
Benefit Watt's Up Dupe? Or Not? Vs. Maybelline Barely Branded

Y'all know I love to save money on makeup when possible, so I try and seek out dupes for expensive products whenever I can. Turning to the internet, I found TONS of options, but found myself disappointed with the offerings.

I want to save y'all from wasting time and money, so I decided to test these so-called dupes myself and see if they were true.

Today, we're getting our glow on! I am a fanatic about highlighters. They give that dewy complexion that is hard to replicate on dry skin. It's one of my favorite makeup looks.

I'm testing Benefit Watt's Up!, which is a $30 creamy highlight vs. Maybelline Color Tattoo in Barely Branded. This is a sample size.

It's around $6.99 and is actually used on the lids as a shadow or shadow base. It was suggested as a dupe.

Here's a quick video I made for you recreating my testing of them:

First, I compared them by color. They look different in color. Benefit is very creamy and blends easily with a gorgeous metallic shine. Barely Branded by Maybelline is harder to work with and harder to blend.

Next comes the swatch test and blending test. Are they similar?

Benefit Watt's Up, Maybelline in Barely Branded

with flash

with flash

without flash

I found them to be different--Benefit Watt's Up! is a champagne highlight, whereas the Barely Branded is more of a white gold. I had to really build it up to get a good swatch that matched the Benefit one. While it is not a dupe, I found a much closer comparison is the Sonia Kashuk Chic Luminosity Highlighter Stick in Persian Sunset, $10.99

What dupe would you like to see next?

Extra Elle:
  • Was yesterday Blog Skip Day? I felt like a lot of my regular reads didn't post on Wednesday. I hope you got caught up and read my post on my fave gift. I shared a bit of my home, too.
  • Two more days of work for the year--I can't wait for vacation!


  1. i love watt's up! i had gotten a sample sized one in a set before and it's on my list to get a full sized one :) great highlighter!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  2. Speaking of dupes...is looking into a dupe of Ruby Woo worth it or should I just spring for the original thing?
    The Adored Life

  3. I love anything benefit and feel like their price point isn't bad at all!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I think a lot of people are slowing down the the holidays... I certainly feel that way - lots and lots to do, too little time to finish everything in time... And once in a while it feels alright to skip everything altogether. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing! I am a big fan of Benefit. :)


  6. This is a great review, Elle! Good to know they are different -- I've always had luck with Benefit, so it's great to know that it's worth the price! Yay for almost vacation time!!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  7. I have random days sometimes where it seems like no one reads - I'm always checking to see if my stuff even posted - weird.

    Your nails are AWESOME in the video - hope the cold got veered away & you're feeling better.

    Good to know these are like 2 totally different products. I love creamy smooth stuff on the skin, but it always breaks me out... sigh..


  8. I have Watt's up and have been meaning to review it. It really has a lovely glow.
    I've been insanely busy and it will be MUCH better next week! Happy holidays!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  9. I was wondering who said the Maybelline's a dupe of Benefit because I have Barely Branded and it's not the easiest to work with. Great comparison, Elle!

    Reflection of Sanity | Palmer's Cocoa Butter Care Package Giveaway (Canada ONLY)

  10. I love your dupe posts! Benefit always reels me in with their cute packaging. I haven't tried the Watts Up, but I'm a fan of the High Beam.

  11. I find the color tattoos hard to blend as well, and I couldn't see myself using it as a highlight! I have heard that it's a duo for Mac bare study paint pot, which might be an easier comparison since they are used for the same thing! I used it for years but I've never tried the maybelline one!
    I actually meant to do a blog on Wednesday, but it slipped my mind lol!

  12. Benefit products are always a win in my book, and I love their Watts Up especially the champagne-y shimmer. So pretty!

    Yesterday was definitely blogger skip day, I think we're all on holiday season burn out. I didn't have time for a post yesterday or even commenting on my daily reads. Craziness!

    Green Fashionista

  13. Benefit Watts Up is so gorgeous, I have a tiny sample too and find it hard to spend $30 on a highlighter. I have this color tattoo and I agree, they are hard to blend. I'll have to check out the Sonia Kashuck you mentioned.

  14. Benefits Watts up is my favourite highlighter, I love how it blends and if your fair skinned it's a good one to have in your collection. I've got a full watts up and the mini from a birthday gift from Sephora, that mini one has a lot of product in it. Thought buying a full size one to back up the mini I'd me using it by now, but I've not even put a dent in my mini. I find using your finger blending it out is easier than the little sponge on the back of the full size one. Your finger heats the product up more and blends nicely where you want it.

    Katie | http://ktmcgworld102.blogspot.ca

  15. Thanks for the comparison. I don't think I would like using the Color Tattoo like a highlight. I agree with you that they are harder/not as creamy and smooth as Watts Up.

  16. Just with my skin tone, I think the Benefit would work better anyhoo:) Thanks for this, Elle.

  17. I find all the color tattoos to be a bit hard to blend and work with. Mine have always dried up quickly. I'm using Becca Moonstone liquid highlighter with Loral Iced Latte on top right now and it's amazing. It's the perfect combination for my fair skin!

  18. I got that Watts Up highlighter as a gift from Sephora and I really like it. I expected it to work better than the Maybelline stuff :)

  19. I love it when you do these post. yay for only having two more days left of work.


  20. I have a sample size of the Benefit Watt's Up and love it! Thanks for checking these out! One more day and I'm on vacation too!

    Doused In Pink

  21. Another great review, I have not tried Benefit's Watt's Up! I also can't stop looking at your festive nails!


  22. I definitely see the difference on your arm swatch with the color. Love reading these!

  23. You can definitely tell a difference between the two! I think I have a sample of Watt's Up somewhere too.

  24. i have not tried benefit's watt's up, sounds like i'll just stick with that rather than the 'dupes' if i do :) i have to work next week, womp womp.

  25. so interesting post and review..I never tried them..i'm curious

  26. Thanks for investigating this one. I wouldn't think to use shadow as highlighter. I have deluxe sample of the Watt's Up that I carry in my purse which I use when I remember ;p

  27. Good to know about this dupe. I currently have the Watts Up in rotation but will change out for the Maybelline one when Im done. I definitely skipped yesterday lol.

  28. I really like that benefit highlighter! Too bad the colors aren't more similar.


  29. I love my Watts Up. Thanks for saving me some money from trying the Maybelline. I will seek out the Sonja Kashuk one though. That's quite the price difference.

  30. I love highlighters, too... I'm trying to find a good powder one right now.

  31. I love Watts Up! The tattoo eye shadows are nice, but I agree--very hard to blend!
    Sincerely, Sara

  32. Well, I never post on Wednesdays :) Only Mondays and in January I will start it on Fridays too :) But I guess people are kind of tired these days, December is so hectic! I am glad you will have vacations soon! So, Whatt's Up, a coincidence, I reviewed it for the other site I write for, but I didn't know about Maybelline. I love highlighters, too! Love to read your reviews!

  33. I had a sample of Watts Up, but didn't want to splurge on the full size. I'll have to check out Sonia Kashuk!

  34. I had a sample of Watts Up and really loved it! It isn't something that I used every day though and I was up in the air if I wanted it again. Maybe I will grab that Sonia one for half the price to have when I want a little shine!

  35. I haven't tried either. I'll want to try the Sonia Kashuk but they are out at Target and Amazon. :( What is with all the Fall colors being gone already!

  36. I use barely branded (as a pale person) as just a cream shadow on my lid. I like the color on me but yeah I don't think it's meant to be a straight highlighter and they dry up quickly. Never tried Watts Up so may have to try a sample :) Thanks for sharing!

  37. Oh the Maybelline one sounds great. It is such a fantastic dupe. And I understand, I went a little off-schedule last week due to being so busy.

  38. I've honestly never used a highlighter before, but maybe I should try it!

  39. Thanks for the honest review, as usual. I love the look of highlighter, I need to remember to wear it more often. I'd like to try the Sonia Kashuk version!


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