
DIY Sleep Sachet (+Sleep Solutions)

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Last week was tough--a lot was going on. I couldn't sleep. I wanted to get out of town and relax, because sometimes even the big city feels too small. So I decided to take a road trip with my best buddy, Charlie the Wonder Pup, and we headed for the mountains. But first, a trip to Walgreens was in order for snacks, a toy for the pup, look for makeup (always), and to stock up on necessities, like a couple of sleep aids that work. Can makeup be counted as a necessity? ;)

The better I sleep, the better I feel. We all do, right? Especially since Daylight Saving started on Sunday! So at Walgreens I picked up Emergen-Zzz (*"These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease")--it's a natural sleep aid that comes in the form of a melatonin-infused drink mix featured in delicious flavors such as Peach and Nighttime Berry.* This GA girl naturally chose peach, since I like it that flavor best.

I also picked up some Advil PM--it can help those suffering from occasional, minor aches and pains fall asleep soundly and awake well rested when used as directed. " I like to have it on hand in my medicine cabinet.

And I brought along my sleep sachet. I have been making these forever, y'all. Just slip the bag inside or under your pillowcase. It smells SO good. 

To make it, you'll need:
  • Fabric--the size depends on what you would like. I get the "fat squares" from fabric stores (scrap pieces) and cut to size, but an old sock will work as well.
  • Lavender essential oil
  • uncooked rice
  • needle and thread
  • Epsom salt (you can buy it lavender scented)
  • fabric glue
  • OR dried lavender
  • OR rice
  • and/or chamomile tea (you can use the unused tea in the heated version too)

In a bowl, add your rice (usually about a cup or two, but this depends on the size of your sleep sachet) and mix 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil. Add the chamomile tea (optional). Mix and allow to dry for a few minutes.

Turn your fabric inside out and sew (or glue) all sides but one. 

Turn your bag right side in. If you are using glue, make sure it has dried before turning right side in. Add your rice mixture. Sew (or glue) the remaining side shut.

If you sewed this, try heating it in the microwave for around 30 seconds. I love it as a little heating pad. It can be used unheated as well. Stuff inside or under the pillow for a wonderful scent. Keep it in your suitcase or dresser drawer for scent. I keep one in my travel bag, so I'm never without it.

And that's it! 

FYI: To help you achieve a great night's rest Walgreens is offering a special promotion: customers can earn 3,000 Balance Rewards points (a $3 value) when they purchase 2 of the following participating products: Emergen-Zzz, Nexium 24HR, or Advil PM during the month of March.

Wishing you a good night's sleep tonight!

Extra Elle:
  • As I stated before, I spent my weekend in the mountains. Charlie and I had a great time exploring the area, hiking, and running around. He was so tired. The cabin was very cute and had only a vcr, which I thought was hilarious. I got caught up on reading mags and beauty textbooks #nerd.


  1. Ugh our kids don't sleep well, so sleep,is a luxury in this house. This sounds like a dream. And I didn't know that Epsom salts came in lavender scent! Hope you sleep better this week!

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  2. I love this sleep sachet! And it looks so easy to make too. I definitely need to give this a try. That's great you got to escape to the mountains for the weekend with Charlie!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  3. I definitely could use this! Love that it's easy to make! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  4. This post just came right in time. I've been having a hard time sleeping lately:( Will definitely give that sleep sachet a go. Thanks, Elle:)

  5. that sleep sachet is so cute and i just love them. so easy to make - who knew! and glad you had a relaxing weekend away in the mountains. i'm actually heavily debating doing the same thing by myself. good to reset and recharge!!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. What a wonderful idea! I never have problems falling asleep but I have trouble staying asleep. Glad you were able to get away for the weekend and recharge and take a break from everything!

  7. Going to be sharing these tips with the husband since he has a harder time than me adjusting to new times and also just sleeping in general lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Love that this is so easy to make! I usually don't have a problem falling asleep, it's staying asleep that gets me! Glad you had an awesome weekend in the mountains!<3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  9. Such a neat idea! There are nights I definitely have trouble with letting my mind unwind, so these tips would be helpful!

  10. Oh I totally need to make one of these, I usually have trouble falling asleep. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Love this and seriously need it! I am the worst at trying to fall asleep!

  12. What a great idea--I love the calming smell of lavender, but I never thought about tucking something like that into my pillow at night!

  13. Makeup is definitely a necessity! This is such a great idea, and I love how easy it is to make. Hope you had a great weekend away, loved your snaps <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. A slee satchet!? I've never heard of it! Sounds fairly easy to make..! I'll have to definitely try for after baby! & can make one for my husband! Hope you've been able to sleep now!

  15. I'm a choric insomniac so the sleep sachet sounds perfect for me, Elle! Thank you for sharing and glad that you and Charlie had a great time.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  16. Did they have VHS movies for you to watch? That's so funny.
    I loved your picture of Charlie in the doorway of the cabin on IG - so cute!

  17. Ohh, just love this sleep sachet! I bet it does smell good and I love the fabric you selected for it. I have had some trouble sleeping this year, just mainly stress and overthinking things!! Thanks for sharing this!


  18. Love this. I've been using my diffuser with lavender essential oil and it knocks me out! Bath and Body Works also sells a lavender pillow spray that works so well for me!

  19. That is so cute and such a great idea! Sounds like you and charlie had a great relaxing recharge!

  20. The sleeping bag is a great idea and seems really easy.

  21. I want to try the emergen-zzz. I have trouble falling asleep sometimes so that would be great to have on hand. It's so funny that the cabin only had a VCR. It looked like the cutest, coziest place to spend a relaxing weekend.

  22. I make something similar to microwave or freeze for aches and pains- I never thought to use it for aromatherapy! I am one of those people who have trouble shutting off their brain at night so I need all the relaxation help I can get! #client

  23. These sound lovely. So glad you and Charlie had some time to get away. I hope this week is MUCH better for you!

  24. The sleep sachet sounds amazing. I will definitely have to try and make one! If I can't sleep, I like to use some oils that are calming like lavender. I would love to take a trip into the mountains. It sounds like you had S wonderful time!0

  25. It sounds like your little getaway was exactly you needed in order to get some rest and relaxation! I love Sleep Sachet! It would be such a fun craft to do with girlfriends!

  26. I love some Emergen-C! Didn't know they had a nighttime formula now. Sounds like something I need!

  27. that sleep sachet sounds brilliant. glad you enjoyed your time in the mountains. i haven't seen a VCR in ages lol

  28. I need a sleep sachet. Sleep has been interesting the last few days to say the least. Haha I rarely know what time it is, I just decide when to sleep and wake by the sun. Weird.

  29. The sleep sachet is such a cute idea! I need to try Emergen-Zzz and the berry flavor sounds good. Just what I need because sleep is important and some night I have up 5+ and toss and turn.

  30. Hope you were able to get some sleep. Have a great weekend.


  31. This looks so soothing and amazing! I love sachets!

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Etsy

  32. I have a lavender neck sachet that I use every so often, I actually used it last night out of dire need. it's amazing how much better they make you feel. I never thought about making my own!
    lauren I laurensparkle.com

  33. I have never used one of these before, but love the idea. Totally love the diy way of doing it too. Seems like a project I would like :)

  34. I have never used or heard of one of these before...sounds really neat though. I used to have really bad insomnia, but thankfully it has gotten a lot better.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  35. great tips.. we are usually so tired we don't need anything to help us sleep.. just give us a kid free night and we'll being zzzz

  36. I have trouble sleeping sometimes, so I would try both this sleeping sachet and the Emgergen-Zzzz. Did you like the Emergen-Zzzz?

  37. OMG my mom use to have one of these when I was younger and loved it! It helped with headaches too if you put it in the freezer for a little bit! I totally need to make one again!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  38. I am sorry you had such a tough week, and I hope some time away was restorative. Love this tutorial! I am going to try to make one for my sister!

  39. The sleep sachet sounds wonderful! What a fun DIY project! I'll have to try it out. I bet my son would get a kick out of it too!

    Glad to hear you had fun. I would have laughed at the VCR too. My MIL still has one and when my son sleeps over he watches VHS lol.

  40. What a great idea for a sleep sachet! It would even make a cute gift!

  41. Soo need some more sleep at the mo...! A sleep sachet is right up my alley!!


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