
BEST Beauty Travel Hacks

I live in a state of wanderlust. I love traveling--I've been all over the US and have visited 19 countries (so far). This weekend I head to Cancun!! 

But sometimes things happen when we travel. We've all been there: luggage gets lost, flights get cancelled, bad weather happens, and so on, no matter how prepared and well-packed we are. And so over the years I've figured out little tricks here and there to help. Enjoy my Beauty Travel Hacks below:


F A C E & B O D Y
  • For exfoliating facial scrub, use a packet of sugar and 1 vitamin E capsule mixed together. Scrub away the grime and rinse. 
  • To instantly soften skin, get a cut lemon (I get mine from the hotel bar or a restaurant), and rub on elbows or knees. The rough spots will disappear, thanks to the acid in the lemon. Add a packet of sugar for an exfoliating scrub. Note: skin can be sensitive from the lemon, so test first and definitely use sunscreen.
  • To soften feet, use acne face pads. Greek yogurt works too.
  • Plain oatmeal mixed with a little water is wonderful at relieving itchy skin. It can be used as an exfoliant, too.
  • Use tea bags and tie under tub faucet for an easy DIY bath treat.
  • Take plain Greek yogurt from the breakfast bar and use on face to relieve tired skin. Great for sunburns, too.
  • Keep baby wipes in the mini-fridge for an extra refreshing feel after a day of traveling in the heat. I've also done this with a wet washcloth. It's a great way to wake yourself up, too!
  • Grab some coconut water and soak cotton pads or balls. Keep in the fridge. SO refreshing on a hot summer day.
  • Take a makeup remover wipe and heat up for 5 seconds in the microwave. Make sure it's not too hot!
  • Use baby wipes as a makeup remover in a pinch. 
  • Use powdered milk mixed with a little water to make a skin softening mask.
  • Try Milk of Magnesia as a primer for oily skin.
  • Use shadow or bronzer as a liner in a pinch. 
  • Use powder bronzer as a shadow.
  • As a treatment, dab some Pepto-Bismol on a zit. After 30 minutes, wash off.
  • Crush a couple of aspirin (use the glass in your hotel room) and add a few drops of water to make a paste. Dab on zits, leave overnight, and rinse away in the morning. Bonus hack: this can also be used as a scrub!
  • If your zit has popped, squirt some Visine onto a cotton ball/tissue and dab onto the zit. The zit will shrink and the redness will be gone. 
  • Raid the mini bar--pour iced tea on cotton pads and leave on eyes 20 min. to relieve tired eyes.
  • An oldie but a goodie: use hair conditioner or lotion for shaving.
  • Chapstick (plain only): rub on heels to prevent blisters, rub on a stubborn zipper, tame unruly eyebrows, instant moisturizer for elbows or knees, or eye makeup remover in a pinch.
  • Depending on the brand/type of deodorant you have, deodorant is great at stopping nicks from shaving.
  • DIY Sunscreen Pads--Apply sunscreen to cotton pads. Keep them in a sealed bag in your bag for those times when you find yourself suddenly in the sun for long periods of time (car trips, flat tire, long lines).
  • For a fizzy soak (I like this on my feet after a day of traveling) pop some Alka Seltzer (effervescent antacid) in the tub. The bubbly goodness will have you feeling relaxed in no time!

  • This is crazy, but it works! If your scalp is oily, and you're without dry shampoo, try a packet of plain oatmeal on your roots. Just massage in and brush out. And no, it doesn't leave oats in your hair.
  • DIY Hair Treatment--1 part conditioner to 2 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray on hair to protect it from the sun, salt, sea, and chlorine. DIY Hair Detangler/Leave In Conditioner--Use the same recipe as above to keep hair post-pool and the beach tangle-free
  • I've used mascara, shadow, and bronzer to hide my grey roots. Check out more Ways to Hide Greys here.
  • Go to the hotel (or any) restaurant. Ask for a cup of olive oil--I've never had anyone charge me for it. Heat in the microwave in your room until warm (or use one in the hotel). Pour the warm oil on your hair and wrap your hair in a towel. Leave at least 30 minutes before shampooing out.
  • Leave your diffuser at home! Put a thin sock (like a dress sock) over the nozzle of your hair dryer and dry hair on low.
  • After shampooing hair, pour tea on your hair to make it shiny. Rinse out.
  • Use a shower cap when doing a hair mask or treatment--I take these home with me, too!

  • Dry shampoo is not only great for second day hair, but helps take the stink out! Spray some on armpits of shirts or in stinky shoes. Let dry before wearing.
  • Use those shower caps to cover your dirty shoes! Rain, dirt, and mud happens, but that doesn't mean your clothes or suitcase should get dirty. 
  • Use a razor to remove pills off of shirts/sweaters.
  • Use as a baby wipe to get rid of deodorant stains.
PS: Check out my Starbucks Beauty Hacks!

While all tips have been used for years by me, please avoid any ingredients if allergic or sensitive.

Extra Elle:
  • Next week I'm on vacation, but I'll have plenty of posts here to keep you occupied, so please stop by!
  • Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my Cancun adventures as a guest of the Hyatt! And Snapchat.


  1. Wow! I'm going to start traveling with oatmeal and baby wipes! Great tips Elle! Have fun in Cancun and I hope you get through security in a timely manner!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. I love these ideas!
    So I just need to basically stock up on baby wipes!!! :) I always use them at home myself for things & tell everyone i keep them around for when my grand sons come up :)

  3. seriously baby wipes fix so many things haha. i buy small packs of them and i have no baby in sight. but they are awesome! have a wonderful trip!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. These are fantastic hacks! I need to pull this post up when I go on vacation this summer. :)


  5. I'm going to do that with the baby wipes. Genius!

  6. The diffuser trick is awesome - must try that one of these days! I personally love using powder bronzer for multiple things {like eyeshadow}. It's incredible how much lighter your load can be for traveling when you pare down and see just how versatile some products are!


  7. So many great tips! I swear by baby wipes when I travel! Have fun in Cancun! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  8. thanks for sharing all these great ideas..
    I will be in these fab places now

  9. OMG such a great tip for the diffuser! I was thinking that is especially good for traveling overseas when you can't bring your normal hair dryer due to voltage/luggage space and want a diffuser!

  10. I love your idea about using dry shampoo for a way to freshen up your clothes after wearing them! I'll definitely have to try that out when we're in Europe and I only have a carry on! Have a great time on your trip!

  11. I hope you have an amazing vacation! I'm looking forward to seeing photos! I love all these tips. I'm going to try to oatmeal for dry shampoo one! I laughed when I read 'no, it won't leave oats in your hair' lol!!

  12. Mind blown about the different uses for dry shampoo - genius! Have an AMAZING trip gurlie! Love love love Cancun <3
    Green Fashionista

  13. These are some great hacks. I am going to bookmark this post!

  14. These are some great hacks! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Hacks like these totally come in handy when you travel! Thanks Elle! I've done the hair conditioner as shaving cream one and it works :)

  16. These a great hacks, shall favorite! Xx


  17. Elle, these are brilliant hacks! I didn't think of putting baby wipes in the fridge! Great post!

  18. Wow all these travel hacks are so genius! I never would have thought of oatmeal as dry shampoo. You are a wealth of knowledge :) Enjoy your trip!!

  19. Gosh, I swear yo have the best tips, Elle! I don't know most of these!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  20. Wow you really are a wealth of knowledge! I am pinning this for future reference. Have fun on your trip! I am adding you on snapchat now so I can live vicariously through you!

  21. Sooo many great hacks, Elle- I need to bookmark this for my next trip!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  22. These are so many good hacks! You should make some sort of book or ebook with these and more! You are SO creative!

  23. Awesome hacks, Elle:) And wow on the 19 countries....how cool is that?!?!?

  24. Ok, is it bad that I am the most excited about finding that you did a hide your grays post?! I am pinning it to look at later. I have been getting some straggly gray hairs lately in-between my 8 week appointments and I didn't even think of using mascara to quickly hide them!!


  25. What fun hacks!!! I wonder if Pepto on a zit would work for me?! I never knew that deodorant could stop a knick. I have used a sharpie to cover greys. You're so brilliant!

  26. Elle, you are so creative! I hope you have an amazing trip!

  27. I always have baby wipes on me...well most of the time. LOL! And the aspirin trick for pimples...gotta try! So many hacks...love it! And i hope you have the best time in Cancun!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  28. Fun tips! I need to try Alka Seltzer in my bath :)

  29. I'm about to be traveling quite a bit for work so these came at a perfect time. Can't wait to follow along (and live vicariously)!

  30. These are all amazing girl! I hope u enjoy your trip!

  31. Awesome! Thank you for sharing.

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  32. Enjoy your holidays a lot, curious to read about them soon (not so son, first relax!) I loved the powdered milk with water mask tip and the chapstick one I regularly use, since I've read it on your blog!

  33. Have a blast on your trip and enjoy the sunshine! I didn't realize chapstick had so many other great uses. I'll definitely use it for moisturizing dry skin while traveling.

  34. Lovely tips dear. Thanks for sharing :)


  35. these tips are awesome! I love the oatmeal for oily hair, that does sound crazy though... I'll have to try it! have so much fun on vacation!

  36. 19 countries wow!! I am dually impressed, and these are great tips.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  37. I've traveled quite a bit, but I'm lucky that my luggage was never lost. I had beauty products leak in my beauty pouch multiple times though :/


  38. This is great! Bookmarking this to re-read before I travel next time!

  39. now this is extremely useful! thank you for such an amazing post xx

  40. I love the tips with oatmeal and had heard about the dry shampoo trick. There are such cool tricks with lemon too - thanks!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  41. Like this style os pictures ;)
    Mónica Sors

  42. Wow. Great tips . I will try out sunscreen pads and milk powder mask.


  43. I love to travel too! These are really useful tips! I really like the one about dry shampoo. I'll have to try that one!

  44. oh wow, oatmeal in your hair?! that sounds fabulous because i don't always find the travel size of the dry shampoo i like, and i need everything to be carry on size.. so i might throw a bag of oats in next time. and i will try the mascara to hide my greys! brilliant.


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