
November's Pop Sugar Must Have Box!

This week has been rough--and it's only Wednesday! All of a sudden, I've been receiving mean comments on le blog. It's upset me to the point I haven't even decorated for Christmas, which if you know me, that's saying something. Add that to PMS (sorry, keepin' it real) and I'm in a need of a dose of happiness. So as I keep reminding myself I can't please everyone, and that I'm putting myself out there so I should expect criticism, I'm sharing something that makes me happy: BOX FULL OF THINGS! We've all heard of the beauty boxes, but what about one that has a little bit of everything? I saw this on Kimberlee's blog, and begged everyone for it as a birthday present. Introducing the Pop Sugar Must Have Box!

November's PopSugar Must Have Box

First things first--this box is pricey at $35 a month (I have a 6 month sub) and my items were all full-sized. Inside the themed box (this month was Thanksgiving Holidays) are items for each must-have area, like beauty, fashion, and home. There's a booklet that goes into full detail on each item. I am totally thrilled with this box. Let's open the box and see what I got!


Food: La Boite Spice Mixer--Various spices that come with recipes and suggestions on how to use them. I've only sniffed and tasted these, as I don't cook. But luckily my friends do!

Food: Stonewall Kitchen Cinnamon Sugar Donut Mix--Need I say more? These have to be good! I will update this (and Instagram and Twitter) with pics as soon as I devour them, like this weekend!

Fitness+ Home

FitnessMandy Ingeber's Yogalosophy DVD--She's been working with A-List stars, like Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Aniston, so this has to be amazing, right? Post-Thanksgiving foodiness, here I come!

HomeSnow & Graham Thank You Notes--As a Southern girl, writing Thank You notes has been part of my life since I could, well, write! These are a pretty, feminine Dogwood flower design.

Fashion + Beauty + Extras

Fashion: Gorjana Parker Bracelet--This gold and leather wrap bracelet has been spotted on celebs

Beauty: Mor Lip Macarons--The scent of this lip balm will whisk your mind away to baking macarons in Paris. The texture is so smooth and heavenly.

Extras: Free StyleMint Tee! Free $30 credit to CanvasPop (pic on a canvas).

Do you subscribe to monthly boxes? Would you try out PopSugar's Must Have Box?

PS: Want $5 off your own PopSugar Box? Use the code REFERFRIENDS


  1. Ok, I am definitely going to subscribe to this. This box is amazing.

  2. Oh, Elle, brush off the nasty comments. Who cares?

  3. This sounds like a wonderful box and I'm glad it cheered u up. That being said I still can't believe that there are people out there that just constantly show up on blogs bashing the author. If you don't like it, one click and you're out of there, why hate?
    I think you are a wonderful blogger, beautiful lady and a super creative mind. I know it stinks having people be nasty when you're putting yourself out there but just know that if people are trying to put you down, it's because you're flying high ;)

  4. Hey Elle, I have commented in awhile but I'm always reading, thanks for checking in to my blog. I'm really sorry about the negativity. Remember it's not you it's them, for sure. You have a great blog, what I love about it is that it's organic and real. Very well done.

    I loved the cranberry post and I wrote downt he pink shades because I love the way those colors look on me. You are on a roll!

    Glad you got a "happy" box. Take care Elle,


    Shauna xoxoxxoxoxo

  5. I get it all of the time with my interviews and shows. Remember, they are hiding behind a keyboard....and usually negativity comes from jealousy. You are awesome, don't forget that! :)

  6. Oh no :( Sorry to hear that. I seriously feel bad for the people who have the need to put others down - I don't understand what motivates them to spend their own time putting others! You're so beautiful and talented and don't let the trolls take anything away from you <3

  7. Cute! Sugar dough and yoga dvd - the ultimate mix!
    Love this post.

  8. box looks awesome! so sad I can't have it mine))
    I'm sorry about the mean people but it happens all the time

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. I'm hosting a glasses giveaway on my blog here check it out!

  9. Hi Elle, so sorry to hear about people leaving nasty comment, they are probably just jealous of the success and interest of your blog and therefore thats why they are acting out so rudely. This is a great box and fully worth the price!

  10. I'm sorry but those people can get lost, this is your blog and you should be able to put up whatever you want. I truly believe in the saying "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". Your an accomplished blogger, so take it as them being jealous, xoxo.

  11. I enjoy reading your blog and I learn a lot of tips from you that I use everyday. Even though I can't curl my hair(yet)..reading your blog inspires me to take care of myself. Hugs. This is great treat. Enjoy. :)

  12. What an amazing box of goodies! I love Mandy's Yogalosophy, I do it all the time. Forget everything and indulge in this box! xoxox

  13. This is SUCH a cool box!!! I want one now!

  14. I hope you don't dwell on these things too much because most likely it stems from jealousy or self consciousness. Anyway the food was definitely a winning factor for me!! =)

    Love from the NaNa girls xoxo

  15. I don't have an extra $35/month to spend on a sweet box like that, but that $55 bracelet alone makes it worth the cost!

    Ignore your haters. Or celebrate them. I received my first negative comment on my blog yesterday. I got really excited. I've totally made it as a blogger, right? I choose to interpret it as people other than my friends are reading my blog. Besides, maybe the jerk will read other posts in an attempt to write other mean comments... but instead, learn something! (I can dream, right?)

    Your blog is awesome, totally one of my faves, and anyone who thinks otherwise can just move along.

  16. Ignore the haters,Elle! Peeps who do that like the anonymity of the internet...bah! Keep doing what you're doing!
    I do love everything in the box:)

  17. You cant let mean comments get to you. For many, the internet is a juvenile playground where they can throw out insensitivity anonomously. dont let it get u down...

  18. Getting mean comments just means you're so awesome that others are jealous. Brush it off - those people are lame and have nothing better to do but spread hatred.

  19. That Gorjana bracelet is really cute!

    And mean people really suck. You're a wonderful blogger and I'm glad that we've been blog friends for as long as we have!

  20. I'm sorry about the mean comments! Mean people suck. Just keep smiling & doing what you do :-) I love the Snow & Graham cards!

  21. Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I've been following your blog for a while, and I love it! Don't let the haters get you down, it just means your successful enough to get noticed and they hate that. Like people have commented above, rude comments usually stem from jealousy. And just remember that quote "Behind every successful person lies a pack of haters."

  22. Sounds awesome. I may have to get it...

  23. hehe I turned you onto the box craze ;)

    Bummed I missed out on this one. If you don't want anything... feel free to pass it on :p

  24. Sorry to hear that you are having a rough week. I signed up for the December box and can't wait to see what's inside :)

  25. I never was a fan of my birch box, but this looks like something I would LOVE?!

  26. Mean comments on the blog?! What? Some people have so little self-esteem and happiness in their lives that they can think of nothing better to do than put down others. You rock, lady, and I only wish I had a blog half as successful as yours. Don't let those losers bring you down or discourage you!

  27. Elle, keep your chin up girl! Whenever you're doing well and progressing, there will always be people like that who will try and put you down. It's nothing but jealousy! Your posts are always inspiring and educational. Thanks for showcasing this box! Yaaaaay a foodie box and MORE! It's great to see there's another option. I may get this. Hope your week gets better!

  28. Why would anyone write mean comments to you?!?!? That's so terrible!!! And people need to get a life! Try not to let it bother you too much =) That box looks amazing! I need to try those little lip glosses! Yum!!! =)

  29. who is being mean to you?! I will never understand people who leave mean comments. I mean dont you have anything better to do with your time and what ever happened to the "treat others how you would want to be treated" mantra?

    Just dust that dirt off your shoulder lady

  30. That Yogalosophy video is AAAAHH-mazing! I can barely get through it and thought maybe it was just cause I was out of shape so I lent it to my fitness nerd sister in law and she said it kicked her butt too. :) We both LOVE it! :D You know you've found a winner when she tells you "Go ahead, take a break. No one's watching." LOL

  31. What a cool box! And who would leave mean comments?! Don't let anyone get the best of you. :)


  32. Sorry about the mean comments! I love reading your blog and reading your sweet comments on mine. Don't let mean people interrupt the Christmas season! :)

  33. Omg those look sloop good! Now I'm hungry!

  34. *soooo good. Stupid autocorrect

  35. Sorry about the mean comment. looks like you got a nice box.

  36. Pss- ignore all the haters; they can suck it!

  37. I'm behind on my reading and just saw this - I can't believe someone's being such an ass to you. Screw them. You're awesome! Seriously, it's just as simple as that.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  38. I don't mind if people don't agree with something on my blog, I don't expect only praising, but I do mind if their language was unappropriate, I think you can express your criticism politely.. I would ban them really, if I'd sense them being mean just for the sake of it..

  39. I'm so sorry you've been getting nasty comments. Just ignore them, they aren't worth your time. 99% of the time those sort of comments are made out of jealousy. You have an amazing, informative blog that lots (and lots) of us read and love every day. Keep doing what you are doing! sending virtual hugs your way!

    Okay, you got some awesome stuff in that box. Cool!

  40. I ordered back in October and I will get my first box this month in December. I am so thrilled yay! Thanks for sharing!


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