
Lovely Links

Monthly, I share links of blogs or posts I think you'd like. What are your plans this weekend? I plan on getting over this nasty cold. Be safe, behave, and be well. Love, Elle

The Maddy Chronicles is a fabulous photographer who shares her life & photos.
Elle Marie has been living in Tokyo for 10 years. My fave posts are her food posts; works of art!
Cornflake Dreams shares fashion, travel, and design...a little something for everyone!

PS: Here are some posts you may have missed:

DON'T FORGET: In honor of my ONE YEAR blog anniversary, I'm answering any & all questions you have about me or the blog! Leave a comment, Tweet me, or email.


  1. Congrats on a year of great blogging.

  2. I have a great question for you, not only myself, but a few other bloggie friends have been stalked, or harassed or slandered by jealous wannabe's... recently, in fact three of them on separate occasions. I'm wondering if we can do a list for them, so they can protect themselves. what I learned was to ignore, even blogging about them, an giving them notice in a blog post is like treating their bad behavior, essentially giving them what they want. We always put ourselves out there when we are online, but maybe we can put together for those who have not or don't know the best way to rid of them?

  3. thanks for the links. i especially loved the japanese one with the delicious food pics.

  4. Oh Happy one year anniversary! Have a wonderful weekend Doll!


  5. Maddy is one of my favorite blogs too :-)

  6. happy one year blogiversay! Hmm... what have you learnt in the last year of blogging?

    Loving the links too by the way :)

  7. OMG I'm a dork.. I just noticed you added my link...WOW, I am seriously honored Elle!!! I hope we can get to hang out some day or maybe we could trade products = )

  8. Oh get better soon babe! I hate being sick!


    It's OUT!
    Come and join The Pajama Project!
    Twenty York Street

    Twenty York Street

  9. Happy one year anniversary! I recently had mine to but did not give it proper celebration! You commented on my blog


    about that famous hair stylist Bill, so here is your question! Are you located in the Atlanta area or elsewhere?

  10. happy one year blogiversary!

    can't wait to check out these sites!

  11. Happy Blogoversary! That's so exciting :)

  12. thanks for the link love :) youre too sweet! be sure to link up this week with interior design inspiration or your dream room! xoxo jcd


I respond to comments via email, so make sure I can respond!
For a faster response, please use Twitter or email: elleseesyou@gmail.com

More ways to keep up with me: Bloglovin, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram , Youtube or email: elleseesyou@gmail.com

You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)