
Story Behind the Pic: December

It's time for my monthly link up! All you have to do is share a pic of yours and explain the story behind it. It's easy and any type of blog can participate. And today I'm sharing a couple of Christmas pics.

Christmas, like many of us, is my fave time of year. But I admit, I was dreading Christmas a little this year, due to the deaths of my Daddy (59) and my friend JeWa (34). It took me a bit longer to get in the Christmas spirit, but I'm so glad I did. I know once I make it through this first year, I'll be able to look back at all of the memories and smile instead of being sad. I'm on the right track with these two Christmas pics that make me so happy:

This pic is a pic of a pic, so excuse the quality. When I think of my childhood Christmas, I'm immediately taken back to my Great Granny Sugar's house. This was when everyone was together--no one had really moved away or gotten divorced yet. We used to have Christmas at Sugar's house and I have such fond memories there. It pretty much looked the exact same my whole life until she passed away almost 4 years ago and my uncle bought her house.

This is my sister Jess and I in our new winter coats from JCPenney. I think I was 6 here. Since my family is made up of mostly guys (there are 4 girls total), my sis and I were treated like princesses. This coat began my affair with the color red. We thought we were so cool! Mind you this is in South Georgia where it doesn't get cold but we were prepared! We are both wearing blue velvet dresses. Despite us being 21 months apart and different as night and day, we were dressed often alike for some reason. I loved those dresses, and my coat.

In the background you see my Daddy, sitting on my Granny's gas heater, rocking his denim-on-denim look and his mullet! Ha! He always had a beard and mustache. Oh, the 80s! He was such a cool guy and rode a motorcycle then. I have the same exact color of eyes as him, so I always say when I miss him, I just look at my eyes and he's there.

So I decided I wasn't going to send Christmas cards this year, so I skipped the offer from Minted--I think everyone did that one and I'm kicking myself. Anyway, Sunday night I decided to send them. I volunteered Charlie, my dog, to pose in various outfits and backgrounds. He hated it. I loved it. Treats were definitely used.

The one I picked for my card is SO cute. I'll post it Christmas Day for those who didn't ask for a card. But this one is an outtake in front of the tree.  How cute is this little guy? I've spoken of his story before, but he's a rescue. I've never met anyone who's met Charlie who didn't fall in love. He's adorable and he's also a sweetie. Even people who can't stand dogs or animals fall under his spell. My late friend JeWa (aka Jessica aka Jiggy) was the only person who called him Charles.

He also brings out the best in dogs, too. I cannot tell you how many times owners will come to me with tears in their eyes after their dog plays with Charlie. "My dog doesn't like other dogs, but loves yours!" they'll say. Or my favorite, "My dog hasn't played like this in years! But look at her with Charlie! She looks like a puppy again!" It's so sweet.

Link up!

Extra Elle:
--Finally chilly enough for a fire this past weekend. I'll take it.
NEXT LINK UP: January 19th


  1. Such a fun pic with beautiful memories! And look at your dad, he was way ahead of the Canadian Tuxedo trend! You girls are too cute in your winter coats <3

    Green Fashionista

  2. Your Daddy was so cool -- and he rode a motorcycle! Hang on to your memories.

  3. Look at your Daddy, 80's icon at his best!! Oh Elle, such sweet memories!!! Thinking of you and a big ole hug your way for a peaceful and Merry Merry Christmas!!! ;-)

  4. i love love love old photos from childhood that spark great memories! your dad looks like he was an awesome dude - what a great memory - thank you for sharing girl!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. Love how much you can remember from that photo and the fun times it brings you back to! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I'm so glad you were able to reflect on all these happy memories and smile - and share them with readers. And your pup is so unbelievably cute!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  7. I love old pictures... & when a loved one passed, what special memories they hold even more....

    Love your little baby in the picture - he is just the cutest.

    I totally forgot about the link up & am kicking myself... I always enjoy this one. I'm marking on my calendar NOW for the next one

  8. Why is that moms always want to dress girls up the same? My sister and I have so many pictures of us dressed up in the same dresses for different holidays, and I really think that we hated it but couldn't tell her no. It's so special that you and your dad have the same eyes, and that you get to have that little piece of him with you always.
    Your pup is so cute! Mine definitely doesn't like to pose either and has to be bribed with lots of doggie treats!

  9. Thank you for sharing these sweet memories with us! And that dog pic is so cute. Hope you can enjoy the holidays!

  10. I love that first picture with your sister and your dad. My dad always has a beard and mustache and rocked the longer hair too and was obsessed with cards and motorcycles. I love what you said about your eyes looking like your dads so when you miss him you look in the mirror. I do the same thing with my eyes when I miss my grandma. Her, my dad and I all have the exact same eyes!

    Charlie is adorable! I just want to come scoop him up for puppy kisses :)

  11. Oh I love this! Mys sister and I are two and a half years a part and for what seems like ever, my mom used to dress us alike. For church, holidays, you name it. I know I rocked a velvet dress or two in my day. (; I can't wait to see Charlie's big reveal! Merry Christmas Elle and Charlie!

  12. I love these behind the picture posts, Elle! What wonderful memories. And I love the picture of Charlie, so cute!!

    Xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  13. Look at you in your super festive winter coat! Such a great throwback pic. :) Happy holidays, lady!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. I love that picture of you and the story behind it. You look so adorable. And so does Charlie in his picture! What a handsome little pup. I hope you have a happy holiday!

  15. I skipped Christmas cards this year for the first time in forever. I was going to try and get them out, but I decided not to. Your dog looks so cute! Have a great holiday!


  16. I will be thinking of you this holiday season! I know it will be difficult, but you have lots of family and people who love you. I love seeing pics of Charlie! He is so cute and it always makes my day to see a cute puppy pop up. My Windsor loves the camera and will pose without having a treat offered. I guess he's used to it because he's had my phone in his face since the day I brought him home!

  17. Charlie is adorable, I'm sure your cards are too! Merry Christmas!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  18. Such a cute story about you and your sister and so funny about the thick coats despite it barely being cold outside. Stylish from young!

  19. What a precious picture! It's always nice to look back on old photos from our childhoods. Merry Christmas!

  20. Aw, super cute post! I'm planning on posing my dog for next year's cards too.
    Style Tomes

  21. Very sweet pictures...I'm marking my calendar so I can join this great link-up next month :)

  22. Uhhh I think I want your coat from that picture...like TODAY. They are super cute!!! Love that you can look in the mirror and see your dad in your eyes. That's so great. Sending you hugs because I know this Christmas will be tough.

    Charlie is sooo cute! My dogs don't like most other dogs, so I would love to see them play with Charlie!! I need to find some pictures to post for this next month!

  23. That picture is super sweet and so is the story. And Charlie is always adorable!

  24. Lovely memories Elle! Charlie is so adorable! Merry Christmas!

  25. I love looking at old photos, they bring so many memories! The story behind it is very sweet too. Your dog Charlie is the cutest, I want one just like him :)

  26. I love hearing your stories and seeing your pictures! I love looking at old photos too, and recalling memories from them. Charlie is so adorable <3

  27. You and your sister are adorable in your new coats, and Charlie is the cutest little dog!

  28. I love that picture of you and your sis in those coats with your dad in the background. I've seen pictures of my dad rocking similar double denim and long hair :) I know this has been a rough year but I hope that you still have a wonderful Christmas and that lots of good comes your way soon!

  29. Beautiful memories girl! You were so adorable!!!!

  30. I love your throwback picture and the story behind it! So fun to hear about your Christmas memories! Charlie is so cute!

    Doused In Pink

  31. You and your sister look adoooorable!!! The little coats, how sweet and so nice to say that you look at your eyes and see your dad. That's a blessing! As for Charlie posing, how cuuute, he is amazing! This photo is really so cute! I am glad that you have such a friend who lifts every spirit up! I would love to meet you and Charlie! But for now, I can only wish a fantastic Christmas evening, may you have a sweet day!

  32. Merry Christmas girl!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away


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