
Blogiversary Giveaway! $200 Sephora Gift Card


Happy blogiversary to Elle Sees! After reading blogs for a couple of years, I decided to make my own. I wanted a beauty blog that gave fair reviews of thoroughly tested products (whether purchased or pr), lots of fun beauty DIYS, the tricks I had learned over the years from my love of beauty, and tutorials for hair/makeup/nails.

I wanted to find others who shared my love of beauty as well as those who are beginners. I was worried no one would read it, so for the first few years I blogged about everything else, before making Elle Sees almost exclusively beauty. It brings me such joy that I still look forward to creating content. Here's my blog by the numbers:

  • Years spent blogging: 6
  • Blog views: 8, 018, 815
  • Posts: 2027
  • Times I've run out of ideas: 0
  • Hours it takes to create one post: 4
  • Times I've considered quitting: 1
  • Fun I've had and friends I've made: countless
  • Best part: knowing I've helped someone who maybe didn't love beauty before but now is willing to try it
  • Worst part: People who don't read your posts and rude bloggers
And to thank you for spending a bit of your day with me, whether you are a long-time or new reader, I'm giving away $200 Sephora gift card! To enter, please use the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will run from 4-14-16 to 5-14-16 and is open to all. Gift card can be used in stores or online and will be delivered via email. I will not exchange it for money or other prize. It will be a $200 Sephora gift card. Winner will be chosen randomly on 5-14-16 and entries will be verified first and if the potential winner doesn't follow the rules, the process will continue until one that does. Please use this post to see who won. If you are a sore loser (there's always one!) or are following just to unfollow, then please don't enter this giveaway. I bought this gift card myself so it is sponsored by me! Good luck to all and thank you for reading Elle Sees!


  1. Yay to 6 years! You've created such a great blog! we love following along in your beauty adventures and I am always envious of your nails! Congratulations!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. Congrats on the blog anniversary! Awesome giveaway!

  3. Congrats on 6 years! I love your blog and look forward to your posts!

    Doused In Pink

    1. I'm also intersted to see more reviews on anti-aging products, DIYs for hands and nails and Q&A with other bloggers. Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. Replies
    1. would love more reviews of masks and anything skincare :) Great body products too.

  5. happy blogiversary! mine is next weekend! yay for celebrations all around. 6 years is impressive! congrats on your many years of hard work!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Congrats on another year of great quality blogging -- you remain one of my faves!


  7. Congrats Elle! Six years is a huge milestone, not to mention over 8m views!!!!

  8. Happy Blog Anniversary! What an amazing giveaway! Looking forward to what you bring to the table this year. :)


  9. Happy Blogiversary lovely! Cheers to many more years of incredible blogging! I, for one, would love to see more drugstore dupe type posts {always nice to find a high-end inspired product for less}!


  10. Congratulations on 6 years! You put so much into this space and it really shows. Thank you for being so fabulous!

  11. I would love to see more of anything involving skincare!

  12. Happy bloganniversary, Elle and congratulations to 6 year! Wishing you many more successful years! I would love to see more makeup tutorials, I enjoy that the most as I am not good at it so any help would be welcome! xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  13. Happy Blogiversary!!! I would love to see more about skincare, how about skincare for trouble skin, like Psoriasis, Eczema, etc.

  14. 6 years?! That's so awesome. I've been at it for almost 2 years and I haven't run out of ideas yet either. I'm so glad we've become friends through blogging. My favorite posts are product reviews. Here's to many more years and congrats on all you've accomplished so far!

  15. I'd love to learn a lil more about you. Your loves, likes, dislikes, day in the life [without pictures of lil ones of course].

  16. I love all your stats. Congrats on another wonderful year of blogging. I love everything you do here.

  17. Yay for a blogiversary and such a fun giveaway! I love all of your posts-- the time you put into each one definitely shows! I also love watching your videos on YT :)

  18. Congratulations! I love tutorials but I really love when you compare products and rate them. I really use your reviews when shopping around! ♥

  19. Aw I love this!!! Happy blogiversary girl! I always love your posts! Awesome giveaway too!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  20. Happy Blogiversary Elle!! 6 years is such an accomplishment! Wishing you many more happy and successful years to come! Great giveaway!

  21. Happy Blogiversary, Elle! I love to read your blog, especially the dupe posts!

  22. Congrats on 6 years of blogging!! That's so exciting, and you've written some amazing posts!


  23. Congrats girl! That is so awesome - such an accomplishment. Cheers to many more!

  24. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge, happiness, & love.

  25. Happy blogiversary!!! 6 years is HUGE!!

  26. Happy anniversary!!! I love when you compare different products and do tutorials :) And ummm that cake looks soooo good!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  27. I love all of your posts and check your blog pretty much daily. I love your videos and would love to see more hauls, chats, or get ready with me! Thank you for the opportunity to win :)

  28. I love all of your posts and check your blog pretty much daily. I love your videos and would love to see more hauls, chats, or get ready with me! Thank you for the opportunity to win :)

  29. I would like more drugstore products reviews.

  30. Happy Anniversary! I think that you have a great blog, and I like hair care tips and makeup deals! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

  31. Happy Blogiversary Elle! I would like to see more buy this not that posts! (comparing high end to drugstore dupes)

  32. Congrats on 6 years! I love high end to drug store posts. & nails =)

  33. I enjoy swatch comparison posts & home decor/diy posts.

    (Rosie A)

  34. Happy Blogioversary! I am so glad I found your informative blog! I love all of your posts, I always learn something new!

  35. Congrats! I would love to see more empties and hauls.

  36. Happy Blogiversary!!! You are for sure my number one beauty guru for all my questions because I know you are going to shoot me straight :)

  37. Yay! Happy blogiversary sweet friend! I love coming to your blog everday because I know I'll learn something new! Wishing you many more successful years! Girl...give me yo tips! How do you not run out of ideas? I get stumped sometimes...and I'm with you...I hate when people don't read my post and leave a comment totally unrelated to what I wrote about. Ugh.
    I would like to see a post on good skincare products for oily skin, along with acne prone skin. My skin has been acting up on me lately...I have been breaking out like crazy!

  38. Happy blogiversary! I can't believe that you've been blogging for that long! Like you said, you really can't beat the relationships that you form with other bloggers, but I think that we could all do without the internet trolls!

  39. Happy blogiversary!!!!!! I just recently started a blog and I'm having a little bit of trouble getting running. I can never seem to find time in my crazy schedule. Your blog is truly an inspiration for me to get mine going!!!

  40. Happy blogiversary! Such a pretty cake! Did you make it?

    Cheryl | SwissBeautyTalk

  41. I love good Ole tutorials because visual learning is what I do. And you got some good ones!

  42. Happy blog anniversary Elle!! I love all your honest reviews (especially for drugstore prducts) so keep those coming! I also love your makeup and hair tutorials with step by step photos :)

  43. Congratulations! It's nice to see tutorials amongst a sea of haul videos. Keep up the good work!

  44. Amazing!! Happy Birthday, ElleSees! I've loved every post, video, and picture and all the funny things your charge says!

  45. I always love your dupe posts! Happy blogiversary!

  46. Happy Blogaversary, Elle! I really enjoy seeing your drugstore makeup reviews and tutorials.

  47. Congratulations on 6 years! I love everything you do from your DIYs to your great reviews! Keep doing what you are doing!

  48. Congrats on reaching the 6 year milestone and that's amazing you have never run out of ideas. I always run out of ideas! As for what I want to see more of...I think you do a good of posting a good variety of reviews and product comparisons when it comes to hair, skin and nails.

  49. oh no, i hope you never quit! congrats on the 6 years anniversary, that is awesome. people who don't read posts are super rude and it's so.. hurtful and condescending. i get a lot of comments where i know they didn't read it, and i'm just like, why bother? if i have nothing to say, or i don't want to read, i don't. end of story. no one is paying you to read my blog, bugger off. haha. as for what i want to see more of - honestly elle, you're clearly doing a fabulous job, so just keep up the good work!

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  52. Happy Blogiversary! I think you're the 1st beauty blogger that I ever followed!
    You always amaze me with your creative posts. But makeup dupe posts always catch my eye...
    Here's to many more years of great blog posts!!!
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  53. I would love to see more DIY projects. before/after photos.. and giveaways.. they don't hurt!

  54. Yay! Happy blogiversary to Elle Sees! So happy for you since you're one of my beauty faves! It's amazing how you've never run out of ideas! Cheers to many more babe!

  55. Congrats on the blogiversary! I would love to see more easy and cute hair updos.

  56. I would love to see more giveaways and maybe some how to french braid posts.

  57. You are amazing. I LOVE your stats! I love that you include the hours it takes because I don't think some people realize how much work it is. So thankful to have met you through bloggy land. HAPPY blogiversary!!!

  58. Happy Blogiversary! I love reading your beauty reviews :)

  59. Happy 6 years of blogging bliss, Elle!

  60. Wow congrats on your blogaversary! 6 years is a great milestone, and you have so many views! I barely have a tenth of that and I'm only 2 years behind you :P

    Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  61. I would love to see more drugstore beauty haul videos(:

  62. Amazing giveaway! I would love to see cute & quick hair do's & drugstore beauty videos.

  63. Congrats on your blogiversary more blessings to come. I would love to see more giveaways, make up tutoring and always love all the great topics and surprises you give to us. Thanks for the chance :)

  64. Happy Blog Anniversary Elle!! 6 years and over 2,00 posts, that is so awesome and such an amazing accomplishment! I'm so proud of you and so lucky to call you a friend! I love your blog and look forward to seeing your posts everyday. Thank you for the awesome giveaway, but more importantly thank you for being amazing blogger, a friend, and always visiting my blog too!

    1. Also would love to see more this or that, or the dupe compassion posts!!

  65. I would like to see more make up posts. Thanks for the give away chance!

  66. Congrats on 6 years! Such a long time !i like to see more dupe products comparation

  67. Wow, six years! That's great.

    I'd like to see makeup reviews and tutorials.

  68. Congrats on this huge milestone. I would love to see more tutorials.

  69. Happy blog-versary! I would love to see more posts about blogging advice/thoughts, like the sponsored posts series you did (on if other bloggers love/hate them). Also, products for dark eye circles/wrinkles, since that is my latest challenge!


  70. Congratulations and here's to many more!
    I love DIY tutorials :-)

  71. This is so nice, congratulations! What for a nice gift! I don't remember you considering stopping blogging, and I am glad you didn't! I also never knew rude bloggers, well, I know one :) unfortunately. Up to the next 6 years!!! Have a great weekend!

  72. happy bloggerversary!!!!! you're one of my favorite beauty bloggers :) xoxo

  73. Happy Blogiversary gurlie! So glad I found this space of yours, keep up all the awesome work. I wouldn't change a thing! Your reviews are the most beautiful and in-depth I've seen <3
    Green Fashionista

  74. Girl! You don't need to do ANYTHING to make Elle Sees more AWESOME than it already is! I love your blog! Can't believe you've been blogging for this long! I remember when I first stumbled across your blog...I fell in love instantly! You're who inspired me to start blogging about makeup. :-)

    Honestly, I gave your question some deep thought...but I can't think of anything that you need to change to make your blog -- and Youtube channel -- better than it already is.

    Just keep being awesome, Elle! ;-)

  75. Hi Elle,

    You are great on instagram and now I can follow on your blog! Congratulations on 6 years. Time to celebrate. Hugs to you.

  76. Happy blogiversary to my favorite beauty blogger!

  77. I think more reviews- like makeup- MAC

    thanks !:)

  78. Happy anniversary to you Elle! I think your site is great just as it is. :) I guess I would say more Charlie pics but that's cuz I'm such a crazy animal person, lol. :) But he really is so cute and I like seeing those "life of the blogger" snippets.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  79. Congrats! Love your blog. Would love to see more giveaways:)

  80. Congrats! Six years is a big deal! I didn't know you considered quitting! I'm glad you didn't! :)

  81. Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog, and love reading all about makeup products!

  82. Congrats and what a generous giveaway! I can't believe you've been doing this for 6 yrs! I think you'r blog is great just keep doing what you're doing!

  83. It takes you 4 hours to create one post? You are a MUCH more dedicated blogger than I am. That shows in your number of followers versus mine - hahaha! Happy Blogiversary!

  84. Maybe by doing more mommie makeover ideas and real people features makeup ideas & hair styles & tips

  85. Congrats! Thats amazing! and you are very dedicated! I think you are doing a great job!

  86. Happy Blogiversary!! I love your blog just the way it is <3

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  87. Happy Blogiversary! I honestly don't think you need to do anything to make it better (accept maybe switch to self hosted Wordpress!) I love your blog how it is :)

  88. six years is so impressive, I can't believe it! I love that you listed how many times you ran out of ideas = 0. that shows your true talent and passion. I hate when bloggers complain about lack of content ideas. cheers, girl!
    xx, lauren

  89. Happy Blogiversary to one of my ALL TIME FAVES! You know you are "BLOGGER GOALS" to many of us. But you just do everything so perfectly that there is just no way to keep up. I love your reviews and point of view on everything. Your YT videos are awesome as well. I like that you do a lot of drugstore but also mix it up with the high end goodies as well. And I can tell by the way you describe things that you have really tried them out and not just writing a review to write one. If I were u, I wouldn't change a thing about your blog other than we need to clone u so we can get even MORE ELLE! <3

  90. Happy blogging anniversary and here's to wishing you many many more

  91. Happy Blogiversary! Thanx for the lovely giveaway ,I honestly don't think you need to do anything to make it better .I love your blog the way it is :)

  92. The only thing I can think of for making this blog better is that when I look up your website on my cellphone, I can't see a search bar. It's easily fixed when I click on the button that says "see web version" and then your normal layout shows up and I can just zoom up on the search bar. I only know this because I am frequently out and about and have a beauty question and want to check your opinion on your blog. But really it's not even that big of a deal. That's all I can think of. Thanks for being awesome! Happy blogiversary! :)

  93. Happy Blogiversary! Man, I've considering quitting more than once that's for sure. But I'm so glad that I didn't. It really is a lot of fun. More work than anything, but definitely a lot of fun. Here's to many more years!

  94. Congrats for lasting so long in the beauty blogging jungle, and happy Blogversary! I don't think you need to change anything to improve your blog, just being yourself makes you different!

  95. i like it more newsletter more indepth i love it anyways i just like learning more

  96. I've enjoyed your blog for years and can't wait for more real product reviews, cool DIYs, and more!

  97. Congrats! You do a great job of mixing high and low brands, and I feel like it's actually attainable!

  98. Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog how it is!

  99. Six years is definetely an accomplishment and I will say this is your gift-blogging. You do a wonderful job. I am all about a good healthy dose of constructive criticism but I can't think of anything you can do to make Elle Sees any better. You have posts on subjects I would have never thought about and they are so helpful. You review so many products that truly guides me in the direction I want to go in which products to buy this saving me all the trials and money of doing so. I love your extra Elle that you include so that we know more about you and you have gotten into some emotional and sincerely honest subjects that you have gone thru that a lot, the vast majority, wouldn't come close to doing probably because they haven't gotten thru to the other side of it like you have. Thanks so much for all you do and for sharing you with us.

  100. Happy Blogiversary! Six years is definitely a success to be proud of. I just found you on a Twitter search. I always tell Bloggers to please don't ever abandon Twitter. New platforms keep popping up, but I still love Twitter and use it the most of all the social platforms out there. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  101. Happy Blog Birthday! I have loved adding your blog to my day and hearing about everything you have to say!

  102. Happy Blog birthday Elle ! I'm also a blogger since more than 6 years :-) We are bloggers dinosaurs ! LOL

    Also for the comment entries, I don't really know what you can improve, your blog is nice ! ;-)

  103. I entered the giveaway. Hope to be the lucky winner.

  104. I love your blog. You are always truthful, informative and so sweet!! One of my favorite by far!!��

  105. I really enjoy your blog! I am a huge fan of simple and short makeup tips so I would love to see those!

  106. 6 years- wow!! Congrats! Honestly, I think you're killing it with your blog. I have no suggestions!

  107. I would love to see more anti aging posts for preventative measures :)

  108. I love helpful blog tips posts as well as sharing your stats and tips from your personal experiences along the way :)

  109. Happy blog birthday! Happy to have found your blog, consider me subscribed!

  110. Yay! Such a HUGE accomplishment! xoxo
    I'd love to hear/see your recommendations in terms of minimalist skin routines/make-up routines.


  111. Congratulations! I have loved following along with you on your journey! And 8 million views is pretty awesome!

    Amanda || www.fortheloveofglitter.com

  112. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I'd love to see more skincare reviews and dupes!

  113. So sweet of you to do for your readers!!

  114. Congratulations on your blogiversary!! I love your blog! XO


  115. Congratulations! I really love the blog and I've learned so much. I think my favorite posts are the comparisons of all the different brands like the one with cleansing water. So great!

  116. Happy bloggeversary! I absolutely adore you're blog and you're so sweet ❤️ Congratulations!!

  117. Congrats on 6 years! I love more make-up post and reviews if beauty organic products!

  118. Congratulations and happy anniversary!

  119. Happy blogiversary! I looooove your blog! I have found some of my best makeup tips/tricks here!

  120. I love your blog! ♥ I have no suggestions on how you could improve it, it is fantastic :-) I have learned so much and found really great info here. Happy Anniversary and Thanks!

  121. Congrats on your blogiversary!I am a fairly new follower, and love your blog. I guess I would love to see more DIY face, hair and skin recipes :)

  122. Happy blogiversary! I'd like to see authentic behind-the-scenes of what goes into blogging, photo shoots, etc.

  123. I think it is great just the way it is. :) Thanks!

  124. Happy blogiversary to Elle Sees! I don't think you need to change a thing!

  125. Happy Blogiversary!! I love the DIYs, keep them coming!!!

  126. Happy Blogiversary. I would love seeing make up tutorials and clothing advice

  127. Happy Blogiversary! I would love if affordable drug store makeup products were reviewed, and I love hair tutorials! Thanks for the wonderful blog, and giveaway!

    1. I just wanted to comment really quickly on your list of things you love about blogging, and dislike. I recently started a blog myself, and I've had one nasty message, and coincidentally it was from another blogger.. I was rather upset about it, and my husband just said "you must be doing something right if another blogger feels threatened". It still bothered me, but really maybe she should have put that effort into her own blog, instead of trying to bring another down. We should all be supporting all these strong ambitious women that are trying to make something of themselves (some raising a family at the same time). Ignore everyone that tries to keep you down! ;)

  128. A BIG Congrats on your Anniversary... At the moment, I cannot think of anything you can do to make your blog better. I have taken a peek around and I personally like what I have seen and read. :D

  129. Congrats on the Anniversary! I think the only thing I could think of to better your blog would be to switch to Wordpress. There just are so many things that WP comes with that take your blog to the next level!

  130. Happy Anniversary! This blog is so pretty and easy to navigate. My favorite is the DIY section. Yes, I love to do my own masks. Beauty deals/finds are always good...Keep up the good work.

  131. absolutely love your posts and information and good tips that you shared! Keep up the wonderful work and thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! :)

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  132. Just keep doing what you are doing!

  133. I'm a new follower so I can't critique anything right now. From what I can see I really like what you are doing.

  134. 6 years is a long time in blogland. I've been writing for that long too and it takes a lot to get all those posts done. You're doing an awesome job.

  135. Congrats!!! And just have fun with your blog. Do what makes you happy!

  136. Happy blogiversary! I really enjoy tutorials so more of those is always welcome!

  137. Congrats! <3 :) I´d love to see more tutorials :) I really love them!

  138. Congratulations...awesome giveaway as well!!!

  139. Wow, 6 years is a huge accomplishment, thank you for all your hard work!

  140. Congratulations on your blogiversary! You're doing a terrific job!

  141. Congrats on the amazing milestone! I am new here and so far everything looks awesome!

  142. First time reading this blog but I wanted to say "Congratulations".

  143. Congrats! I would like to see more reviews!

  144. I think the blog is very comprehensive, informative and does not need change.

  145. Hello! I would love to see a blog post on dewey, summer-y foundations! Thank you and I love your blog!

  146. I enjoy your blog as is! I would just suggest that you just keep doing you girl!

  147. Congrats! I would not change a thing on your blog

  148. Congrats to you, what an amazing milestone. I look forward to what the year brings to your blog, love what you do!

  149. Congrats on your achievement! Maybe a post about adult acne & products/home remedies to improve it. Thanks!

  150. I love your blog but it would be nice to have a drop down menu on each of your header tabs to find items more quickly. However, it is great the way it is.

  151. I would love to see more giveaways and some DIY for hair styles


I respond to comments via email, so make sure I can respond!
For a faster response, please use Twitter or email: elleseesyou@gmail.com

More ways to keep up with me: Bloglovin, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram , Youtube or email: elleseesyou@gmail.com

You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)