
10 Beauty Myths

Let's bust some beauty myths, shall we?

1--Match your foundation to your hand
Growing up I was told to match to my hands or inner wrist, but neither of those match my face. Instead, match foundation to you neck. Many stores will take back foundation if the shade doesn't work for you. Sephora can color match you as well as give you a sample.

2--Rinse and repeat
One good shampoo and rinse is all you need. If you use products that cause buildup (like those found in volumizing products) use a good clarifying shampoo. PS: Who has time for all of this repeated shampooing?

3--Preparation H is great for undereye bags
I still hear this recommended. The formula was changed in 1995. It's not going to de-puff your eyes. Click here for 10 ways to help puffy eyes.

4--Red Heads can't wear red lipstick
Not true! Just find a shade that makes you feel comfortable. Blue-based reds usually look good on cooler skin tones.

5--Use yellow concealer to hide dark circles
This is another old-school makeup method that is just not reliable. Instead, try a peach based corrector. See how I cover my dark circles here.

6--Use concealer a few shades lighter to hide pimples
Using a concealer that is lighter than foundation will accentuate those areas you are trying to conceal. Instead, use one that matches your skin tone.

7--Expensive products are the best
Drugstore makeup has come a long way, and now you don't have to spend a fortune to look it. Drugstore mascara is one of my favorite purchases. I actually do a This or That series where I compare a high end product to a more affordable one.

8--You can get rid of pores
You can't. You can lessen the appearance of them. Try this tutorial to see how. Also, cold water isn't going to "close" them.

9--Drinking tons of water is the only thing to help moisturize skin
Dry skin can be caused by a number of factors, including the environment. Drinking water is an excellent, wonderful thing, but isn't THE sole means to get moisturized skin. Try a moisturizer like this one.

10--Eye liner makes your eyes look bigger
Eye liner is actually designed to make your lashes look longer. Lining your eyes with black liner will make them look smaller. Try liner right at the upper lash line and smudge a shadow underneath the bottom lash line. It won't look as harsh!

What beauty myths have you heard?

Extra Elle:
  • I had to take Charlie to the vet. He's okay, just a check up on an itchy spot. We had a coffee date after--did you see my Instagram of it? He's like a celebrity and he loves the attention. It's cute.


  1. I don't know why all shampoo directions say to repeat. I agree, it's not necessary! I need to find a good peach base corrector! Thanks for sharing these! Glad Charlie is okay!

    Doused In Pink

  2. Great tips Elle! I love the Charlie had a coffee date. So cute!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  3. haha i still laugh when people suggest most of these things as gospel when hello, no. the shampoo thing drives me crazy. shampoo companies came up with that so you'd use more product. so silly. and glad charlie is ok!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. I love your IG picture of your date with Charlie - he's the cutest.
    I love this post. I didnt know about the Prep H formula changing! Good to know.
    & right on girl - red heads can pull of the red lipstick. Red is classic - everyone can pull that look off!

  5. Yes! I couldn't agree more, especially when it comes to the yellow concealer. That one never worked for me :p
    It was fun to read this post! :)


  6. These are all great tips! It cracks me up that people think black eyeliner is supposed to make your eyes look bigger. Glad to hear Charlie is ok!! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  7. How about when you were younger about brushing your hair for 100 strokes every day to help keep it shiny and long. Yeah right!

  8. So true! Who has time for all that shampooing?!! I barely have time for deep conditioner some weeks!

  9. I think one of the biggest beauty myths I believed for a long time was harsh cleansing and exfoliation for oily skin! Seems like so many products strip your skin rather than help. I've learned through experience balanced skin is better!

  10. Genius list! Didn't know about the preparation H or the extra shampooing!!

  11. Great info! I am definitely a fan of drugstore products myself.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  12. I'm glad Charlie is well! The whole redheads can't wear red (lipstick or clothes) is craziness. I often wear red although it was only very recently found the perfect red lippie. Believe me, I searched for years! It's more about the skin tone than the hair color.

  13. Thank you! I've disbelieved these myths but didn't have the reasons you give. Another public service!

  14. I still hear the "yellow concealer to hide dark circles". It's funny how long these myths last, you know? The "toothpaste for pimples"...remember that?:D

  15. People still think that about Prep H? It is interesting that so many beauty myths stick around. Expensive products aren't always the best though there can be better quality products at higher price points.

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  16. Loved this post! I was actually at a make up counter that other day and she told me to put out my hand and she put the foundation on my hand and I'm just like is she for real right now? I feel like my hands are completely different color than my face! so glad you said it!! Haha

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  17. These are all so great, I'm pretty sure we've all heard these myths at one time or another!

  18. Glad Charlie is ok! And I'm all about the peach color correctors too, they definitely work the best but unfortunately nothing truly eliminates my dark circles :-P
    Green Fashionista

  19. So many fab tips. I have tired the peach concealers on my dark circles and it doesn't work that well. My dark circles are the bain of my existence. I would do anything to get rid of them. Even my eye lid is dark which is why I never leave the house without some concealer on.

  20. I always do the shampoo-rince-repeat and I didn't know that, thanks for mentioning. And I always try the foundation on my neck, our hands are completely different that our face!


  21. I have never agreed with the myth about getting concealer lighter than your skin. You are right, it definitely accentuates the spots! I use to line my eyes with black liner but now I do nude or white on the lower water line to make them look bigger. Great tips!

  22. I've always thought the repeat thing on shampoo was so annoying. Just trying to get you to use more so you have to buy more! It's like saying you need a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.

  23. Great posts! I totally agree. :) I have found some amazing mascaras at the drugstore!


  24. oh glad Charlie is okay!
    i think i knew that about the hand/neck thing, but i still only test on my wrist when i'm in the store hahaha. and the concealer thing makes so much sense, glad i never listened to that myth!

  25. These are such great tips! I love clarifying shampoo!

  26. My concealers for spots are always the same shade with my skin, the ones that are for my under eye areas are always a shade lighter so I think I got that right? And yes to smudging eyeshadows for lower lash line instead of using eye liner, a tip that I learned only two years ago. Eek!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  27. Yes to my face being a different shade than the rest of my body haha! I repeat the shampoo just because I feel like the burn smell from the iron stays in my hair pretty heavy and the second shampoo helps.. I do clarify once a week! Xo

  28. SO accurate! I've also heard that oily skin types shouldn't moisturize... SO false! It's all about finding the right moisturizer (at any price point)!

  29. First of all, I adore your blog! So glad you found mine so I could find yours! What a fun post to read! I totally agree with all your points! Especially the yellow concealer one. Why does everyone say that?! Can't wait to read more from you!!

    Xox Dana Ivy // www.iadorewhatilove.com

  30. I have never used shampoo twice except for one time when I had mud in my hair. Dont ask. Haha! And drugstore mascara is my favorite too. Still loving and obsessed with Covergirl Plumpify. Charlie is so adorable!!! I am going to have to take Gracie to the vet soon and I don't think it is going to be good. :(

  31. Thanks for these! I have a friend who swears by preparation H and I will have to give her the bad news! Sorry Charlie wasn't feeling well but good to know that he is fine! He is so dang cute!

  32. You picked great myths to share my friend! Glad to hear Charlie is feeling better! Maybe he has allergies like everyone else in Metro Atlanta:)

  33. Oh beauty myths! There are so many! I love the one about brushing your hair for 100 strokes. It makes it soft. It just diminishes my curls and makes my hair frizzy! hehe Good to know about foundation testing and concealer color! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  34. Good to know about matching foundation to your neck because I was a follower of that myth...Glad Charlie is okay!

  35. LOVE this post! I especially love that I knew a lot of these thanks to being such a long time reader of your blog (otherwise I totally wouldn't know them).

  36. I really loved this post! Especially the myth about matching your foundation to your hand.


  37. Ooh I love learning about busted myths! I never know where to test foundation, so that is helpful (although I usually buy at Target so I can't really "test"). I didn't know that about yellow concealer either, I'll have to try some peach next time I buy.

  38. Love this! I've heard the preparation H one all my life (never tried) but always thought it was funny-haha. The concealer tip is really helpful, and I think a lot of people don't realize when they use a lighter shade it's really just highlighting the problem instead of minimizing it. Great post!

  39. This is a great list of myths! I agree with all of the that
    I've heard before. The myth that bugs me he most that I learned to be false in cosmetology school is that your hair grows back thicker when you shave, which isn't true. It appears thicker/darker because it's cut/shave off at a blunt angle. People are always saying it though!

  40. I can't believe that people actually thought that drinking water would get rid of dry skin! I don't think that if I drank gallons of water during the winter that my hands would ever not be dry! Thanks for telling the truth about these beauty myths!

  41. I seriously need to try your undereye bag tip. I've read it so many places but never tried it. Great post!

  42. I haven't rinse-and-repeated in years! Such a waste! I hope your pup is doing ok!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  43. Oh yeah I use to the Prep H thing haha until I found it was not working lol and yes I have to use a clarifying shampoo once a week.

    Allie of

  44. I've never heard the "red heads can't wear red lipstick" one before...but then again, I'm not a red head. Silly myths! LOL!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  45. I've heard a lot of these before and tried some of them, too. Womp womp.

  46. Yes! Thank you for covering these. I think it's crazy that they say red heads can't wear lipstick - they look beautiful wearing it!

  47. Wow! Great tips and a great way to debunk these myths! <3 Will bookmark this!

    Angelie // Sleek Matte Me in Birthday Suit Review + Swatch

  48. I wish I've read this years before. :)
    Thanks for debunking those myths.

  49. What a fun post! I hear that about Preparation H all the time. Good to know the formula was changed!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  50. Great tips :)

  51. These are all so true Elle! Thanks for sharing

  52. This is such a great list- I have always heard about matching foundation to your hand, and you're right- not a good method, haha.

    Le Stylo Rouge

  53. I've always wondered about the Preperation H trick. I'm always too scared to try it! :)



  54. That was very nice to know about these myths, especially the foundation one. I never really get the perfect color for me, but once I read that wearing foundation a tad darker, makes one look younger or friendlier, so I normally do so :) I then try to "pull" it to the neck, but always get it different. Would love a shade matching my face :)

  55. These are fantastic!! I had no idea that eye liner was supposed to make your lashes look longer. I am definitely pinning this - thanks!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  56. Ohhh the foundation one! That's a one way ticket to choosing the wrong shade. Ha ha. xx
    ♥ Carly Susanne ~ A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  57. Good ones Elle! I do find that shampooing twice works better for me but then I only wash my hair 1 -2x/week. One I keep hearing is that shaving makes the hair grow back thicker and I swear that's ridiculous.

  58. Great post! It is amazing how many people still believe many of those myths!! But I still do *wish* pores could be made to dissapear haha

  59. I've heard so many of these over the years! I used to hear the yellow concealer one all the time and never understood why it didn't work for me...then I got a peachy concealer and it was love at first swipe.

    I'm glad Charlie is okay!! He is such a little doll.

  60. These are so interesting! I always thought to use a lighter concealer, but I have noticed that it draws attention - I just thought I was doing it wrong. :)

  61. That's right, you set them straight!! ;) I defo need some clarifying 'poo at the moment!!

  62. So true about expensive vs. cheaper, drugstore makeup. Lots of affordable brands have been releasing some amazing products lately!


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