
How To: Easter Peeps Nails

This is silly to admit, but when I'm in a funk, painting my nails in the brightest colors possible makes me feel better. I blame my mood on the lack of spring temps! Is it dreary where you are? But seriously, these nails were inspired by Peeps*, the marshmallow treat that so many love. Am I the only one who isn't the biggest fan? My friends were teasing me about this, so I grabbed one to nibble on, then immediately ran to my notebook to jot down this idea. Enjoy!

several polish colors 

flocking powder in yellow and purple
brown Sharpie marker
clear coat
dotting tool or toothpick

Paint each nail a different color and allow to dry. Seal with a top coat.

Pour out a little polish for the animal you want.
Using a dotting tool, draw out the shape.

The same technique used with a bunny design.

While polish is still wet, sprinkle lots of flocking powder on top.
Gently pat in the powder and allow to dry.
Use a blush or shadow brush from a compact to brush away excess.
Using a Sharpie marker, draw eyes and mouth.
Don't add a top coat to decorated nails, as it ruins the fuzzy effect.

Bunny Peeps

Chick Peeps
  • Feel free to choose pastels or colors that closer mimic Peeps. I was influenced by the bright colors from the movie Spring Breakers--random! And the characters committed crimes with perfectly-painted bright nails. Totally realistic.
  • I also tried a matte top coat on my non-Peeped nails for a different look.
  • Paint each nail the same color, like white, and do a different-colored Peep on each!
More Fuzzy Nail Ideas:
*Peeps were totally harmed in the making of this tutorial.


  1. So fun! I love the bright colors. Side note: I think Peeps are totally gross, but they're cute enough that I always want to buy them at Easter anyway!

  2. I've never had Peeps before, but your nails are so cute! :)

  3. So sick of the dreary temps here in France too. March has had more rain than Dec-Feb combined so I am looking forward to warmer weather. Guess if all else fails, it will always be warm when we return to Atlanta in June...Hopefully it will warm up there asap so there is a real Spring and not just a jump straight into summer.

  4. HI Elle,
    I'm really down on the weather too. I think my funk is past bright nails and headed toward bright SHOES!!!! If it doesn't warm up soon I may do some damage on Zappos or at Nordstrom.

  5. Hahahaha...too cute, Elle! Should try painting nails with bright colours when I'm feeling blue:)

  6. My goodness!!! How utterly cute :)

  7. I can't believe it's almost Easter weekend! Where did March go?

    Love the happy pastel nails, Elle! :)


  8. Aww, these are adorable! Great idea for Easter. I love your creativity with nails.

  9. For some reason, I don't ever mix green, blue and pink. ..But they go together so well!

    7% Solution​

  10. Very cute nails. We don't get peeps in England :(, xoxo.

  11. well your nails are all festive and bright and cheery and ready for easter!

    mine are NOT. i think you are telling me that i need to step up my nail game. ;)

  12. hi dear! while browsing I came across your blog..and I must say I love it! great post!! I love the nail polishes...there is nothing more tempting to me (to buy) than a beautiful shade of polish!.Anyway would you be interested in following each other via Gfc and Bloglovin? I always return the follow..let me know :)

  13. I can't eat peeps because I avoid all foods with gelatin in them but it is hard to deny that they are so adorable looking. I love your nails. Usually when I'm feeling down, painting my nails a bright pink helps cheer me up.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  14. great nails!



  15. What a fun idea! Bright colors always lift my spirits.

  16. those are sooo cute! colour nails are always the most fun nail arts to do :)

    I hope you're having a beautiful day ~ XO
    NEW POST: www.chriissydollxo.com

  17. OMG this is such an adorable idea. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin?


  18. i definitely like to paint my nails too when my mood is a bit down in the dumps. these nails are so creative, great ideas!

  19. I love painting my nails a fun color too!! Instant cheer! Love your cute nail art!!

  20. Still think these are brilliant. I'm not a fan of Peeps either. My best friend's mom loves them but will only eat them stale.



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