
25 DIY Masks for Face + Hair

I can never decide which I like more: playing with beauty products or making them. It all began when I was about 3 years old and has never stopped. 

From my hundreds of DIY Beauty recipes, I've plucked 25 that I think you'll love. I've got something for everyone. All you have to do is raid the kitchen. These have been used for years by me and actually work--they aren't just random ingredients thrown together like some DIY recipes you'll find. Be sure to Pin this--you'll thank me later! Here are 25 diy masks for face and hair:

Which of these would you make first?

Extra Elle: 
  • I went on a spree this past weekend. A cleaning spree, that is. But I did it because I was procrastinating. I know I can't be the only one guilty of that! 
  • My neighbor finally took down her Christmas decorations. Now how am I supposed to easily find my apartment? ;)


  1. That cranberry mask and the chocolate milkshake one are my two faves!! They all look great, though. I need to do some Spring cleaning!!


  2. All of these are amazing - I love the sounds of the lemon and yogurt one - so easy!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I need the mask for exhausted skin this time of year! The chocolate milkshake for hair sounds amazing too! It's time for an at home spa night!

    Doused In Pink

  4. You are so creative with these homemade beauty products, Elle! I really need to give one of these a try -- love the sounds of the cranberry mask for glowing skin. Glad your neighbors finally took down their Christmas decorations haha!!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  5. I'm all about a quick mask for oily skin! These all look amazing <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. I definitely need to try out some of those hair masks. My poor hair gets so blah during the summer. And that green tea mask sounds amazing! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  7. These would be so much fun to make for a girls weekend! I would love to make these with my friends and then put them on and have a real housewives marathon or something!

  8. I am going to have to try some of these! They look like so much fun. I am dying over the Christmas decoration comment! That's really funny!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  9. omg your neighbor - that is too funny! might as well have kept it up at this point ha. is it bad i still love everything pumpkin right now even though it's all hot out? :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  10. Thanks for sharing these, I definitely want to try a few as my skin really needs some TLC this time of year!

  11. They look amazing! Thanks for sharing dear!
    Mónica Sors

  12. I'm going to try all of these :) I love making my own products too!

  13. Is it wrong that so many of these masks make me hungry. As in, they actually look edible? :P


  14. this post is so helpful..thanks for sharing..i want to try to make them

  15. This is so helpful, I will definitely be trying some of these!! I love making my own masks and scrubs at home!

  16. I like diys because you know exactly what's going in them, but I also like buying stuff because it's kind of a Luxary! He coconut avocado hair makes sounds so nice. My hair needs to serious help. And I love how all of your diys sound good enough to eat too lol!!

  17. BOOKMARKING! I love posts such as this, everything is listed in one and it makes it so easy to refer back to. Thanks, Elle!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  18. haha about your neighbor!!! :)
    I need to check out the depuffing mask - Lord knows the older I get, the longer it takes for this 'puff' to settle in the morning.

  19. Pinning this for sure. I made your first one in January and my skin thanked you! Ha to your neighbor. I guess never late than never!

  20. Wow what a great post to pin and look back on! So much hard work has went into every one of these posts! You should be super proud! :)

  21. Yes!! These are going to be so fun to try I am so Pinning this!! You're such a pro at this, beautiful pro!!

  22. These look fun . . . I bet my daughter and her friends would have fun making some! And that's too funny on the Christmas decorations! Way to get on it!

  23. I honestly think you should consider making and selling these on Etsy! I really thing you would do well! Maybe advertise for each mask and price and make them as the requests come in! You could also advertise them on your blog.

  24. Definitely saving this! Gonna try the honey oatmeal one this weekend!
    Thank you just so much. This is just oh so useful :)

    Allie | RainyAllie

  25. Strawberry milkshake mask sounds amazing! Thanks for this!

  26. This post has made me hungry haha I'm glad your neighbor finally decided that Christmas was over. I can't believe she's had them up this long!

  27. These all sound great, I think I need the one for exhausted skin the most though. Too funny about your neighbor. We also have a neighbor who had their Christmas tree up until really recently (and actually it may still be there, I just haven't looked in a while)!

  28. You are seriously always on top of things and trying new things out. I'm so lazy when it comes to DIY, but I might give the oily skin mask a try.

  29. Oh my goodness, I can't believe your neighbor just took down Christmas decor! I need to do some serious cleaning, but I am procrastinating even that. These masks look great! I think I might try the brightening one, just because I have everything on hand!

  30. Pepto on zits?!?! That is brilliant! I am going to have to try it. That is too funny about your neighbor and their Christmas decor. I wonder what made them take it down today?

  31. So amazing how generous you are with these DIY's, Elle:) On behalf of all your readers, thank you! That oatmeal/honey one is my fave...so easy!!! :D

  32. I need to try your depuffing mask. I've had allergies and a cold, so my face feels super puffy right now. This is just what I need!

  33. So many fun mask recipes you've experimented with!! I'm going to try the mask for rosacea relief because I have those dreaded pink undertones.

  34. So many great ideas! I want to try the green tea one!


  35. I'm thinking I need to try about 5 of these right now and the rest of them later! You are the queen of skincare DIY!

  36. So many amazing mask recipes!! I definitely want to try that hair one! My hair has been so dry!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  37. The banana and coconut hair mask sounds awesome! And definitely good enough to eat, haha! I need to make more of an effort to try hair masks at home, I love the results after getting one at the hairdressers!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  38. I've never made a mask myself but it's such a great idea, I really have to try it! I'd love to make the green tea mask. xx


  39. It's like reading a cafe menu (almost) :) Green tea sounds rather appropriate for me, I use it once in a while in my masks and will definitely try your recipe - thank you for the idea, Elle! x

  40. Will try some of these once I get back to the states. I'm in Japan for now.

  41. So many great masks, I want to try the exfoliating one, with yoghurt! I have sensitive skin and I think yoghurt will be good for that! You are always amazing!

  42. I guess I make my own DIY mask twice a week, by taking cinnamon and organic, raw honey. I think I'd really like the Shamrock shake masque! How cute is your presentation of it?! (:

  43. I love doing diy masks. I am surely gonna try cranberry mask. Thanks for sharing dear

  44. Oh wow! Your neighbor just took down her decorations? That makes me feel better about leaving mine up through the end of January, haha!

    Great DIY masks, friend!

  45. I love DIY masks, but I usually just do them for my hair. Too lazy and too many store-bought face masks around.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  46. You always have the best DIYs. Also Christmas decor coming down in April hahaha your neighbour is cray!

  47. Oh, I need to treat myself to one of these masks this weekend!

  48. How on earth do u come up with so many great diys? Your the queen I swear!!!! ;)

  49. I'm definitely bookmarking this post! So many great looking masks to try! Thanks for sharing Elle!

  50. Nice list of DIY masks! I've only ever done a honey mask. That was a while ago though. Very messy lol. And Christmas decorations in April? Yikes!

  51. Are you sure these are masks and not something I want to eat...?!? ;) Totally saving this down...!

  52. This tutorial is great! Has really helped!

  53. Best post ever girlie! I have to try these out. I absolutely love your beauty tips!


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