
My Audiobook Reviews: 2015

I admit it--I have no time to read. But I love to read, and have found audiobooks as a happy medium to get my reading fix. This past year I received for Christmas a year to Audible (no, this is not an ad), and it ended up being one of my fave gifts. I listened to them on my commute from work or when I was driving to my hometown. I thought I'd share my reviews of them with you. Maybe you'll get some ideas for future books (or audiobooks)? I was really drawn to biographies this year for some reason--normally I'm into fiction. Let me know the ones you've read!

Top Row:
  • Yes Please--Amy Poehler--Funny. I liked it. There were some extra narrators and the last chapter was from a live reading she did.
  • Stories I Only Tell My Friends--Rob Lowe--He has had a fascinating, very lucky life. I enjoyed it.
  • Not My Father's Son--Alan Cumming--It starts out with his abusive father, so it took me a while to get into this. Once I did, it was a fast listen. I liked it.
  • Down the Rabbit Hole--Holly Madison--Yes, I used to LOVE the show she was on, and I wanted to know all of the juicy gossip. I'm not sure I believe she was miserable all of the time though. And her English accent was the worst I've ever heard. Very quick listen.
Middle Row:
  • Girl In A Band--Kim Gordon--I am not really a Sonic Youth fan, but this was recommended. It goes through her life, her life with a 90s alternative band, and her divorce, of which she is still very, very bitter.
  • I Must Say--Martin Short--I didn't know much about him before this book. I loved his tales of life in Hollywood and really liked it, even the heartbreaking stuff. Since I didn't know his characters, those chapter intros were lost on me.
  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up--Marie Kondo--I felt this philosophy could have been summed up in a few pages, not an entire book. I agree with her idea of getting rid of what is no longer useful. Not read by the author, and I would have preferred the book version, so I could underline/highlight/bookmark certain areas.
  • How to Make Friends and Influence People--Dale Carnegie--This is a classic book read by a classic narrator. A lot of the info is dated, but the basic principles are useful. As someone who struggles with social anxiety, I hoped to find more techniques. I didn't care for the narrator and wished I had the book version so I could again highlight/bookmark certain things.
  • 10% Happier--Dan Harris--After a tough year, I wanted something, anything to bring my life happiness and peace. I found the first half of the book boring as it goes through his life but it ended up being necessary as it showed his journey. I haven't started meditating, but have changed my attitude towards it. BONUS: PDF guide on meditation
Bottom Row:
  • Not That Kind of Girl--Lena Dunham--Lena is a gifted writer, but I did not like this memoir. I didn't like her voice narrating it either. I found myself listening to it at double speed so I could make it through this book. Disliked.
  • Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl--Carrie Brownstein--Again, another 90s band that I'm not really a fan of, but I love her on Portlandia. I felt she gave a book report of her life and left out the juicy, personal stuff.
  • Grace--Grace Coddington--I loved this, her stories, her voice, her idgaf attitude. I found her career at Vogue fascinating. BONUS: Images from the book of her life.
  • Choose Your Own AutoBio--Neil Patrick Harris--Since this is the audio version, you don't really get to choose your own adventure, but it is still really awesome. I loved it. BONUS: Recipes and magic tricks can be downloaded
  • #Girlboss--Sophia Amouroso--I only listened to this because it seemed like every blogger was reading it. I didn't really care for the narrator's voice, and don't feel like I learned anything. It was more like a "look at me and my billion dollar company" book, but I liked it.
What was your fave book this year?


  1. I actually haven't read any of these! I have heard lots of good things about Stories I Only Tell My Friends so I think it needs to go on my list! I've been wanting to read the Amy Poehler one too!

  2. I love audiobook. That how I did a good amount of my reading last year.


  3. My husband and I listen to audiobooks during our infrequent road trips. I really need to grab a few for my drives back and forth to SC.

  4. The Yes Please audiobook is amazing! I loved that she read it! I really like the Lunar Chronicles audiobooks!

  5. You must really love the autobiographies. Tina Fey's is a good one and she narrates. I mostly listen to fiction and will try to alternate between serious novel and light listen. If you're ever looking for a good fiction, Middlesex has to be one of my all time favorite audiobooks. I too have an audible membership.

  6. These all sound very interesting, I have read the Tiny Fey book and liked it but some books are very different when you are just listening to a narrator. Happy New Year! <3
    Holiday Cheer For the New Year

  7. I have heard a lot about audio books lately, it would be great when I'm commuting to work. Thanks for sharing Elle!


  8. I still prefer holding a book in my hands, but I've added audiobooks because they're a great way to squeeze in some reading on my work commute. If you don't mind fantasy, Neil Gaiman does some excellent readings of his own works - his "The Graveyard Book" is my all-time favorite audiobook. I also enjoyed listening to Lisa See's "Shanghai Girls."

  9. I used to be a big fan of the Girls Next Door, so I've read the GND book by Kendra, Bridget, and Holly from a couple of years ago, and it was a lot of fun. That's how I got super curious to read Down The Rabbit Hole as well, but I didn't like it at all. It seems kind of backstabbing to me, to claim to be so in love with her "puffin" for many years and saying how badly she wanted to marry him, but when that didn't happen and he married Crystal, she went behind his back and wrote a book about how awful her life with him was. That's just not very classy in my opinion.

  10. I love to read too! I haven't listened to much audiobooks, but if I have to drive more or a commute to work, I totally would! I haven't read any of these ones you mentioned but I will keep them for reference when I need a new book! I had a few favorite books this year! I plan to make a post or video about it!

  11. You're one of the few who's not absolutely in love over girl boss! That's actually refreshing to hear.

    7% Solution

  12. Awesome list! I want to listen to Yes Please :)

  13. I have a few of those on my Kindle Wish List right now. I've always fallen asleep listening to audio books so I stick to good old fashioned reading.

  14. What a nice gift to have gotten for Christmas! Glad you've been able to use it to listen to so many great books! :)

    Happy new year!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  15. I didn't know Rob Lowe had a book! I'll definitely check that one out!

  16. Audiobooks are awesome! I just love to listen to a book when I am cooking or cleaning or in the car! It's just awesome!


  17. cool! thanks for sharing!! :)

    Happy New Year!
    Animated Confessions

  18. I've been on the fence about audiobooks because I feel like I would zone out while listening to them. But so many people like them, maybe they're worth a shot!

    I finally finished A Dog's Purpose at the end of the year. It was a good book! It was written from a dog's perspective so it was different. A very easy read.

    Breakfast at Gracey's

  19. I love audio books! I tried listening to Yes Please and just couldn't get into it! Everyone loved it though! I need to give it another chance!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  20. I haven't read any of these but some sound intriguing! I used to love audiobooks when I had a long commute but haven't listened to any in a while. I should try audible!

  21. ooh, i want to read / listen to Alan Cumming's book. Martin Short's is on my list as well. i totally agree with the life changing act of whatever whatever, i read that and i basically skimmed it because a lot of it is useless. i mean, some of it is really good, but i liked that i could skim / ignore the parts i didn't like or agree with.

  22. I really appreciate your short takes on all of these. The only one I've read is #Girlboss, and that's really because every blogger has been on about it. I really want to read Yes Please. You should do book reviews more often!

  23. Great review and information. I will look to find one or two of them. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I've wanted to read the Amy Poehler book for a while now, so I'm really glad that you liked it and thought that it was funny! I can't believe that Holly Madison said that she was miserable the whole time she was in the mansion. I find that hard to believe too.

  25. I enjoyed Down the Rabbit Hole but you are so right about her accent! Yikes!!! I liked Yes, Please also! I have been really digging the Liane Moriarty books on audio lately and have consumed 4 in a row!

  26. Happiest New Year to you Elle. I loved reading this fun first post. I barely have time to read books anymore. I am always on the go and Vivian keeps me real busy. I had thought about audio books since I am in the car almost daily too so I thought this was very helpful. Thank you. I have heard great things about "Yes Please" and "Girl Boss".


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