
The 52 Project

Have you made your New Year Resolutions? Please share! For the past five years, I did my resolutions a bit differently. I did them monthly, and shared them for a couple of years on my 12 Months of Resolutions series. I loved seeing family, friends, and other bloggers join me and share their own monthly resolutions. But after failing miserably one month last year, I gave up the project.

I decided for 2013, I'm doing a weekly resolution. Some of them will be big things, some easy, some silly, and some will be small things. Small things add up to big changes, and I want to challenge myself this year. My biggest challenge: I'm tired of being an introverted wallflower. I've turned down many blog opportunities or even social events simply because I'm too shy. This year will be one of transformation. I can't wait! Please join me!

The plan: I'll mention each week's resolution at the end of Monday's post, with a little more discussion/pictures on Twitter and Instagram. I hope you follow me on those! Then, I'll do a monthly recap with more details and pics of how each week went, if I want to keep doing that resolution and so on. First up, I resolve to drink only water for a week. Let's see how my Diet Coke and sweet tea-loving self will handle it!

Is there a resolution you'd like to see me try for a week? 
Do you have resolutions? Please share. :)


  1. What a great idea!
    I absolutely *NEED* to drink more water..ugh. i'm terribly addicted to coke zero, juice and adding anything in my water to avoid drinking it plain!

  2. This sounds interesting, plus if you blog about it, I think you're more likely to stick with it. I don't really have any resolutions other than to keep running, which I took up again about a month ago. I told a couple friends about it, so I'm more likely to stick with it so it doesn't look like I can't commit to something haha.
    Good luck with the water resolution! That's probably one anyone should try.

  3. This is awesome! I hope you are able to keep your resolutions. I never am able to stay on track so I just don't make them anymore. I will be checking in to see how things go for you. :)

  4. I love the idea of weekly resolutions! I've just made a couple of big-picture resolutions that I hope to work on all year long, but I'm definitely going to break things down into smaller steps and goals in the months to come!

    xx Ellie

  5. I love the weekly idea. I myself am doing a similar thing. I have all these ideas on things I want to change/improve/etc, and focusing on one specific thing each week is perfect!

    The Blue Hour

  6. Love the idea of small weekly resolutions! I have stopped making them since I rarely follow through... instead I focus on being a better person. And The Happiness Project just arrived - can't wait to start reading it :)

    Pearls & Paws

  7. wow! great idea!
    you can see my new year resolution on my blog right now!
    happy new year!!!

  8. Good luck with your plans honey.
    Happy New Year darling!

  9. Good idea of having weekly goals - I like that! Good luck, and HAPPY NEW YEAR :)

  10. Good luck, Elle! Mine is the same every year, which is to lose a few pounds, less shopping and less coffee:)

  11. What a good project! Good luck with it!


  12. that sounds like a great plan! happy new year & hope you can commit to all your 52 resolutions!

  13. You can do it and the blog world would love to see more of you (and you're welcome to post on my blog as well!)
    Good luck with the water only resolution!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  14. That sounds like a great plan. I have a few resolutions and one of them is to stay away from sugar and meat {expect fish}. I used to be a vegetarian for 5 years and would like to go back to not eating meat.

  15. I love your resolutions! I'm going to try to cook and exercise more.

  16. Happy 2013 Elle and your first week's resolution is a tough one. I like this idea of a mini challenge each week though - good on ya!

  17. I really like this idea - it seems so much more manageable! Good thinking, girl! :)

  18. Woah. Good luck! This is a great idea! I'm trying to cut out diet coke... so far so good. But I cannot give up coffee. nope. too hard.


  19. That sounds like a great idea. I just did my bucket list too.


  20. That's actually a really good resolution. A week isn't really that long. I think I'm going to purchase a blender so I can start making smoothies. I wanted to save this goal for the summer, but there's really no reason to wait and not start now!

  21. Wow, this is such a great idea! And like you, I have a tendency to hold myself back because I am shy and terrified of failure/rejection. I am definitely hoping to put myself out there more this year and not worry so much about what others think. We can help motivate each other in our efforts to be less shy! :)

  22. OH I love the idea of weekly/monthly goals. I hate letting myself down or looking back at the end of the year at the things I wasn't able to complete. Small goals each week or month just might work for me! And blogging about it will hold me accountable. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. What a great idea! I feel like that's so much more attainable or less intimidating at least lol! Happy 2013! xx

  24. Sounds like a plan! Good luck with this week task! x

  25. I wish you lots of success if your weekly goals. At this moment I have a list of things that I want to accomplish but I have not set specific deadlines for them. Like you though I am really shy and I pass by on opportunities that could be really great for me. So this year I am going to work on speaking out more and doing more.

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  26. That is a great idea! short terms goals are easier for me, I think I need instant gratification :)
    I know you'll do great!

  27. Hi Elle, the idea of weekly resolutions sounds brilliant. And it will help keep the rest of us on track too. I would never have thought you were introverted (i am very much so myself) You always display a persona of confidence, which I admire.

  28. That's an interesting concept. I don't know if I'd be creative enough to come up with something new every week. Good luck achieving your goals!

  29. What a cool idea! I love the idea of taking it a week at a time!

  30. Weekly resolutions are such a great idea! I always get overwhelmed making year-long ones, so maybe a smaller one would be better!

    I'm going to try and eat more fruits and veggies for one week, that's for sure! :)

  31. That's such a great idea - small goals are still giant steps!! :) Coincidentally, my resolution was to drink a lot more water this year... and also to stop going to Starbucks every single day haha... maybe twice a month or something. It's an expensive addiction!

  32. Hi, I think I am going to try your monthly resolution idea. I think for me a week would go buy before I really started the changes. But the whole idea of a monthly resolution is new to me! so today I resolve to write at least one post a week in my blog(s)! thanks for the idea! maybe we can keep each other honest!

  33. I love the way you're doing your resolutions Elle! The experts say you should be specific and do them in increments. You'll definitely be successful. I need to lay off soda's myself. HaHaHa

  34. A weekly resolution sounds like a good idea. I think it'll give more chance to actually fulfill new year's resolutions. i'm definitely going to try it. :D


  35. I didn't make any resolutions this year but i hope everyone else keeps theres!


  36. I think this is such a great idea! I may have to try it. I could do anything for a week. :)

  37. A weekly goal seems like an excellent idea. I could definitely drink more water too! I hear it's good for you. ;)

  38. I love this idea! One a week seems doable!

  39. I love that you are looking to grow/evolve in 2013. Kudos to you. That is admirable.

    I haven't settled on my 2013 resolution just yet...

  40. Oop. Tina L. Hook here. This is my new link back.

  41. Wow Elle, this sounds really cool, what a fabulous idea! I think I might hop on board next year :)

    Good luck with drinking water all week! I'm a caffeine addict so I would have a super hard time, but it sounds like an amazing idea!

    Rachel’s Lookbook

  42. I actually love this idea. I used to write weekly resolutions, but somehow that habit got lost... maybe I should start again!

  43. This is a fantastic idea! Love that you drank water for a week...I should do this one but I have to admit that I mainly drink water so maybe stay way from chips? Lol. I too am shy and don't like big groups - whem I am with BK it's easy for me to become a home body. I need to get out more as well! xo.

  44. I'm in! I just wrote out my first four resolutions for this month... I can't wait to see how this goes for you, and I'll be blogging about it, too :)

  45. Great idea! Good luck with the water! I should try that one myself.


  46. Love this idea! I used to drink only water on the weekends. I need to break my diet beverage habit, I'm in the process of cutting it down to one can a day. So hard...

  47. I absolutely love this idea and will be following you along for the ride! I am doing somethign similar. my year of fear and conquering one thing each month for the year....52 things is entirely different! :)


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