
How To Use Dry Shampoo (Plus Reviews)

Dry shampoo is a much-needed product for my hair. I use it to refresh, absorb oil, and even add volume to my hair. But it took me a few products and a few tries to get it to work correctly. Today, I'm sharing those tips with you, as well as reviews of dry shampoos that I've tried! Enjoy!

Dry Shampoo
Hair brush


Place the dry shampoo about 6-8 inches away from your hair, and spray your roots in short bursts. 
Repeat until your roots are covered. 
Allow to dry for a minute or two. 

Take the towel and and rub into your roots to absorb the product. 
You can use fingers instead of a towel, but the towel does a better job.

Use your brush to continue to move the product through hair and then style as desired. 

Roots can also be teased once the dry shampoo has been distributed. That's it!

O T H E R  U S E S 
  • Try using dry shampoo the night before and then brushing through in the morning.
  • If you're too tired after a long night out to wash your hair, spray dry shampoo all over your hair, then brush through, to quickly rid stinky hair before sleeping. You'll probably have white powder residue, but the function here is to rid the smell. Check out my other No More Stinky Hair tip.
  • Spray a little dry shampoo on your Bobby Pins before using them for extra hold in hair.
  • Dry shampoo works for stinky shoes too! I use this when traveling so my suitcase doesn't smell. Just spray a little into shoes and let them dry overnight.
  • Dry shampoo is not applied to hair the same way as hairspray. It doesn't work as hairspray.
  • Apply at the roots only, not on the top layer of hair.
  • Don't spray heavily and then brush out. Short bursts, towel-drying your roots, and brushing will work the best.
  • Use clear or brown powder dry shampoo if your hair is dark to yield best results.
  • It is not a solution for actual dirty hair--it works to refresh and absorb oil from roots.
all review pics via Google Shopping

Suave Keratin Infusion--The keratin helps to smooth frizz. Great at absorbing oil. Strong scent that fades nicely. For light to slightly dark hair.

Dove--Light spray & great for volumizing hair. Strong scent that is either love or hate. For light to dark hair.

Pssssssst--The original dry shampoo. For light hair. Nice scent  There is also a formula (blue can) for wavy/curly hair that I like much better for dark hair.

Batiste--Comes in many different scents and three different colors. Great for all colors of hair.

Salon Grafix--Aerosol scent at first. Clear and brunette formulas, but the brunette formula makes my scalp itch if left in overnight. For all hair colors.

Not Your Mother's Clean Freak--One of my faves, with a nice scent. Absorbs well and perfect for all colors.

Tressame Fresh Stay--For light to light brown hair. Nozzle clogs easily. Nice smell. Very affordable.

Tressame Waterless Foam Shampoo for Curly Hair--Best for dry, curly hair, any color. Be careful not to use too much product or roots can get greasy. Use a towel to distribute.

Suave--A strong, fresh scent that fades nicely. For light to slightly dark hair. Does a great job at absorbing oil.

BlowPro--Pricey. Delivers puffs of product to absorb oil, leaving no scent. Could be harder to use, as it is not really a spray. Not for severely oily hair. Light to light brown hair.

TIGI Rockaholic--Pricey. Invisible. For all hair colors. The cap can become clogged. Works very well. Also has a dry conditioner (I have not tested it).

Got 2B--There are a few different versions of this within the line. Best for light hair to medium hair.

Oscar Blandi Invisible Volumizing--Pricey. My favorite invisible dry shampoo. All hair colors. Works best for volume than for oil.

Oscar Blandi Powder--Pricey. Could be hard to use as it is a powder. Light hair.

Most of these work best on light to light medium hair. Cornstarch, baby powder, cocoa powder (for dark hair), dry oatmeal (be sure to brush out very, very well), cornmeal, baking soda

What's your favorite brand of dry shampoo?


  1. I have the Oscar Blandi one after looking up reviews, but I found that it didn't' do much to my hair. :( Maybe I'll follow your tips and try again. :)

  2. Thanks for these tips on dry shampoo! I've always wondered how exactly to use it. It probably would revive my curly hair (that I wash every day since it gets so dry), too.

  3. Excellent post dear. Your pictures also helped describe the process. I've never used dry shampoo before, but I want to. Bet they save a lot of time.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Fashion

  4. Super helpful post! I discovered dry shampoo not too long ago and so far have tried Pssssst and Batiste and love both, but I'm always up for trying new products so I love that you included mini reviews along with the how-to and tips! :D

    xx Amanda,
    PS: I'm currently co-hosting a giveaway for $170 CASH, feel free to check it out =)

  5. Elle, your brilliant with your great tips and advice, I had not much idea about dry shampoo before this, Thanks!

  6. Love the bobby pin tip! I use Tressame (both waterless and dry) on my straight blonde hair. Works pretty well.


  7. Oh, wow, that's quite a list! I never heard of so many brands, nor really used this sort of shampoo - I only bought it once, when it first came out a few years ago and never re-purchased anything since. Thanks for the review! x

  8. Great tips again, Elle:) I used to apply dry shampoos like hairspray...doh! And my fave is the Oscar Blandi one.

  9. I love Batiste - I always have a bottle of it on hand!

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  10. This is such a helpful post Elle. Not only have you done a mini tutorial but also briefly reviewed several dry shampoos. Only recently, I had started to think that I should get a dry shampoo as summer is around and long day at uni makes hair really greasy! I might get either Not your mother's or batiste! :) xo

    Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ

  11. I've used Tresamme and HATED it. Now I use Batiste and Bed Head. Batiste is by far my go to one. Thanks for all the reviews

  12. Okay, officially a bit embarrassed because it seems I haven't been using my dry shampoo correctly! Ha! :) As always, great review/DIY Elle. I live for dry shampoo because it helps preserve my color (less washing!).


  13. I haven't really given dry shampoo a chance. But it sounds like I've been doing it wrong all along :) duh!

  14. Have you ever had dry shampoo that is powder? I bought dry shampoo & conditioner before Hurricane Sandy in case I couldn't get a hot shower for a day or two. Anywho, the shampoo is powder.

    always, koru kate

  15. I just started using dry shampoo last month. I love these tips.

  16. I haven't been able to find a dry shampoo that doesn't turn my dark ash blonde hair grandma gray haha. I'll keep looking though. Great post!

  17. I think I have been using it incorrectly!!!

  18. Thanks for the advice! I've always wanted to try out dry shampoo.

  19. Hmm. I haven't found a great brand of dry shampoo - i've only tried a couple and both have left my hair a bit greasy throughout the day :(

  20. haha I love that you figured out these are good for shoe stench :)

    I have found that dry shampoo works awesome on my fine hair right before teasing. It helps keep the volume! That's the only way I use it now.

    Great tutorial/review!

  21. It's so funny you posted this, because I've been thinking about buying that NYM dry shampoo for some time. Thanks for the tips!

  22. gotta try these methods, I am definitely not doing it right!

  23. For my two cents I have to say Batiste is AWESOME. Ive tried products more than 10 times the price and are not as good :-D

    ♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

  24. great tips! i have stayed away because it makes my hair white...i guess i'm doing it all wrong, though!

  25. The Rockoholic is my fav but I usually settle for suave :) Love that you shared this and about how to use the towel! I will have to do that! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  26. I'm totally a Psssst fan. I tried a few drugstore brands and a professional brand and that came out the winner for my hair!
    grey et al

  27. I love dry shampoo, but I never know if I'm using it correctly. This is VERY helpful. xo, Julie


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