
Australian Makeup Haul!

You might not know this about me, but I *LOVE* to travel. I've seen 50 states and 19 countries. One of my favorite places I've ever been was Australia. I loved it so much and think about it all the time. There's an Australian bakery I visit sometimes in Atlanta when I need my fix. ;)

I have nothing but positive things to say about it. The people were so awesome and laid back--and that's saying a lot coming from this small town South Georgia girl. We're nice to everyone!

I left a piece of my heart there and would love to visit again one day.

Here I am, back when I did my own hair color (lol) and apparently didn't wear makeup for the pic. It was winter in Sydney. I started Elle Sees a few months after my trip. Random, but I also went to New Zealand and Hawaii in this trip--talk about packing for different climates!

When I visit other places, I make it a point to try the local cuisine, snacks, and of course makeup. Lucas' Paw Paw Ointment is an Australian staple of mine now--you can use it for practically anything.

So that brings me to today's post. Youtuber friend Melissa Bubbles asked if I wanted to do a makeup swap with her and I was so excited! I sent her a bunch of American brands and she sent me a mix of Australian brands and other fun goodies. Check it out below:

My faves were the lip treatment trio, the lip products (the lipsticks have yummy scents), and the shadow palette! I loved it all! Thanks Melissa!

She also sent me Cadbury (the American version of Cadbury is nothing like that of the UK and beyond) with Vegemite. Let's just say it's an acquired taste. ;)

In the video below, you can watch my enthusiasm over all things makeup as I go into detail on the items above. And y'all, I was sick when I made this, so um yeah! Oh, and there's a Vegemite tasting at the end! Plus, you get to hear my "attempt" at an Australian accent.

Extra Elle:
  • Thank you Kerry and Amy for my Christmas cards!
  • I totally went crazy on the Bath & Body Works $8.50 candle sale. Officially on a shopping ban...until 2016. 
  • My Story Behind the Pic linkup is on the 22nd! Are you joining me?


  1. First of all I think you look gorgeous in that picture - so fresh faced and natural!! Such a fun exchange and I find that other countries have some awesome beauty products!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. How fun to do a product exchange! I love the photo of you and the kuala bear! You look so pretty! I'll check out the video at lunchtime today!

    Doused In Pink

  3. Love that pic of you with the koala, and love even more how well traveled you are! I've been to 35 out of the 50 states so you're my inspiration to finish! I never thought to try out the beauty products when visiting other countries. We're finalizing our big trip for this year, and I'll have to remember this when we visit our new country(ies) this year <3

    Green Fashionista

  4. What a fun idea - and I'm impressed by all your travels (all 50 states and 19 countries is quite the record)! And, yeah, Vegemite is most definitely an acquired taste!!!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  5. i love that photo of you - so cute! what a fun idea to do the swap. look at you miss traveler - so awesome!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Hahaha..."It's not horrible." Elle, you crack me up! I've never tried Vegemite but it does sound like something I'd like:D And you got some great stuff from Melissa. Yay:)

  7. What a fun swap! My husband is dying to go to Australia so I think I plan on taking him for his next milestone birthday. :) Thanks for sharing all these products. :)


  8. WHAT!? B&BW candles for 850?!? How did I miss this!?
    Love how you did a swap! So much fun and your video is so entertaining :)

  9. You are so cute how excited you are in the video about everything :) Glad it pepped you up.

    So is it salty? I'd be all about that. I put salt on my salt.

  10. What a fun swap! I've never been to Australia but it's one of those places I've always wanted to go (on my list of about a million places I want to go, ha!). And the vegemite bar... not sure I could get into that one! :)

  11. Youre funny! I like the lipbalm. Are you also the one with the picture with the coala? Look so different!

  12. What a fun swap! And you are right about vegemite being an acquired taste...my mom lived in Australia when she was younger and absolutely hated it! haha

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  13. Elle, I had no idea you have been so many amazing places! I totally envy that. It's such a privilege to see so much of the world. The coolest place I've ever been was Alaska. (; Very cool you did a beauty swap!

  14. How fun is this!? I would love to try some new products from other countries that I've never used before! I heard vegemite is yummy!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  15. International makeup box swaps are so much fun! Can't wait to watch the video!

  16. I have never thought that products would be different there but very cool to try some out. So glad you got your card!!

  17. This sounds SO fun. I have only been to one country, France. The hubs and I are hoping to go to Italy this summer if it works out. Australia is def. on my list, too!


  18. Cadbury with vegemite?! I've had vegemite- most DEF an acquired taste, haha!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  19. That's so cool you've been to Australia! Forgot to mention that in my video comment. I use to try and highlight my own hair as well when I was younger too LOL! I actually like the color of yours in that photo though!!

  20. That lip trio is awesome!! They need to start selling that in the US! I would still pass on the vegemite even though you said it wasn't too bad!

  21. So cool that you have been to so many places! Can't wait to watch the video and hear more about the things you got.

  22. great haul! and how fortunate you are to have traveled so many places already! =)


  23. Your welcome for the card. Also what a fun package you got.


  24. ew, vegemite and chocolate? that sounds disgusting! the paw paw stuff really is amazing, love it!

  25. I love your hair color in that picture! I've never tried beauty products from the places that I visit but I think that's a really awesome idea.

  26. What a fabulous swap! And how cool that you've been to 50 states and 19 countries!

  27. What a fun swap!!! Ummm what is Vegemite? I know what bullion cubes are. So is it a seasoning or what? LOL I heard Cadbury is better outside the US. Is that true? That palette is super pretty and I love your little Australian accent!

  28. That is too crazy! I can't believe you've been to all 50 states and 19 countries. I'd really like to, someday.

  29. What a fabulous swap! I love trying makeup from other countries :)

  30. I have also been lucky enough to visit Australia 8 years ago. I know nothing about their makeup brands, but what a fun haul you got. I had so much fun doing my accessories swap with another blogger, 2 months ago. I enjoy swaps and posts like this.

  31. oh my gosh how fun! Great haul!


  32. I love travel too. Australia is definitely a place I want to visit soon!

  33. Oh no she sent you that Vegemite chocolate! That was a crime against humanity. The chocolate I mean lol. I've used those glam lashes before and didn't actually mind them. But I found you have to be super careful which styles you select. Some can be a little tacky. My opinion anyway


  34. omg...i just heard about that vegemite chocolate (via periscope)!! hoe did you like it?

  35. Oh you're brave trying that Vegemite chocolate! I was curious, but wasn't game to try it at all, haha!

    I do think Australia is a great country, but of course I'm biased. And yes I use Luca's paw paw for everything....always have multiple tubes around the place so I'm never without one!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  36. I wish I was able to travel more. It's defintiely worth it to go to as many places as possible. The world is a very interesting place. Love everything you got in this swap!

  37. ahh this is such a fun idea! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  38. you got some great stuff....


  39. Very cool to see products from across the globe. hehe so cute to see you so excited :)

  40. I wish we had more Australian brands over here... They seem to be more natural, even the ones that aren't particularly natural. As for the chocolate... I think I'll stick with the original version. :D

  41. this is so fun, I love the idea of an international product exchange. I loved sydney as well, even though I didn't get the chance to see any koalas. if you haven't heard of lanolips - my boss swears by this aussie lipgloss with lanolin.
    xx, lauren


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