
A Day in My Life

Today I'm giving you a peek into an average week day. Enjoy!

5 am to 5:30
  • That ancient relic you see before you is my alarm clock that I've had since high school. I'm one of those people that will check my phone all night, so I'll leave my phone off and in another room. So waking up to the radio it is. 
  • Go over my list of things I'm thankful for, drink a glass of water, go through my social media and emails

5:30 to 7
  • Go through more emails, begin commenting on blogs
  • Double check my post for the day one last time before it goes live at 6:30am

  • Feed and walk Charlie, drop him off at Doggie Daycare

7:30 to 8
  • Realize I am wearing pajamas when I dropped off Charlie, so a cup of coffee is a must
  • Go through my review and to do list. My posts are planned out, not written, three months in advance, so I go through my list of what needs to be done, moved around, etcetera
  • I go through my chart of products that I am reviewing and add in my latest thoughts on those products for upcoming reviews. 
  • Double check my list one last time of what needs to be done for the day

8 - 8:30
  • Take pictures for the blog, like the one pictured above
  • Get ready for work
  • Apply any beauty products that I am testing for the day if I have not already done so
  • Make a piece of toast with almond butter to eat in the car
  • Grab my lunch and go to work

9am to 7 p.m.
  • I nanny for a 2 and 6 yr old. I have the BEST job ever.
  • I do wish I could use a computer or my phone at work sometimes. I've missed out on a lot of blog opportunities because I'm working. That's a long span of time not being able to do blog stuff. I do sneak in some Instagram or emails on my break.
  • The girls are hilarious and precocious. The 2 year old already can identify her letters and numbers, so we are working on writing! She sees it as a game, so we have fun all day.
  • Because of their friendships with world leaders and celebrities, I am giving the family privacy, so I am not sharing more, but trust me it's a fun job!

7:30 to 8
  • Pick up Charlie
  • Heat up dinner in the microwave
  • Watch the end of E News. 

8 - 8:30
  • Go through my blog business stuff, like sending out invoices, etc. 

  • Walk Charlie and check the mail

  • Shower and do my nighttime skin care routine (accidentally deleted the pic of this, oops!)

9:15 to midnight
  • Make some sleepy tea
  • Edit pictures for tomorrow's post because I am a slacker this week
  • Write tomorrow's post 
  • Go through more business and emails before realizing that (a) it's midnight (b) I still have 621 to go and (c) I need to go to bed
And that's my day!

All this week I am on vacation in Cancun! I'm so excited to be a guest at Hyatt Ziva. Keep up with me on Instagram and Snapchat--both ellesees!

Please come back tomorrow--I've got posts lined up for every day I am gone and worked hard to get these to y'all, so enjoy!


  1. That is not a lot of sleep! But a lot of blog work, no wonder that you have so many quality blogposts up every day of the week!
    I cant remember the last time I have been waking up to an alarm. These days the kids take on that duty.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  2. Oh my gosh you stay up so late for how busy your day is - I would pass out by 10 LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I love getting a peak into peoples routines. What a busy day but you get so much done! I don't think I could survive on 5 hours of sleep! Enjoy your week in Cancun!

    Doused In Pink

  4. I can't believe you wake up so early and get so much done! I try, but seem to only get half of what I need to and then it's kids time the rest of the day. Wow for working on spelling at 2, impressive!
    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  5. You have your bogging calendar thought out three months in advance?!?!?! Dang girl that is so impressive.

  6. Fantastic post, sounds very organised, wishing you a lovely vacation x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin | Instagram

  7. That was fun to read but I'm shocked you wake up so early!! Enjoy your holiday! Following you on snapchat now :)

  8. You are one busy woman! Thanks for sharing your schedule. Hope you are having fu in Cancun!


  9. That is so awesome you use to visit Amelia Island! Wow what a day! You are a busy girl! That sounds like so much fun. It was neat hearing about your day to day!

    Paula- www.livingpaula.com

  10. ah i love day in the life posts! they are my fav :) i hope you're having the best time on vacation!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  11. Dang, Elle! Reading your daily schedule just made me tired:P I didn't know you work from 9 to 7. Gosh! And you're up that early?!?! I will never complain about my wake up time of 6 am anymore.
    PS Hope you're having a blast in Cancun!

  12. Such a busy day! I can't believe you go to bed at midnight and get up at 5 am. I get up at 5 too but I'm usually in bed by like 10 or 10:30 at the latest, or I'm super cranky! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  13. You are so structured! I can't believe all you do in a day! You are one amazing woman!

  14. Wow, you do so much in one day. I couldn't imagine working 9 to 7.That is such a long day. I don't know how you get so much done in one day. Hope you are having the best time in Mexico.

  15. Do you ever stop Elle? You are so organised and I can tell you are so passionate about what you do xx

    Zoe Mountford x

  16. You are so organized! I guess you have to be with a schedule like that! Charlie is so stinking cute! Hope you are having a wonderful vacation!

  17. I love you take Charlie to doggie day care. Does he go every day?
    Have a great vacay!!!

  18. Oh wow, you really don't rest that much, Elle but your dedication to the blog really shows throughout your post. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  19. Could that pup be any cuter?! What a face!!



  20. Could that pup be any cuter?! What a face!!



  21. I love these types of posts!!! Your job sounds so fun and your pup is precious!

  22. I love these "day in the life" posts, it's so fun to see what others' typical days are like. Your job does sound fun, but exhausting no doubt. And midnight?! I don't think I could make it every day staying up that late--I get up at about the same time as you.

  23. Man, you have such a long day! I don't think that I'd be able to work and do all of my blog stuff with that little sleep! You're a rockstar! I love that Charlie goes to doggy daycare because Dart goes too! He loves it so much!

  24. Oh my goodness, you barely sleep! I don't know how you can possibly function on that little sleep routinely. You are so dedicated to your blog, and you can really tell! :) I hope you can get a little r&r in Cancun!

  25. Your job does sound pretty amazing and fun! You're day is packed full but sounds like you have it down to a science despite the never ending blog emails rolling in. Have a blast in Cancun!!

  26. Wow. Such a fun post to read. What a great work life balance. Awesome !


  27. I am going to cancun in November! Enjoy :)

    Your day is soooooo long. How do you do it on so little sleep. I don't think i would want to wake up so early if i didn't have to. My work day is 5:30 am till 5:30 pm so I couldn't imagine getting up at like 2 to start my day. 4:30 is early enough lol.

  28. dang girl! I would die if that was the only sleep I got!

  29. Have fun in Cancun!!!

    Also, I knew that you nannied, but I didn't realize what long hours you work. Go you!

  30. Apparently I need to make a chart and a blogging calendar? And I thought I was organized? lol

  31. Hope you have a blast on your vacation! Sounds like you have a non-stop busy day! I would think being a nanny is amazing! :)

  32. Wow you have a very busy day. I always feel like there is not enough time in the day to do everything that I want. I would definitely get more done if I woke up a couple hours earlier to do things but I need the sleep I get. I would definitely be able to do more blogging and such. I'm glad that you like your job and are content. That is important. Enjoy Mexico!

  33. These are my probably in my top five favorite posts, seriously. So interesting to see what other people do day-to-day! (And yet I still haven't done one of my own because I always forget I'm supposed to be documenting like three hours in. Ha!)

  34. I loved seeing a peak into your day, and your daily routine! I wish I had your motivation to wake up that early. I'm the worst morning person, but I know I would get so much done if I did, and have more time to do things I enjoy. I hope you're having the best time in cancun!

  35. Hope you're enjoying yourself! I love my job too! Nanny's are the best and get so much love! Xo

  36. Thank for sharing your day with us! Wow you get up early! Have a blast in Cancun!

  37. I always love seeing how others spend their days. I have been planning on doing a similar post for awhile now but my day is pretty boring haha.

  38. How interesting! I am intrigued. 3 months in advance. So impressive. And, bummer you can't use your phone (minus those breaks) during the work day. I love that you love your job. Those kids are so blessed!

  39. Whew, you are busy! And you wake up really early!

  40. Loved hearing more about how you spend your day! It sounds like you have such a fun job. Have a great time in Cancun! I'm loving your snaps!

  41. I loved getting a peek into your day, Elle! You are one busy lady! How do you mange it all? I love that Charlie goes to Doggie Daycare...my poor Charlie stays home while I'm at work. Your job seriously sounds like so much fun! Hope you have a great vacation, you deserve it!

  42. Loved getting to see this peek at your day, Elle! Your job sounds so interesting! I hope you enjoy your vacation!

  43. That's a long day! I'm so curious about your job :)

  44. I have to wake up at 5AM too! Nice to see I'm no the only one. Enjoy your holiday. x/Madison
    Bathing Beauty

  45. Such a busy, but fun day! Loving this glimpse into your day!

  46. Thats a really long day girlie 9-7 phew! I work long hours so I feel you. I didnt know you were a nanny so cool! PS my parents have a similar ancient relic they call an alarm clock - it plays music too. lol

  47. You are wonder woman! You work so hard on this blog, in addition to a full time job, and it shows. I don't know how you do it, but you do it and do it well. I love posts like these! I've been living vicariously through your snaps. Keep em coming!

  48. It's been a LONG time since I've seen an actual alarm clock lol! Charlie is such a cutie! Every time I see him on your IG he makes me smile. :) Have fun on your trip!

  49. It's a hectic day, and not so much sleep! But it sounded as a nice day, with blogging, taking care of kids, walking Charlie, testing products... I admire who does all this and still can post so regularly! Hope you are enjoy your holidays now!

  50. I can function on 5 hours of sleep, but not everyday! Why don't you use your computer or phone at work? Is it in your contract or do you just make sure your focus is entirely on those precious kiddos? I don't know if I could go without my computer/phone that long! lol! Love how organized you are with your blog!


  51. I also too work with children but I do the morning and after school program. So my day starts early as well. I do my blog between my shifts and before I head back to work, I tend to line up my pictures and than blog around what order I've saved them in. I tend to have 1-3 blog post already done, I just choose what ones I want to post first. This was a great post!

    Katie | https://ktmcgworld.blogspot.ca

  52. I'm impressed -- there's no way I could do all that on so little sleep!! I need at LEAST seven hours!

  53. I love such posts...This was a great read.
    Love that mug so much!!

    Following you now via Bloglovin and Pinterest. Stay in touch.


  54. Busy lady! The background you're using for product photos is beautiful.

  55. Up til midnight? I don't know how you do it! I am in bed between 900-1030 every night and wake up at 430am. it is always fun to see what a persons day looks like. I keep meaning to do a post like this but forget to take pictures of what I am doing in my day by lunch haha. Enjoy your vacation!!!

  56. Girl, that is a long day! But I love these kinds of post! Hope you are having a blast in Cancun!

  57. oh wow Elle, 9-7pm?! that is a long day in itself but you get up at 5? you are a rockstar and you work your butt off! hope you are enjoying your vacation!

  58. I am impressed by your dedication... Both to your job and to your blog! Girl!! You rock my world! I work 8-6pm and I defo will not wake up at 5am for anything! Unless its snowboarding or to go to some fabulous destination. HA. Hope you're having an awesome time in Cancun!!


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More ways to keep up with me: Bloglovin, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram , Youtube or email: elleseesyou@gmail.com

You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)