
DIY: Mosaic Tile Art

I've been looking for some art to adorn the walls in my bathroom. I'd been admiring this from World Market, but not the $129 price tag:
This one from Target was about $99, but was too large for the space:
I thought about painting my own and while wandering through the paint section, I was looking at the paint chips & came up with an idea. What if I took the paint chips & used that as my painting? What resulted was an easy and CHEAP art project. 
Here's how I did it:

LEVEL: Beginner (that's pretty much the only level I craft)
  • Base--I used foam core, but scrap wood would work just as well. I'm hanging mine, so I wanted something light
  • Paint chips 
  • Spray paint (optional)
  • Foam brush
  • Spray adhesive glue
  • Modge Podge
  • Paint (to make glaze)
  • Paper plate, paper towels
Cut foam core (or whatever your base is) to size desired.
I wanted a dark background so I spray painted (I used the cheap stuff) my foam core black. 
This step is completely optional--I knew the background would show through, so mine's painted.
Once the paint had dried, I began laying out my paint chips in the pattern I liked. 
I then numbered them on the back so I could remember the order.
Following the can's directions, I sprayed the adhesive glue and placed my chips back in order.
Trust me, use spray adhesive glue. 
Modge Podge on the base will absorb and will curl the edges of the chips.
I poured my Modge Podge on a paper plate & used my foam brush to apply to the chips.
I applied 3 thin, even coats, following package directions.
Once dried, I mixed some paint with the Modge Podge and applied to my canvas with a foam brush.
I then wiped off excess with paper towels and let dry.
Add more paint according to your liking.
Once dried, paint an additional 2 or 3 coats of Modge Podge to seal.
Let dry and display as desired. Enjoy!

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  1. That's pretty impressive art for a DIY.

  2. cool! love it :)


  3. Clever girl! Love the color's you picked as well.

  4. Impressive! Even though you make it seem so easy, I bet if I attempted something like this I would manage to screw it up :)

  5. What a great DIY solution!! This looks so similar to the original. I bet if you threw it in a frame you wouldn't even be able to tell that it was paint chips and not some other fancy material. I've actually been on the hunt for some prints for my bedroom. I haven't even considered doing it myself, but now that I see this I feel like I should take a poke around the blog world and see if I can find any other great ideas like this!

  6. I don't have much confidence doing my own DIY's, but if one thing that pushes me, is not paying higher prices.... Well done you!!

  7. Love this! So cute and creative!

    I am having a give-a-way on my blog, check it out if you like! ($25 to Vantage Point Vintage's online store: http://www.shopvpv.com/


    <3 emma

  8. What a great idea! I just love how it turned out!


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