
Last Minute Gift Idea: Hot Cocoa and Coffee Candles

I had my annual Hot Cocoa and Coffee Christmas party over the weekend, and as usual I gave everyone a small gift for coming. But this tradition completely slipped my mind until right before the party. I didn't feel like creating one of my infamous sugar scrubs, so I made these very last minute (I shared them on my Snapchat: ellesees) using what I had around the house. They were a hit and I'll be giving some as gifts too.

Here's how to make Hot Cocoa and Coffee Candles:

You'll need:
  • teacups (these were mismatched punch cups--try Goodwill)
  • wicks (from craft store)
  • candles (I used what I had at home)
    • OR soy wax
    • candle dye (or crayons--they are non-toxic)
  • optional: fragrance oil 
  • Cooking supplies:
    • double boiler (I used a pan and a glass bowl)
    • wooden skewers
    • spatula
  • Attach the wick to the cup. You can use hot glue or a little of the melted wax to bottom of the wick. I used small wicks. If you are using a candle as your wax source, see if you can use the wick. Cut to size, if needed.
  • Chop up and melt your wax/candle. I used candles I had around the house. Some were scented (like coffee or hot cocoa or vanilla) and some were not. I liked having the option for my guests.
  • I melted the wax using a double boiler, as pictured above. This means I had a boiling pot of water and placed the glass bowl with wax/candle pieces on top.
  • Once melted, pour it into the cup, as pictured. I used a wooden skewer broken in half to keep the wick standing up straight.  I used twist ties to secure it. I told y'all this was last minute!
  • Allow to cool until wax has hardened. If needed, you can pop these in the freezer for 30 minutes to help with the cooling down process.
In the past, I've added some coffee beans to the bottom and then poured in the wax. I've also used cute and dainty tea cups. Your recipient(s) can reuse the the cups!

A peek from the party
How cute are these? Which one was your fave?

Extra Elle:
  • I decided last night to send out Christmas cards. If you would like one, email your address. Thanks.
  • Don't forget my linkup tomorrow: The Story Behind the Pic. Choose any picture (or more) and tell us about it. That's it!


  1. those are so cute! i love that you you used old fashioned/mismatched cups. even more personal!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  2. These are adorable! And I'm sure they smell absolutely amazing!

  3. These are so darling and so easy to make!! Another great DIY! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. These are so cute Elle! They would make such a fun gift! I love it

  5. thanks for sharing this beautiful idea!!

  6. What a cute idea! I should try this with my nieces!
    The Adored Life

  7. These are so fun. What a great project or gift idea!

  8. These are so cute - I love the coffee bean idea.

  9. These are adorable and I love how they look.

  10. What a cute idea! I like the idea of adding coffee beans to the bottom! Thanks for sharing!

  11. What a great idea! This is great for my co workers!!

  12. These candles are gorgeous and I love that you used mismatched glass cups. Such a great DIY!


  13. Elle, you are bloody brilliant. how cute are those punch cups!

  14. Totally cute and charming! Homemade gifts are the best and these rock!

  15. What a cute idea! You are so creative!

  16. Eek! That is cuteness overload, Elle! I'm bookmarking this for next year!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  17. Those turned out so cute! Those punch cups are adorable.

    Breakfast at Gracey's

  18. These are adorable and such a great idea!

  19. I love how cute your candles turned out!!! So brilliant to use little glasses like that :) I have been driving around with Christmas cards in my car the past two weeks. I HAVE to go to the post office today. respond back with your address and we can swap cards :):)

  20. So cute! I love the idea of candles in a little teacup!

  21. I think my favorite part of them is the mix matched glass tea cups you found at Goodwill! SO cute!


  22. these are so cute! great idea
    xoxo Rebecca

  23. I love this DIY candle, Elle! My husband loves candles AND coffee so he would be totally obsessed with this! Thanks for sharing!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  24. Such a cute idea! I'll try this!

  25. I have decided that you are the DIY queen and that you can make anything!

  26. I absolutely love this DIY. It's simple and would be perfect for gifts during the holidays. I just love this Elle.

    kia / KTS

  27. Love this! I need to try this one day.

  28. Those sound so easy, and the cups are so pretty. great gift idea.

  29. These are adorable! I had no idea making candles was this simple!

  30. These are so adorable! What a great DIY gift.

  31. These are so so cute Elle! And that's such a good idea for a Xmas gift!

  32. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing (:


  33. I love the little cups. What a fun dainty touch to it!

  34. Those candles are an awesome gift idea!

  35. You always come up with the most creative DIYs, I bet your guests loved these candles. I love that they're in teacups!

  36. I love Coffee scented anything, so I'm sure these would be a hit! I think if I were to try, I'd add the coffee beans on the bottom. (;

  37. Such a great idea. Love that they're in cute little cups and I bet they smell incredible! x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  38. You are just so brilliant, Elle! What a wonderful and sweet gift! Merry Christmas to you and Charlie and all the very best for 2016! Big hug! x

  39. What a fantastic idea!! I absolutely love this! I would just end up making these for me because they're so cute!


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)