried it..i should though!

  2. I complain a lot! I love how you revisit your March goals! Good luck with everything :D I want to update my style too and I'm going to try to stray from my comfort zone this weekend on my shopping spree.

  3. my friend and i caught eachother complaining so much last week, what is the deal with that! i'm trying to be more conscious of it too..i like your april goals a lot, esp red lipstick, i think i want to try that but always chicken out :)

  4. I'm so happy you're sharing your monthly goals. I've been on a huge goal setting and personal development kick lately. SO I love to hear what other people are striving for. Sidenote: have you read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin? It's lovely and has a lot to do with setting goals and personal betterment!

  5. Less complaining? We could probably all benefit from that exercise.


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