
Story Behind the Pic: January

Time for my monthly link up! Share a pic (or more) of yours and the story behind it. This month, I'm sharing a pic from the present and one from the past. These two pics kinda symbolize two of my favorite things:

It's a given if you have a phone or some sort of electronic device, kids will want to play with it. The six year old ended up with mine, and as I was going through my pics, I noticed she had taken this one. I started to delete it, but decided not to. Here's why:

You see: a hand in a pocket.

I see: my comfiest, hugest sweater from Target. Throw this on with a tee and leggings and I'm ready to be comfortable. When I wear this and I'm rocking the baby, I wrap it around us because it makes her laugh. She likes to put her feet in the pockets.

I see: a pocket to hold tissues or hair clips that the girls always seem to need.

I see: a pocket to hold treasures from our nature walks. Sometimes I'll forget about them until I empty them out at the end of the day, and I always laugh at their random contents. Lately, those pockets have been holding rocks the 6 year old collects and paints for her Magic Rocks she "sells."

You see: an adorable toddler in a salon chair who is NOT having it. Look at me serving some attitude! Also, why am I never wearing pants in most of my pics as a kid?

I see: where my beauty fanaticism began--I was 2 years old here. I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of time in my Grandmother's salon (or Beauty Shop, as we called it) after we moved back to our hometown the following year.

I see: the salon I loved, in all of its different incarnations--the salon at this time was in a room in her house. I spent a lot of time in that chair over the years, spinning, getting my hair done, and observing all of the transformations. My Grandmother did hair, makeup, and nails, and even had her own makeup line in the 80s.

I have vivid memories of crying in that chair because I didn't want to leave. When my Grandmother retired last year, she sold that chair, and it's still odd to not be in her house without her salon there anymore. All of these years later, beauty has been my longest love and favorite hobby.

I'm glad to be able to share that love with you.

Next link up: Feb. 16th!

Extra Elle:
  • I bought myself some flowers--those little pops of color make me so happy, and make it feel more like spring than winter.
  • I enjoyed my day off yesterday and was able to get some blog stuff done.



  1. Oh my gosh - how cute are you in that chair! I think we all didn't like pants as kids! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Awe look at you in the chair, where your love for beauty began!! Loved here that story as well as all the special things your comfy cardigan has held :)

  3. This is such a sweet post. I grew up in a salon too and chairs bring back so many memories!

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  4. such sweet memories - i love how this took me into a story and a journey of sorts into your memory. love!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. I love hearing what makes others sentimental. It could be something completely random to one person, but a treasure to another. Love that pic of you as a toddler! Such a little cutie!

  6. I absolutely love the way you read into your pictures - the stories you can tell through them are just brilliant!


  7. Love this post, Elle:) Your toddler pic reminds me of my daughter. Almost her pics at home at that age, she's not wearing pants either!

  8. I love this post. I think it's so cool how looking back at pictures can bring on so many memories.

  9. Kids and their curiosity is such a wondrous thing, right? Rocks and leaves are still magical to them. What a special salon chair and storY!

  10. Who would have guessed the little girl in that chair would grow up to be one of the most love beauty guru? Hugs, Elle!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. Yay for flowers to cheer up winter blues! And I love how you used to spend so much time in your grandmother's salon, such an amazing experience for a little girl <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. Such a cute post. And I love that your love for beauty began because of your grandma's beauty shop! So sweet!

    Xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  13. I love this so much - all the stories behind the pictures

    That old picture... what fun memories it holds. That's why I love pictures so much.

    Wouldnt that be the life to just go without pants as often as you did as a kid? :) haha

  14. That sweater is the CUTEST! I think I need it :)

  15. This post made me smile. It nice to just remember the little things.


  16. I love it when you do these posts, Elle. This one made me smile. I love wearing big sweaters with pockets in them too. I feel slightly awkward if my sweater doesn't have a pocket actually lol!!

  17. I love the picture of you in the chair. It's easy to forget why or how our love of things happen; thankfully, we have the pictures to tell us.

    My daughter used to put things (leaves, specifically) in my pockets. Kids are weird.

  18. So cool to hear about where your love for beauty started! I am obsessed with the print on that chair--I would totally get a desk chair or armchair in that print!!

  19. This is my favorite series of yours! I love the first picture, which seems random but tells so much more and the picture of you is adorable. I think it is safe to say your love for beauty runs in the family!

  20. My grandmother went to her beauty shop every Friday and got her nails done every 2 weeks. I always went with her and I think all of those trips and hours spent in various salons cultivated my love of beauty too. I love that we have that in common! I bet your grandmother is a stylish lady

  21. I love that you took a picture that didn't appear to have much of a story, and gave it one. I love hearing about your job and family and the little details that make both interesting. That pic of you as a tot is adorable too! :)

  22. Thanks for sharing these wonderful memories, Elle! I love this series.

  23. Love the attitude you are dishing out in that chair. :) And, you had me laughing when you said you never have pants on in any of your childhood pics! Lol! I am sure it is fun to pull out the little treasures they find on your walks at the end of the day. Going on walk with my kids is one of my favorite things! So ready for Spring!


  24. How cute (and sassy!) are you in this second pic? Loving it!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  25. First of all, I think you look like a doll on that photo! So adorable. And yes, this is the thing about photos... Always meaningful, with stories and memories. I like Instagram for this reason - some (well, 2/3) of my snaps may look like nothing to the world, but whenever I scroll back, I relive those moments and they fill my heart with so much warmth. Just like that picture of a cardigan. And don't even let me get started on talking about old photos and childhood memories... I'll be here forever. :D

  26. You were such a cute little girl! I was looking at old pics at my mom's recently and realized that I hardly ever had pants on either ;p

  27. Isn't it funny to see the random photos that children take and often they can be so sentimental even though the contents seem strange.

  28. So cute! My sister is potty training my niece and she was in no pants land all weekend. She had a similar face that was pure sass as well!

  29. You look so adorable! I always love looking at old photos especially ones with my grandparents.

  30. Old pictures are always so much fun to go through and let the memories come back.

    Love the idea of this linkup! I will definitely be back next month with my own story :)

  31. So cute! And I think all us hated pants as kids. Lol. I love the sweater, too. You can't beat a comfy sweater in the winter time.

  32. Very cute. I like that sweater! I usually have tissues in my pockets too. Especially during the winter.

  33. What sweet memories of your grandma's salon!

  34. So cute, and such sweet memories! That's so special that you got your love of beauty products from your Grandma :)


  35. I love seeing all of the random pictures that kids will take! That's awesome that a simple picture like that can evoke so many emotions. And what amazing memories you have with your grandmother at her salon! It's so amazing that she helped to start your love for beauty products!

  36. Great photos to choose!! What you see is never the full picture, so love this concept..!

  37. You are so cute! So fun to hear the story about how your passion for beauty started!

    Doused in Pink

  38. I love this idea . . . I'm clearly tardy to the party but hopefully I can join next month! And I love your take on the pocket picture! But the salon chair, that will almost make you tear up. What sweet memories of your grandmother. Makes me kinda wish my grandma owned a beauty shop!

  39. awww love this post Elle, both pictures are precious. the one of you as a kid in your grandmother's chair is just priceless. and seriously, most of my kid photos are pantsless, whats up with that?!

  40. You were the absolute cutest and your hair was on point, even then!

  41. Hahahah @ not wearing pants! I'm an adult and I try to avoid them whenever possible... :P


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