
10 Sephora Finds $10 And Under

"Let's go into Sephora. It'll just take a minute," I told my friend once. 

She knew that was a dang LIE because I never take a minute in Sephora. I have to see what's new, swatch some things, get some samples, the usual. Give me at least 30 minutes.

"I don't wanna go in! Everything is so ridiculously expensive," she said.

I immediately felt a challenge brewing in my mind.

"True, but I bet I can find you tons of things that are affordable. And under, let's say, $10?"

And so I did. 

I thought I'd recreate that here in a new series 
where I share products I love from Sephora that are $10 and under. 

Ole Henriksen Cleanse and Go On the Go: $8
Vitamin C cleansing cloths and African Tea Foaming Cleanser make up this duo from one of my favorite skin care brands--love this for travel or on the go

NARS Pencil Sharpener $6:
Think all sharpeners are the same? Think again. This works for those chubby lip and cheek pencils as well as standard size.

Besame Lipstick Matches $6:
This is one of my FAVE things: 5 "matchsticks" that have lipstick on them. Just tear one off and use. Love these in my bag. They come in 5 colors and are exact replicas of the lipsticks worn by the classic Hollywood starlets.

Sephora Avocado Eye Mask $5:
Spehora has so many of these masks, and they can be hit or miss, but this one is so good. The avocado mask soothes the dry and tired eye area.

Sephora Charcoal Swabs $3:
These 30 charcoal swabs can be used for a multitude of cosmetic tasks, including quick fixes to eyeliner, applying any dry or liquid product, and removing makeup from hard-to-reach places that cotton pads can't. The black color of the swabs shows light colors, highlighters, and luminizers better than traditional white swabs.

Because I always need a hair tie and sometimes I want one in a cute color. Pack of 6, comes in other colors (including brown-black) as well

SEPHORA COLLECTION Pro Brow Brush #20 $7:
Angled brush great for shaping brows

Because who has time to soak off glitter polish? A few dips in this and you're done. I use it for nail decals and wraps too.

A great hydrating sheet mask that calms skin

Another staple in my bag! You get 3 scents per pack of 4: Miami Orange Blossom, Oahu Gardenia, and Malibu Honeysuckle.

What are your inexpensive Sephora faves?


  1. So fun and looks like you found a lot of great stuff for under $10! The masks would be my go-to!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. You found lots of great things for under $10! Love the fragrance wipes and mask!

    Doused In Pink

  3. These are some great finds Elle! Ole Henrikson is also one of my favorites and that nifty little pack is coming with me the next time I travel!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. You had me at $10!!! I love going in to Sephora and you just proved that if you look hard enough, the trip can fit in any budget. I love shopping the travel/sample size items near the register. You never know what you might fall in love with!

  5. The sephora check out line always gets me! I love the travel size items they have available, especially if I just want to try the product out and see how I like it. :-) It's honestly often more expensive, for the amount you get, than just buying the full size. But being a beauty blogger I have too much as it is and I hate for things to go to waste! :-)

    Great round up of inexpensive items! I need to check them out -- I always just head to the high end, pricey stuff, lol

  6. ok i'd say you did a bang up job! you know how i feel about the avocado masks :) and i def need that NARS sharpener - something i keep forgetting but totally need!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. This is a dangerous post! I love grabbing all those $10 products but they add up so fast haha. The area right by the register is my favorite and least favorite. My wallet hates it but I LOVE it.

  8. Sadly I have never heard of half of these products but now I want to make a trip into Sephora! Those charcoal swabs sound perfect! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  9. Thanks for this, Elle:) I do go to Sephora a lot, but I haven't seen some of these great and cheap finds... I'm not looking hard enough! I'm gonna try some of those charcoal swabs.

  10. I loooove that nail polish remover - it takes polish off so easily and it smells good too! And I absolutely MUST try those lipstick matchsticks!!

    xoxo, Kacie

  11. I think I need to try that avocado mask - and it's a great price!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  12. I'm the same way in Sephora. I need some samples and then I need to clean myself off because I have swatches everywhere. I haven't tried any of the things on your list, but I need to.

  13. I'm uber cheap when it comes to beauty products so I appreciate this post!

  14. Oh Sephora, how I love you! You can definitely find some great items for not super expensive,you just have to be willing to look around for them. Or wait for the semi-annual sale :)

  15. I love scooping up the affordable goodies at Sephora or throwing them into my online shopping cart to qualify for free shipping. You can't go wrong with those masks, and loving that eye pencil sharpener <3
    Green Fashionista

  16. This is helpful. Groupon gave me a $10 gift card to Sephora and I've been trying to figure out how to use it.

  17. So many great finds! I want to try that eye mask!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  18. Love the Besame matchsticks, too! I don't actually own them, but saw them on the Besame website. I didn't realize Sephora sold this and I'm so happy now that I know. Haha!! Could you do swatches maybe? And is this a single-use lipstick? Just curious, I mean, I'm sure I'll end up buying this anyway.. Hahah.

    Much Love!
    -Stephanie Eva

  19. Ha, that sounds like what my husband says when he wants me to go to Home Depot with him! I love this new series, Elle, you know I'm always looking for bargain buys. I think I NEED that eye mask.

  20. The Avocado mask sounds nice! I really want to try more Sephora masks. There are a ton of great deals at checkout where all the smaller items are. I get sucked in so easily lol

  21. Now I have another reason to go into Sephora! :) I love those lipstick matches. Need to get those stat!


  22. TBH I find the crowds and lines at Sephora a little crazy at times so I avoid the store and shop online most of the time but I think I do miss out on some of the less expensive finds that way. Thanks for the roundup! I'm a fan of Sephora's $6 lip liners.

  23. When I lived in the state I used to love buying my nail polish remover from them.


  24. I hear they have great products. I think I've only been in once.

  25. I love the Sephora sheet and eye masks!! They are my favorite and so inexpensive!!


  26. I don't think that I've ever gone in Sephora for 10 minutes either lol! These are some great inexpensive items!

  27. Love this! I really like their eye masks, definitely need to pick up a couple more!

  28. Love all these great finds! I want to try that Hydra solution so much now!

  29. This is so great because I usually find Sephora so expensive!! Great finds!

  30. You are so creative! I love this idea! And those Sephora masks are my favorite! Great picks!

  31. I love the idea of charcoal swabs.

    Paula- www.livingpaula.com

  32. What a great little challenge you set and I love what you found! I want those matchsticks!

  33. So curious about the mask! I need to see if I can get it here. x

  34. The Polish Remover is one of my favorites; and I LOVE Sephora Face Masks!


  35. Those charcoal swabs look very cool and the lipstick matches are such a great idea!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  36. You found so many great things. I needed this post awhile ago when I had a $10 GC :)

  37. I want to try both of those masks and that glitter polish remover! I'm actually shocked at how many (good) things they have under $10!

  38. I love their masks so much! They make the best Little items to put in gift bags and I'm always looking for the items they have that are less expensive so I absolutely love this list! Thanks beautiful lady

  39. These are some great finds, I often think everything is so expensive in there so love that you picked out these great products. I want to try the wipes and those red lipsticks!

  40. That Nars pencil sharpener is seriously life changing! I needed one that would actually work with the Nars lip pencils, because what I had wasn't cutting it. I don't know what I did before that darn sharpener! Best $6 I ever spent!

  41. ohhh yaaas! i rarely go into sephora because i feel like everything is expensive, but i am glad you proved me and your friend wrong ;) i also just get super overwhelmed in stores like that, i much prefer to browse online. those masks sound fabulous!

  42. I love that you found so many affordable items! I really need to try that glitter nail polish remover!

  43. What a good roundup! I will reference this next time I make an online order, I usually need to round up to get my free shipping!

  44. Love this list! I want those charcoal swabs :)

  45. That nail polish remover is the best!! Loving this list!


  46. Well, Sephora has very good lipsticks for 11 euros, great palettes for 24... when other brands are like 65 euros for a smaller palette. But alas, if someone goes to Sephora every week, or more than once a week, then adding 11 one day, 24 the other, plus 13 another, then of course, it gets awful :) I looooved the post because I now want this Ole Henriksen Cleanse soooo much! I like vitamin C and I want it now :) Plus, I never saw the Charcoal swabs, and I also want them - yes, black shows colors better than white!

  47. These are all great finds! The avocado mask sounds like something I should look for next time I'm in there! I seem to always tell my husband I'll just be a minute in Sephora too, and I'm pretty sure she knows it's a lie lol!!

  48. Maybe it's just because it's trendy right now, but seeing those charcoal swabs makes me want to try them!

  49. Charcoal swabs? I need these in my Cosmetology Student life! So picking these up on my next Sephora trip.


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