
December PopSugar Must Have Box

Happy New Year! What did you for for NYE? Do you have today off from work? I do, thankfully. It'll be a little rough getting back into the routine and adding new ones (more on that tomorrow). In the meantime, I'll reminisce about the holidays and my December Pop Sugar Must Have Box:

Bodum Bistro Mugs--My French Press is made from this brand, so I was pleased to receive these in my box. Odd fact: I don't like drinking glasses because they sweat. I can't stand it. But these glass mugs remind me of Tervis cups. They keep cold drinks cold, hot drinks hot, and they don't sweat. The glass doesn't get hot really on the outside, so if you like holding a mug to keep hands warm, this doesn't fit that need. Just remember they're glass and well, breakable.--My fave item from the box!

Bogdon's Peppermint Poles--I have been going through these rather quickly in my coffee and cocoa. Peppermint sticks covered in chocolate...yes!

Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit--This is one of my fave things ever! I used this for my sister's wedding and will for NYE. It will stay in my travel kit too. There are many solutions packed into this adorable little pouch, including earring backs, double-sided tape, deodorant towels, stain remover, safety pins, and so much more. 

Tea Forté-I'm not a big hot tea drinker, but annually go through phases of drinking it obsessively. I also use tea for beauty purposes too, so it's great to keep around. There are some flavors I've not tried before, so I'm excited.

Jabonería Marianella Soaps--The Jabonería Marianella Antioxidant Moisturizing Face and Body Milk Bar is rich with goat milk, cocoa butter, and more to leave your face and skin with a healthy, happy glow. I'll be digging into this New Year's Day, I'm sure.

GoSwype--Use this cloth to wipe off your phone when you need to, and breathe easy knowing it removes dirt, oil, grime, fingerprints, and up to 98% of germs and bacteria. --My least favorite item.

$30 to Rent the Runway--Haven't used this yet, but maybe a special occasion will arise in 2013?

Overall: My least favorite box I've received, but here's hoping for a better box this month!


  1. lovely..want it too!

  2. I need that minimergency kit! Anyhoo, Happy New Year, Elle, and all the best for the new year!

  3. Hi Elle and Happy New Year. I just subscribed to Popsugar thanks to you. My husband receives a Box of Awesome and loves it so I thought I'd try this. Thanks

  4. That soap looks dreamy! I'm glad that you had a nice new years. I didn't do anything special--just had lots of tea and watched the TV, haha! :)



  6. Happy New Year, buddy. I hope this year treats you with love.

  7. Great post, shame it's your least fav box!


  8. I don't even want to think about work tomorrow.. I'm hoping we can leave earlier, fingers crossed!

  9. Fingers crossed you get a better box next month, but at least you got some neat goodies out of this one. I have always wanted to try out Rent the Runway. Happy New Year, and here's to a great 2013!

  10. Bodum makes really lovely, well designed products! So cool that you got that in your box!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  11. Nice items, I have to admit I love tea lol. I heard goats milk is really good for dry skin. Happy New Year too, here's to more success for your blog honey, xoxo.

  12. Happy New Year, I can't wait to see all of your posts in 2013.

  13. The tea sounds good :) I had a very nice evening with my family :) <3

  14. I had the day off too! Actually I have tomorrow off too!Thank you for stopping by Elle, you're a sweetheart! xoxo Coco

  15. Sounds like a great box! Hope your NYE was amazing and 2013 brings you beautiful blessings you deserve!

  16. Elle! Great info you have shared. I like the phone wipes and your fingernail manicure as you hold the cup in the first photo. Hahahaha! AND ...Thank you for your recent stops at my site. I love seeing you there.

  17. I'm taking the day off today, with a little writing to do. There's always writing to do! Thanks so much for coming by Club-Content's blog, and I wish I could fix the pinning abuse;( Have a Happy New Year!

  18. I love all of these! That tea sounds great - I've recently been getting converted into tea since my man isn't a coffee drinker and has none in his house.
    How was your NYE, love? I spent a crazy night out dancing and hanging out with 15 of my close friends. Thankful for the day off today! Hope your year is off to a beautiful start, doll! xox

  19. All of these things look neat. I'm a pretty big tea drinker so I think that'd be a favorite of mine.

  20. Sounds like you got some pretty great stuff! I could seriously uses those goswypes! My phone is always getting dirty.. That mini emergency kit could really come in handy too!

  21. The GoSwype cloths sounds clever and very useful. Happy New year dear. xx/Madison

  22. What great things!! I have to say the tea is my favorite!! I drink tea every day and I love that brand!!

  23. Elle, that was a nice box of things! Love your mugs and oooh la la TEA! NICE!

  24. Nice mugs! Happy new year Elle.

  25. This is a great box and loving the mug! Happy New Year!

  26. These are awesome treats. Hope you have a great first week of 2013.

  27. I loved this box. Of course it was my first box so I did not get to experience the awesomeness of past boxes. Maybe better luck next or this month rather.

  28. It was my least favorite box too :/ I liked the mugs but everything else didn't really add up to $100 in my book. I gave the tea bags to my mom who is going to give to her friend. I am a tea drinker but I tend to stick to English Breakfast and Lipton. Didn't like the peppermint sticks so I threw them out.

  29. I like the mug. Have a similar one I use over and over again. Never tried french press though, but it sounds delicious.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Clothes for Less

  30. That looks like a pretty good box. The clutch is especially adorable.


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