
Holiday Party Week: Avoid Flashback in Photos

How was your weekend? Mine was fine--I took Charlie the Wonderpup for pics with Santa (I'll post them here for Christmas, but they were already posted on my Instagram). Speaking of pics, I think you'll find today's post helpful. Welcome to Holiday Party Week! All week long I'm sharing tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you look great for those holiday parties, even through NYE. First up is a quick tip for looking great in photos:

created flashback vs. no flashback

When it comes to taking pics, I'm awkward in front of the camera, no matter how hard I try not to be, and preferring to run and/or hide when a camera is present. And there's always that one person who manages to get you into a pic, and then posts it for all to see, regardless of how you look! While I don't really have tips on how to pose (note: my only tip is hide, but it's impossible to look inconspicuous hiding behind a tree) my one beauty photo tip is to not wear foundation with a high SPF for photos. Yes, SPF is vital to skin protection, but when it comes to photos, the titanium dioxide (thanks, Google) causes flashback. Flashback means your face will appear really bright and white (even if you're wearing bronzer, even if the pic is in the daytime) and will be much lighter than the rest of your body (since we don't usually put foundation on our bodies). And there's no way to make a pic look good after that...other than hiding behind a tree maybe? ;)

If you know you're going to have your picture taken for some fancy occasion, avoid face products with SPF. I personally recommend this only on special occasion where pictures are taken, like a wedding, regardless of time of day to avoid flashback. Additionally, I would suggest not overdoing the shimmery makeup. Naturally, SPF can be applied after photos are taken if desired. Revlon Colorstay is a great drugstore option that won't give flashback.

What are your best pic posing tips?
Do you like having your picture taken?


  1. so excited about this week!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. I'm hosting a glasses giveaway on my blog here check it out!

  2. I had no idea. Thanks for the tip!

  3. I had no idea about SPF creating flashbacks on photos. Thanks for this tip. I'll have to look for an alternative foundation.

  4. I had nooo idea! Thanks for the tip:)
    Do check out my blog and let me know if u wanna follow each other:)
    Hugs from India

  5. Hi Elle, how are you? Sorry for being so scarce, the gremlins held my internet hostage. You look so lovely in these images! Thanks for the tips.

  6. You are far from unphotogenic! Great tip about avoiding foundation with SPF for photos with flash. I always choose something without SPF if I know I'm going to be photographed at night - my fav is NARS Sheer Glow :)

  7. Great tips here - I had the flashback or shine that sometimes appears in pictures of me!

    Pearls & Paws

  8. That's really interesting. I had no idea foundation could cause that.


  9. Wow, I never knew about the SPF-side effect. I actually try not to use anything with SPF, but it's good to know anyway.
    I am the same when it comes to photos - absolutely hate being photographed... :(

  10. I never even knew about flashback. Is that why I look like a vampire in my pictures? LOL! And I would have to say that every picture you post of yourself here looks great, so I don't think you're completely unphotogenic!

  11. Oh wow. I never knew that. Great tip!

  12. hey just found your blog and i really like it!
    follow you right now!

  13. You're not photogenic?!?!? Then I'm a monkey's aunt!
    Anyhoo, totally agree with not using SPF anything on the face when taking pics. That's just asking for trouble:)

  14. You look great in pictures! Thanks for the tip about flashback!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  15. Elle! i am having a helluva time getting my pics to not be fuzzzzzy. urgh. i will conquer. don't you fret. hahahaha.

    nice of you to give those figurines to your Mom. mega thoughtful of you!!!!

  16. Really great tip Elle - I did not know that about SPF

  17. Love this! Super useful and well researched tip!

  18. Never knew this! So wonderful to know :) Thanks for sharing!

  19. this is really interesting. i didn't think about it, but will try your tips.

  20. First of all, you look beautiful in that picture, so the non-photogenic thing baffles me! Silly, girl.
    This is excellent advice though - I never knew that before, but it makes perfect sense! Fingers crossed I can take a decent picture this holiday thanks to this new info :)

  21. Thank you for the recommendation!! The pictures of you is stunning! Stop by and visit my blog for a chance to win a gift card from Nordstrom!

  22. Pics for me are torture... I always feel my eyes look weird! Haha!

  23. great tips. I can't wait to see what you have in stored for this week.

  24. um, THANK YOU you're brilliant thank you for sharing that! I will keep that in mind this Saturday when i go to a christmas party!



  25. that is a very interesting tip! i didn't know that.

  26. really? i never knew that it was spf doing this, tank you!

  27. I had no clue about the spf! that is good to know! Now I like taking pictures, before I didn't :D

  28. you look so gorgeous in this picture by the way


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