
The 52 Project: Halfway Through January

Hey you! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good, and I managed to spend no money. This leads me to today's post: an update! In case you missed my original post, I'm doing a different resolution each week of 2013. Some of these are big obstacles I want to tackle, and others will be little things, but they will all be important to me. For years, I did a monthly resolution, and wanted to do something challenging this year. Traditionally, odd-numbered years haven't been great for me, but I'm refusing to believe that this year. This year will be my best one yet. I just know it.

I'm mentioning the resolutions on my Monday posts, with more day-to-day updates on Twitter and Instagram. I feel like the small updates will fit better on those social media channels, but if there is interest, that can always change. I will then do a big monthly post recapping each week's progress for that month. I'm not choosing to share all 52 at once because I'd like them to be little surprises and I currently have more than 52 ideas. I want the resolutions to fall organically into place, as I whittle them down. Today only, I'm sharing my updates so far, since the project is still new, and as some of you may have missed it. Here we go:

Week 1: Drink only water
Result: I did it!
Would I Do It Again? Yes!
Notes: I was dreading this, but wanted to start the project off with a big challenge. I usually would have a glass of water a day prior to this resolution. I had a headache for the first three days, but that was due to a stomach bug. I found myself drinking over 64 ounces a day! I didn't notice any change in my skin (it was only a week) but I did feel more tired than usual. A little TMI, but I felt like I had bad breath the whole week. I didn't add fruit or any flavoring to the water. Now that the challenge has ended, I still find myself drinking only water while at work, with plans to occasionally have soda, coffee, and sweet tea.

Week 2: Spend no money
Result: I did it!
Would I Do It Again? Yes! But it's kinda impossible to do every week!
Notes: I am admittedly very frugal in general, but spend my money on entertainment with friends, be it movies, dinner out, and so on. I completed this challenge, but felt like I cheated since I used a giftcard for a coffee and a friend (who didn't know about this challenge--sidenote: only my closest friends and family know I even have a blog. I'm very shy.) took me out to dinner. Friends came over and cooked to watch the game, so that was fun and entertainment! I went to Goodwill (thrift store) with a friend and had fun looking at everything. It was like being broke at college all over again! It isn't a realistic resolution to do every week, but occasional spending bans, are helpful.

Week 3: Walk with my chin parallel to the ground (starts today!!!)
This will probably sound silly, and this is probably something that most of you do and don't even think about! But I tend to walk with my head down a little, looking at the ground. Although I do this to look where I'm going (super clumsy!) and to blend into the background, I know it comes across as I'm sad/low self-esteem, even though that's not true. I lived my whole life trying to look normal, be a part of the crowd, and trying not to be noticed, and I think it's about time I was.

Did you make resolutions? How are they going so far?
Would you do a weekly or monthly resolution?

PS: Please let me know what you would like to see more/less of on the blog. 
Your feedback is very helpful and appreciated! 

Want more? Follow Elle Sees on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.


  1. congrats! I definitely don't think gift cards are cheating, and am so excited to see your challenges for every week! You are starting everything off strong, but I hope if you have trouble with a week you don't get discouraged after all, you can always try again! ;)

    Also, I like every aspect of your blog so you should just keep doing what you're doing, girl!

  2. Hello,
    Following you from the blog hop :)
    sandra xx

  3. congrats on your success with week 1 - I struggle, sooo much with drinkin water!

    I like your new goal - my dad tends to do that as well, I'm not sure he notices though?? lol!

  4. this is a cool initiative! hope your week's resolution goes well :)

  5. This is a great idea, so much more managable than a few resolutions for the entire year. Looking forward to reading more. Have a great day!!!

  6. These were good challenges, I think i could do the first one easily, the second one I am not so sure and I like the sound of the third one - its something I need to practice, you've inspired me to try it out this week too!

  7. I used to make resolutions years back...dnt do it anymore (cuz i cant follow them :((( )...its nice to read that you working each day towards your weekly goal :))...all the best Elle :* ...waiting to read more of it :))..

  8. Well done. I think this is amazing, the whole idea of doing a different resolution every week. I get put off by resolutions because they seem so big and hard to reach and I have no structure to it. So I think your way of doing it solves all these problems.

  9. You're off to a great start! Good luck with this week!


  10. I've never paid attention to that thing about walking, Elle...something I will do now.
    And yes....congrats on being able to do the weekly resolutions so far:)

  11. Chin up, chest out!!

  12. I like how you're keeping track of your progress - looks like you're doing a really good job so far this year

  13. Hi Elle! Love your resolutions...week one(got that in the bag), the others(still working on), lol! Anyway, love your blog...found you over at the ILMOF GFC blog hop...following you now. Have a blessed week!

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls

  14. Congrats on sticking with the first set of resolutions! Spending for a week can be hard (except for groceries right?) because I also like to see friends for a meal. Good luck on the other resolutions!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  15. i love this week to week resolution thing you have going on :) i think i should do that too! year long resolutions never work for me :(

    The DayLee Journal

  16. Congrats on your no spending week. I need to get back in to drinking more water

  17. Well, that is a great way to get the resolutions done! I am a new follower from the blog hop, looking forward to seeing what else you are going to do. You can find me at:


    some healthy living tips for everyone!

  18. I'm so loving your blog! I will be trying that water challenge! Found you on the blog hop, maybe you can check out my blog when you get a chance :)


  19. these are good resolutions, and i'm impressed that you're keeping them! i honestly don't think i could go a weekend without spending money

  20. This sounds great! I'm also trying to drink a lot more water, but I still can't let go of my morning coffee lol.

  21. I love this and I'd love to see you keep posting about your progress on here! It's hard to only drink water for a week straight. I always feel better when I drink lots of it though. I look down when I walk a lot too because I'm clumsy too, or it's freezing and it helps protect my face from getting snow blown into it. But it does look better and stronger to walk with a high head.

  22. this is such a great motivational post. it's good to be back on the blogosphere, and i just noticed the different look of your blog. love it! keep up the great work, and i'll visit more often now that i have some things straightened out. wishing you an awesome 2013!!


  23. Great job girl! I'm trying to drink more water too! I'm also going n a very tight spending budget for the next couple of months to make up for the holiday crazy!

  24. New follower from the hop!

  25. I think it is so interesting that you are doing a 52 week project. I can't wait to see what else you have planned.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  26. Having good posture is a great goal! My mom used to have me practice by holding a book on my head and walking across the room -- but only when I had to model the clothes I made in 4-H. I know -- I'm a total nerd. :)

  27. this is pretty cool! I think i might have to pick up on this.

  28. This is awesome, Elle :) Well done. Congrats! Please continue posting your resolutions .


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)