
Drugstore Matte Eye Shadow Palettes--Do They Exist?

Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? I know some of y'all did--I saw your Snaps and Instagram pics! I linked to my accounts if you aren't following! Mine was very low-key; just a dinner with friends and then I headed home to edit my video (below for your viewing entertainment).

Do you wear matte shadows? I do. I love them for a variety of uses like brow highlight, inner corner highlight, brow fill in, lid color, eyeliner (or to set a liquid liner), transitional shades, and occasionally as a contour. And sometimes I want an all-matte eye.

I like the convenience of having a palette full of matte shadows from which to use. But are there any that are affordable and at the drugstore? Here are 4 of my faves:

Jordana Color Effects Powder Eye Shadow Duo in Good Match
  • $3.49
  • Try online or Kmart for these
  • Not all are matte, but I like this duo of just the basics.
  • $7.29, but I have seen this for $4.77
  • Drugstores usually have this
  • Comes in 3 shades: Nude Classics, Canyon Classics, Quartz Quartet (I own the first two, so I'm not sure how the last one is)
  • When I think of PF, I think of their amazing packaging, but this is an oldie-but-goodie that hasn't changed.
  • $8.25 but shop around
  • This is a well-loved but tiny palette and the packaging has changed now (I share that in the video below)
  • $19.99
  • Target, online
  • Again, another well-used palette. One of my blog highlights was interviewing celeb makeup artist, Sonia Kashuk. I'm too embarrassed to post the video, but it's on my blog if you want to search for it!
  • While this sounds pricey for a palette, think of these as $1.66 per shadow.
To see swatches and such, then honey, just watch the video below:

What are your favorite matte drugstore palettes?

Extra Elle:


  1. I don't have any drugstore matte palettes. I love the Physicians Formula packaging and the shades in the Sonia Kashuk palette! I'll have to check them out! Have a great weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  2. I love matte eye shadows! I really like Sonia Kashuk's products but have never tried this particular one. Love how you broke it down to $1.66/shadow -- so true! Have a wonderful weekend and happy spring cleaning!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  3. I love the variety of the Sonia Kashuk palette. That would be my palette of choice!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. I have never tried any of these, so thank you for pointing them out!


  5. yes to spring cleaning! i have been working on that slowly but surely. I'll get there! and i love that sonia kashuk palette - the colors are great!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Love these picks!! I like matte shades the most!

    Paula- www.livingpaula.com

  7. I'm a huge fan of matte palettes, especially for an everyday look. It seems like all of the ones you listed would be great options! I hope you have a great weekend and can get a lot of spring cleaning done!

  8. I'm a huge fan of matte palettes and will definitely try to pick up the sonia kushak one from target this weekend! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  9. I love that Sonia Kashuk palettes - I'd use all those colors!

  10. in italy we have only l'oread palette..i like nude colors

  11. That Sonia Kashuk matte palette is highly recommended by many! Shame Target is no longer in Canada. :-(

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  12. I love matte eyeshadows, I totally need toc heck out the Sonia Kushak one. Everytime I pick up eye shadow at the drugstore, it is never matte and I get so mad. Do you have any suggestions on an eyes shadow that actually brightens? I'm on the hunt for one. It's so hard to find a good one especially when I'm an eye glass wearer.

  13. I don't have an all matte palette from the drugstore! I will have to check some of these out after I watch your video later! Those jordana duos look super cute

  14. That Sonia paleette is amazing. I find she always has such wonderful colors together.

    Photo question. Did you purchase the marble for photos or is that part of your house? It is so lovely and a great background.

  15. I like matte shadows for the bottom layer on my lid. I need to start thinking about Spring cleaning, I really have some areas of the house I'd like to work on. Have fun this weekend cleaning! And, I really need to get on snapchat!


  16. I love matte for everyday wear. Spring cleaning myself this weekend, my closet is busting at the seams, things have got to go!

  17. I only have one all matte palette and its the Balm Meet Matte Nude? I think. I always always run out of matte brow highlight shades and have been hitting pan on my brown/orange transition shades. Its good to know there are so good drug store matte palettes out there!

  18. I really like matte neutral shadows since they can be so versatile! I've heard really good things about the Sonia Kashuk Eye on Neutral Matte Palette.

  19. You know, I don't have any drugstore matte shadows...well I actually don't have many drugstore shadows at all. I really should try some, I just like to stick with what I love when it comes to eyeshadows. I'll try anything else really, I guess I'm not the best beauty blogger. LOL! I should try the SK shadow palette, looks really pretty!

  20. I love matte shadows for the crease and brow bone. I have some matte singles from Urban Decay and Makeup Geek that I keep in Z palette, but I've never tried any drugstore shades. I hear good things about the Sonia Kashuk palette. I need to give it a try!

  21. You are so expressive on camera! I am sorry last week was so rough, but I am glad you got away last weekend. I always look at these palates but get overwhelmed, so thanks for the reviews!

  22. Heading to watch your video next, but I have to say that I LOVE that Sonia Kashuk palette! It's one of my most used palettes and it can't be beat for the price!

  23. I don't wore a lot a matte eyeshadow. So I don't have a favorite one.


  24. Yayyyy for spring cleaning! That Sonia Kashuk palette is too pretty, and love that you can find it at Target. Happy Friday gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  25. I like the colors in the L'Oreal palette, I'd like to try that one. Most of the shadows I have are shimmery, so this would be good for when I'm not in the mood for that.

  26. I have that Sonia Kashuk palette, and I love it! I've even used it for stage makeup before when I needed a no-makeup stage makeup look.

  27. I love Sonia Kashuk products so I'll have to check out that palette. I don't own any colors like these.

  28. I've never used a matte eye shadow before, but they seem interesting. I kind of like my shimmer in an eye shadow, though. ;)

  29. I prefer matte shadows... I guess it's the visual traumatic experience of seeing all the shiny metallics in the late 80s - early 90s that affected my choice long term. :D Love the L'oreal and Sonia's ones, gorgeous colours. x

  30. Ohhh I like the PF and Sonia ones, I will have to check those out. I think I remember one of them from your previous posts and thinking that I needed to look at them! Hope you have a great weekend!

  31. I wanted to try that matte Sonia Kashuk, but have not, Perhaps I can buy online. I've not tried any of these, but I do like Physicians Formula products. I wear mostly neutrals, but I'm trying out bolder shades for the season! <3 Happy weekend.
    Spring Style

  32. I don't have any of these palettes, but I like the look of the one from Sonia Kashuk :)

  33. I've heard good things about the Sonia Kashuk palette. Thanks for sharing Elle!


  34. I don't have any of those palette. I would love to buy those next time when I am expanding my makeup collection... especially the Sonia Kushak one :)

  35. I love the Sonia Kashuk palette, but those are really hard to find here. I was lucky enough to get one when I travelled to the US about two years ago, and I've used it really often!

  36. I almost bought the Sonia Kashuk Palette a few months back - it looks awesome!


  37. The few eye shadows I have are Sonia Kushuk and I love them!!!

  38. Oh I've seen that Loreal one in the stores here! My sister was looking for a particular set of colours in it but it was sadly sold out when we were looking.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  39. I have heard so much about Soniya Kashuk. I want to try it now. Loreal palette is good.


  40. Thanks for posting this. I've been looking for certain drugstore matte eye shadow palettes to take with me to Japan.

  41. These are such great options! I love it when you show drugstore items! :)

  42. this is awesome! every time you post about Sonia Kashuk stuff, i tell myself i need to get my butt over to target and buy some, and then i forget. but i will definitely be checking out that palette, $20 is not bad for that many shadows, like you said, works out pretty cheap per shadow!

  43. I love matte shadows! I definitely need to scoop up that Sonia Kashuk one!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  44. i've always loved l'oreal when it comes to drugstore products. will check that one out!

  45. I love matte eyeshadows but never ventured or tried high street brands. I'll have to look into them


  46. Great colours ;)


    Mónica Sors



  47. Much to my surprise Bonnie Belle makes a matte eyeshadow quad that is wonderful. Good luck finding this brand though. The only place around here we can find it is a place called Discount Drugmart which is an Ohio thing. haha. Jordana makes some stellar products! We have them in all our Walgreen's stores. (:

  48. I totally bought that L'Oreal palette because you recommended it for beginners like me.


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