
Top Date Night Essentials You Need

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I asked my sister to describe me in one word. I was expecting awesome, funny, intelligent, loving, or maybe happy.

She chose prepared. Prepared! I wanted something cool, like, well, cool. But she's right--I've accepted my fate. I'm admittedly the person you call when you need something, if you're in a crisis, or possibly a zombie attack. 

I carry this sense of being prepared for any situation into what I literally carry, like in my bag. Recently I took my prepared self to Walmart to stock up on some date night essentials: 

And here's what I picked up:

But that's just a sneak peek of what I use, so let's check out the Top Date Night Essentials You Need.

-Mints or Gum
  • I think for a date night, this goes without saying. Everyone needs these. All the time.

-Advil Tablet Vial

  • I get these in the travel section and prefer this small container. Use Advil tablets for headaches, minor arthritis and other joint pain, muscle aches and pains of the common cold. 

-Phone Battery
  • Because every single blind date I've ever been on has been awful, I make sure my phone is charged and has a back up, so I can arrange to cut the night short. #sorrynotsorry
  • Soft hydrated lips are a part of my daily life, so date night is no exception! 
  • This one is 100% natural so lips are always kissable.

-Artificial Sweetner
  • I might be prepared, but being graceful is definitely not me. I use this when I notice a grease spot from a food accident on my shirt or pants. Pour it on and allow it to set and it will soak up the oil. Wipe away.
  • I also will use this to make a quick sugar scrub on my hands with a little soap.
  • Because heartburn happens, y'all. May take 1 to 4 days for full effect. Use as directed.

-Lip Liner
  • This one is surprising, right? The color lasts longer than a gloss or some lipstick finishes, and won't melt, should I accidentally leave it in the car. I add the ChapStick Total Hydration on top of it. I keep it in a neutral color that goes with everything.
  • Be sure to fill in the entire lip.
-Hand Sanitizer
  • I'm a germaphobe!
-A Cute Clutch
  • Throw these items in, along with my wallet, phone and keys, and I'm set for date night! Red is my COLOR, y'all.

What are your date night essentials?

Extra Elle:
  • Getting my hair done today--one of my fave things ever.
  • I'm trying to get exactly 1.5 million (slight exaggeration) things done before I leave for my trip back home. Wish me luck that I get them done! #stressed


  1. Ahah uau those are some great essentials! With this stuff, all date nights are going to be perfect eheh!


  2. I'm a total germaphobe too, and have been popping those airborne chewables ever since my back to back travel a few weeks ago.

    Green Fashionista

  3. Haha prepared is such a funny way to describe someone, but definitely applicable! On date nights I'm actually super low key. I usually don't even bring a purse, so I just have my wallet and phone!

  4. Haha I totally think some people would use "prepared" to describe me too :) Good call on that extra phone battery...a good escape plan is always key for a bad date!

  5. I can't go anywhere without Chapstick and Airborne is such a must in the fall/winter! I always get sick when the weather changes! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  6. I literally have all these things in my purse! You just never know when you might need them!

  7. I can't live without Airborne, especially this time of the year! I'm totally stressed too with everything we have to get done before leaving for Thanksgiving! Good luck!!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  8. Enjoy having your hair done today. Those Emergen-C chewables sound like something I need before cold season hits hard here!


  9. Haha love that you listed artificial sweetener! I never thought about using it to get grease stains out!

  10. Hahaha I love that she said prepared. I always have emergen c and advil on me. You just never know!!!

  11. I recently discovered chewable emergen-C. I was always using the powdered stuff! I don't know you other than your blog so a word I would have to describe you, will actually two, are beautiful and wise but I can tell you're an organized person so prepared is probably a great word too!!

  12. Total germaphobe here too! Airborne us so great! Hope you get all of your stuff done!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  13. Bahahaha... #4 is my favorite - the explanation behind it is perfect!

  14. Gum is def a must. Having a phone charger is pretty important too if you have never met the person before. You don't want to have a dead phone and no escape plan!

  15. Good luck getting everything done Elle :) These are all great things to have in your "date night kit." I especially love what you said about the phone battery... a definite must!

  16. I alwaysssss have Chapstick/lip balm on hand for date nights! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  17. Prepared may not sound exciting but it is actually one of the things we all strive to be more of so I think that is a huge compliment! I'm so impressed with your list-and the things that I wouldn't have even thought of!

  18. I am so loving all of these essentials. You definitely need vitamin C, and you definitely need hand sanitizer. I need to add more to my clutch. So loving this post Elle. Happy Holidays.

    Kia / KTS

  19. Love the artificial sweetener tips!

  20. Whaaat?! I didn't know you could do that with artificial sweetener! We he a box of Sweet 'n Low packets in our pantry...gonna have to put a few in my purse, some at my desk at work... Thanks for sharing!!

  21. I'm the same way! My friends always refer to me as the mom of our group because I'm always prepared. Need a band aid? I've got it. Hand santizer? Got it. Tylenol? Got it.

  22. It's awesome that you're always prepared. I honestly don't know what must haves I bring on a date night. Probably gum and Tide To Go, because some people (me) can get pretty messy!

  23. hahaha love that she called you prepared. and who knew about sweetener? i am going to put some in my purse right now. mind blown.

  24. good luck. I can't live without klenexx


  25. I would take prepared! That means we're the ones that folks are always asking if we have insert-drugstore-necessity-here ie bandaid, chapstick, etc. We always do. So I'd say you're reliable too!

  26. Haha I would consider it a compliment if someone called me prepared. I carry most of these items as well. I hear ya on being a germaphobe.

  27. Hahaha that is funny. But is good to be prepared. I bet you have a disaster kit at home. But really this is all good to have on hand.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  28. Prepared isn't all that bad. lol I used to take Airborne all the time when I was in college.

  29. I totally have a Mary Poppins bag too, I love to be prepared. I always have advil on me and about 30+ chapsticks.

  30. There's nothing wrong with being prepared! A lot of these are on my list, too :)

  31. Great essentials! A lot of those things are everyday essentials that I keep in my purse too!

  32. loving your essentials! i had no idea that artificial sweetener helped with food stains!


  33. Love your essentials, similar to mine but now i have to pick up sweetner because that trick is amazing !!! ( GREAT ONE !! ) I also 2 carry extra cell storage batteries with me, not just me but it's also good specially when you can't get to a wall- outlet, also carry my charge cord for iPhone or android depending on what you got. I also carry those floss pick things in my beauty bag in my purse because they are needed and some come individual wrapped. These were some great tips !!

    Katie | http://ktmcgworld102.blogspot.ca

  34. Prepared sounds great, I liked it! I also liked the tips, like Advil, the clutch, lip liner, hand sanitizer... I do think that these things are important and some I didn't think of, but they are good. They are needed when we don't have them :) so, yes, to be prepared is the best!

  35. I love reading posts like these from you Elle because I feel like you write them for me. =) Period.

    1. Oh and BTW, I went to a grocery store the other day and purchased two mew lipsticks from Revlon (they are both so nice) and I thought of you. =)

  36. Thank you for sharing your essentials! I always have lip balm!

  37. I really like your sugar scrub idea! That's a great one to carry around.

    7% Solution

  38. I had no idea sweetener took grease stains out! And prepared isn't the worse thing to be, right?! I'd take it!


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