
Elle's Favorite Beauty Tips

Um, where exactly is spring? Last weekend the weather was glorious (me: short sleeves and iced tea) and this week, it's freeze warnings (me: multiple scarves and preparing for an imaginary snow storm). Ok, so flowers probably aren't blooming where you are, but maybe these tips of mine could put some "spring" in your step? Maybe? Let's just skip to some of my Favorite Beauty Tips:

via Google Shopping

Most Unexpected Use: Acne pads--I think this was one of my first tips I shared almost three (!!) years ago. I use these to quickly exfoliate my feet. Great for travel--just pop some in a Ziploc bag. Just in time for spring/summer sandals!

Must-Have Product: Chapstick--I'm not joking when I say that (a) Chapstick is my Favorite Beauty Product of All Time or that (b) I can easily rattle off a dozen uses for it. I've shared a few Chapstick tips here and on Instagram with plans on sharing a post of all my favorite uses for it. Here's one: use plain Chapstick to stop bleeding nicks due to shaving.

Cheapest Product: Starbucks Napkins--I originally shared my love for these on my Beauty On The Go At Starbucks post. They're free, are found practically everywhere, portable, and easily blot away oil. I've even used mine to curl the ends of my hair or add volume to roots.

Most Unusual Product: Interdental Brushes--If you had braces, you've probably seen these tiny brushes used to clean them. These make excellent mascara spoolies for removing clumps or grabbing those elusive tiny, bottom lashes. I've used these for years, and shared over a dozen uses for these cheap brushes here.

Least Surprising: Moisturizer--While skin can most certainly be harmed by what you consume (and stress!), it is most damaged by what happens to it externally. The best way to combat skin cancer and aging is to use moisturizer (and sunscreen) on your face, neck, and chest. Don't forget hands and lips, too! I wish I would've started this much earlier in life!

Best Hair Product: Satin Pillowcase--I will keep sharing this tip until you all start using one! Seriously though, if you want to avoid creases on your face or tangled hair, get a satin pillowcase. It helps to extend my blow outs, too.

Tastiest Product: Honey--Feel free to insert coconut oil or olive oil here, but I use raw honey for so many of my Beauty DIYs. I use it to moisturize my body, hair and to heal skin. Try a dab of it on a zit or a small wound.

Share your favorite Beauty Tips!


  1. Great tips!!

    Thank you so much for linking up with past Aloha Friday Blog Hops!! I'm just now getting around to following everyone back. I've followed you via GFC & Bloglovin. If you have time, I hope you follow me back if you haven't already!!

    The new Aloha Friday Blog Hop launches Thursday evening and we are hosting a GREAT giveaway!!! Come and check it out tomorrow! Aloha Friday Blog Hop HERE!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

  2. Next time I get a pimple, I am definitely going to reach for the honey! That was a great tip and one I have never heard before.

  3. Hm... maybay I should try the Satin Pillowcase sometime.
    I love to eat honey lol :)

  4. i always have those starbucks napkins too in my bag and every pocket of my coats hehehe! great tips i do need to buy me satin pillowcase soon!


  5. Whoa! Acne pads for the feet? I love this tip:)

  6. Snow here possibly Friday. I like snow.

  7. I am so with you on chapstick - I never leave home without it.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  8. Had no idea about the acne pads for your feet. Brilliant!

  9. Love this! I planned on a post next week. I love Chapstick but the uses you find for it are great. Really on the acne pads for feet? Wow. Coconut oil is my fav I keep it in the shower. SPF loftion is key I just wish they made a hand lotion to fit in my purse. No one seems to make them. At least drug store brands. I wish St. Ives made one because they use natural products at that's a plus! Great post Elle!

    Marisa @ a girl in heels

  10. I just got a pedicure yesterday and I want to keep my feet soft, so thanks for the tip, I will have to get some of those pads later at Walmart.

  11. Spring is hiding from me in KC, also. It's supposed to snow today AND this weekend! Oy vey.

    Love the tips, Elle! Beauty genius. :)


  12. I love reading your very smart and functional tips Elle, you need to publish a beauty book!

  13. I like that post, loads of unexpected ways how to use different products. Thanks for sharing that tips.
    p.s. thanks for stopping by at my blog and leaving a comment


  14. after you switch to satin pillowcases, you can't go back! SOOO True!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  15. That is an unexpected use for acne pads! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Great tips!

    Oh and at least you get Spring like temps at some point. It's 86 here and I hate it. Florida Winters are our "Spring like temps" I guess haha.

  17. Thank you for all the great tips! Starbucks napkins, who knew?!

  18. You're always full of useful beauty tips! hehe I've seen people say the toilet seat covers as oil blotting papers too. I'd just be scared to use anything found in a public restroom on my face!

    Keep up the great work :)

  19. Starbucks napkins are a GREAT idea for oil blotters!

  20. I know what I'm doing today - I'm going to get a satin pillowcase =)

  21. great tips! I just bought coconut oil last week to try it on my hair. I plan on trying it this weekend, can't wait!

  22. Chapstick and moisturizer are both pretty much awesome.

  23. hahah i love the piece of starbucks napkins

  24. I think it is amazing how you are always discovering and coming up with all of these amazing tips.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    Enter our Necklace Giveaway

  25. ok, the chapstick to stop bleeding from shaving: genius! I love your tips Elle!

  26. i also take advantage of starbucks napkins :)


  27. I never knew chapstick could stop shaving cuts from bleeding. That is such a great tip and one I will definitely be trying!

  28. thank you so much for these awesome tips, elle! i will definitely follow them. :)

    <3, Mimi
    Win a pair of Saltwater Sandals!

  29. Definitely going to try the toothbrush thing Elle!

    And agreed on chapstick, a wonder product!

  30. I just love your blog and all these wonderful tips! I swear by Starbucks napkins, definitely an amazing tip :)

  31. I really need to get on the satin pillowcase thing, feel free to keep talking about it so I finally do it! :)

  32. Gotta agree on the chapstick. My lips never seem to get better. I think I need to exfoliate too.

    7% Solution​

  33. Elle you are a resourceful girl you know that? A Macgiver of The Beauty Parlour I would say. Acne pads for scratchy heels? I read your post about beauty on the go and I was impressed at time too. Awesome my dear!!

  34. Ok seriously these are the most resourceful and creative and unique and awesome ideas I've heard recently!! I am sharing a link to this article on my next blog post.


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