
DIY Glowing Skin Mask With 3 Ingredients (Plus Carrageenan Info)

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Food Science Matters, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #foodsciencematters 

One of the best things about the Internet is the ability to get lots of information super fast. But not all that we read is true. We all know this, but yet every single day I see false information being spread blindly on social media over various subjects without taking a moment to research. It is one of my biggest pet peeves.

I see this all the time in the health and beauty world. It creates misinformation spread by fear. And today I want to help share some insight on this, separating facts from myths. Much of it is driven by accusation instead of facts. Instead, let’s try gearing people towards science, towards facts.

Let’s talk about ingredients. Foods and products can be made with many ingredients. One such ingredient is carrageenan.

Have you heard of it? Carrageenan is a natural food ingredient that is comes from seaweed. It can be found in foods like yogurt, cheese, salad dressing, and more. Carrageenan can also be found in beauty products like toothpaste, shampoo, face wash, and makeup.

Carrageenan has been declared safe to be used in food and products by regulatory authorities in every region of the world, including the United States, Europe, China, Japan and Brazil. It is useful because it gives texture to food, for example, yogurt. Today I wanted to share with you a quick facial mask that uses yogurt! Yogurt has lactic acid, which is so good for the skin. You can make this recipe in minutes! 

You’ll need:
1/2 c plain Greek yogurt

1 tbsp ground plain oatmeal (should be closer to a powder consistency)

½ tsp honey, warmed

Add yogurt, then honey

Add oatmeal

Apply to a clean, dry face.

Leave on for around 15 minutes. Wash off and pat dry skin.

This mask deep cleans and softens the skin. You can use this once a week.


  1. I haven't tried a yogurt mask before, but I love all the ingredients in this mask and know it'll feel amazing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I really need to try this :) I actually have all of these ingredients at home. Maybe I will tonight before bed. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Very cool DIY! I have never done a mask like this but will try soon. :)


  4. I am so trying this, I can't believe how easy it is to make with ingredients I actually have in my cupboards :) xx

    Zoe Mountford x

  5. And you can eat the leftover! :D

  6. Love the ingredients in this mask! I'm definitely trying this!

    Doused In Pink

  7. natural + glowing ability? YES. i hate tons of ingredients, especially for something that goes on the skin. thanks for sharing!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  8. yum! I love how easy and natural this is!

  9. I'm all about that natural skin care, definitely need to check this out!

  10. Ooh, I want to try this on my face - then again, I also want to eat it! :P


  11. This sounds like an incredibly easy, amazing mask! I need to try it! (Love these photos by the way!)

  12. What a great DIY mask. Love these easy ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  13. I have never heard of that ingredient and I had no idea what it was used in! This mask looks fabulous, and I cannot wait to give it a try!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  14. Is it bad that I want to eat this mask too? I love that the mask is so natural, and that it'll be great for my face too!

  15. This sounds so nice. I love how since you make it at home, you know exactly what you are putting on your face!

  16. Such a great recipe and easy to-do, have to try it! Xx


  17. It is so fun to make masks at home! I always love it when you give us these tutorials and I have so much fun trying your new recipes and my face loves it too, LOL! I hope you have a most splendid day beautiful!

  18. What a fun mask to try at home!!!! Sounds like something I need to try ASAP..plus I have all these things at home already.

  19. I love your blog, your layout is lovely and your content is great! I'm new to blogging and it'd mean a lot if you could give me some feedback and maybe follow back!

    Much love xx


  20. I need to try! :))


  21. I feel like I would want to eat this mask lol It sound like some pretty simple ingredients though that most people probably have in their houses on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing Elle!

  22. I'm trying this ASAP! This sounds like it will be so good for the skin! Thanks Elle! :)

  23. Ooh I bet this smells so good! I've been feeling tired lately so I think this mask would really perk up my skin--I'm going to have to try it!

  24. Love this all-natural, simple mask! And yesss it sounds yummy. :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  25. Ooh I love the last yogurt mask of yours I tried so I will be trying this one!

  26. Love that this is all natural and easy to make.


  27. I can't wait to try this. Looks so easy and these pictures are so pretty too :)



  28. I can't wait to try this. Looks so easy and these pictures are so pretty too :)



  29. Wow this looks so easy - I have all these ingredients in my pantry and definitely want to give it a try!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  30. I've done yogurt and honey masks before but with oatmeal! I'll definitely add that as well next time. Thanks Elle!

  31. This seems so easy to try out! I'm definitely giving it a go :)

    Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'

  32. Haha I wish I had the time for DIY's! Tricoslan is something in all these things that is not good.

    Allie of

    1. haha read my schedule and you'll wonder the same. I'm not sure what post you read, but if that's in your honey, oatmeal, or yogurt, I'd be very concerned. It's not in food!!!

  33. I've never tried a yogurt mask, but I need to. I already have these ingredients!


  34. I'm usually too lazy to do DIYs because they have so many steps, but yours are always so simple and easy which I appreciate!

  35. DIY masks are fun! Loving the looks of this one.

  36. What an amazing DIY, so easy!

    God bless,

    XO, Claire


  37. Wow this mask looks amazing. Thanks for sharing dear :)


  38. Ooh what a great DIY. I hate how crazy the world of ingredients and skincare marketing is. I don't like all of the green washing, and misinformation. UGH! Thanks for sharing! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  39. Pinned this! Love using honey in my beauty routine and have tried it with a pumpkin DIY masque, but not with oatmeal and yogurt though

  40. This sounds like it would be so refreshing!

  41. I have been reading lots about yogurt mask recently and it seems to be a favourite to used by anyone who prefers natural remedies. This recipe is so simple, can't wait to try it as I have everything needed at home.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  42. I just tried to send a comment and it didn't go... ah... lost all :( But I said I never heard of carrageenan before and that I like to learn from your expertise! Thee mask seems great, difficult will be for me not to eat it :) I love yoghurt and honey :) Oatmeal together is OK, too :)

  43. I haven't heard of carrageenan before, but it sounds like a winner. Thanks for sharing this!


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