
12 Months of Resolutions: September (& August Revisited)

Each month I’ve been doing a different resolution, in hopes that they’ll stick around for more than a month. Read past resolutions here.

For August, I tried once again, to give up Diet Coke.

Grade: Well, uh...um…C?

Notes: Weeks 1 and 2 were great! And then week 3 came along. I had a nasty case of food poisoning (second time in 2 months) and the Diet Coke made me feel better. Ok, that’s my excuse for I drank it for 8 days straight. Yikes. And then the rest of the month I was good.

Would I do this again? Yes! It’s a constant struggle for me, since I love the caffeine, but I’d love to give it up forever. Or at least be able to drink one every once in a blue moon.

For September, my resolution is to read every day. One of my degrees is in English, so my love for reading has been a big part of my life. But in the past couple of years, I haven’t been reading as much. Instead, I’ve been on the Internet, usually blogging or reading blogs. For this month (and from here on out) I will read every day (mags don’t count!), and hopefully a book or two (or 3!) a week. I’m trying my best to reprioritize my time, since most of my spare time is spent writing comments or blogs or creating posts.
I’ll check back in next month!

What resolutions should I try next?

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  1. Hope you reach all your goals and resolutions this year :)


  2. I stopped drinking Diet Coke for good a few months back and I have never felt better. :)

  3. what a great idea to do a resolution each month! how cool!

  4. This is such a good idea! I think I might join you in trying to give something up this month!

  5. I like the idea of monthly resolutions much better than just every January 1! Good luck with yours


  6. I just love that you give yourself monthly resolutions. I should do this myself! I once gave up Diet Coke for a few years but sad to say I'm back on the sauce :) xoxo

  7. It's great that you do this review to your own life!


  8. I read an hour or so before bedtime- it helps me wind down for the day.

    Enjoy your break. PS I am following you on twitter now via flgirlnewlife.

  9. When I gave up drinking soda I switched to drinking flavored sparkling water for a while until I could stop with the fizzy stuff too. It really helped.

  10. Quitting Diet Coke has to be the hardest habit to kick {I type as I sip on the one on my desk} so props for everyday you didn't have one! I love how you are setting goals for yourself each month - good luck! I really don't read much so I commend you for making the time but I listen to a lot of books on CD in my long commute to work which I get from the library.

    Again good luck on your resolutions!


    ♥ Shia

  11. I think its a great resolution :) Everyone needs a good book in the life every once in awhile and if it can happen once a week, even better.

  12. I drink very little Coke but I know how hard it'd be to stop totally.

  13. OH my gosh babe, are you okay? I can't imagine what that feels like, throwing up and the etc!!! But hey, when I Feel like dog crap, I grab a full on full of sugar COKE!

  14. I'm terribly addicted to Mountain Dew! I really wish I could give it up. I love your resolution idea, very cool. Can't wait to see how September goes :)

  15. Yikes! Food poisoning twice in to months? Yuck. I heart your resolutions. Good luck with the reading non-magazine thing. If it weren't for audiobooks, I don't know what I would do with myself. Probably flip off a lot of drivers stuck in traffic with me? Yeah, it is a good thing for audiobooks.


  16. This is a really neat idea! I need to resolve to read everyday as well!


    Erin @ http://www.trufflesnruffles.com/

  17. I totally feel you about the Diet coke! I have the same problem-- i love this post though, it actually has content!


  18. I quit drinking sodas a few years ago and I feel great!! Hope you'll succeed too!!

    My reading day is Sunday!

    Have a great day, hon!! xoxoxo


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