
Pineapple Solid Sugar Scrub DIY

I might be a little addicted to all things pineapple. It's practically a requirement of summer. I happen to be a little addicted to all things beauty DIY as well. I decided to marry the two in a fun diy that takes moments to make. If you like the result of a sugar scrub but not the mess, give these a try. I use these on my feet and body--my skin is instantly soft and lightly moisturized. PLUS did I mention they are cute as all get out?

You'll need--
  • 1 part soap base 
  • 2 parts carrier oil
  • 2 parts sugar
  • essential oils/body-safe scented oil
  • yellow soap colorant
  • glass bowl
  • spoon
  • pot holders
  • pineapple mold--I used a pineapple ice cube tray from Amazon
Real life, y'all, is sometimes messy.

You'll do--
  • Heat the soap base in the microwave in 30 second intervals until melted. A double-boiler is the best method, but I was in a hurry. Carefully remove using the pot holders.
  • Mix in the sugar, oil, and scent.
  • Spoon into mold.
  • Allow to cool 30 minutes.
  • Pop out of mold. 

You'll use--
  • Take one pineapple and use with water to gently exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize skin. 
  • These last 6 months.

  • I like using these on my feet in the summer. I also use them on my body before shaving. I do not recommend using them on the face. You can get many uses from one pineapple.
  • I added a little less sugar to make sure the pineapple design popped in the pics, but that's the best part of this DIY--you can change the proportions. Sometimes, like in the colder months, I'll add more oil or change the oil I used. Here I used Argan, but sometimes it's coconut. It depends on my need. You can change the sugar type as well.
  • These make ADORABLE gifts.
  • These are perfect for travel, too.
Would you make these?
Have you ever tried a solid sugar scrub?

Extra Elle:
  • My weekend was too fast! The air quality was bad in Atlanta, so I tried to stay in as much as possible. I did go to Trader Vic's to celebrate a friend's birthday early.


  1. This is an adorable DIY! These would be a perfect hostess gift! I'm going to have to make these!

    Doused In Pink

  2. What a cute and fun DIY! Thanks for sharing! These would make great gifts!

  3. These are so cute!! I love the idea of giving them to friends! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. This is the most adorable DIY! Love these. Thanks for sharing Elle!


  5. Omg Elle I love this idea. I feel like I need a pineapple ice cube tray now too! Ha ha. Where did you get it? X

    ♥ Carly Susanne - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  6. omg!how cute are these??i want to make them..
    thanks for sharing this sweet idea

  7. Absolutely cute and wonderful idea!

    ** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  8. How cute are these??! I totally need to find a pineapple ice tray.

  9. These are just the cutest! I'm addicted to all things pineapple as well and what a fabulous idea for a gift! Great idea, Elle!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  10. This is interesting, Elle! Thank you for another great DIY!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. How cute are these?! You had me at pineapples, and they sound fabulous for our summer footsies <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. OK - this may be your cutest one yet - those pineapple molds are PERFECT!

  13. These are just the cutest. I use mould a lot for cooking, and have only made salt scrubs, so I'll have to try this for gifts. x
    Organika Style

  14. You make these DIY's sound so simple and easy to do, Elle:) As always, thanks for sharing this. How cute! Who doesn't love pineapples?!?! :D

  15. These are just too cute and would make the perfect gift!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  16. such a cute DIY project. Have a great week.


  17. These are SO darn cute!! I think I need to give these a shot sometime!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  18. These are so cute!!!!! I love pineapples, they are just pretty fruit. Haha! I stayed in most of this weekend too, that humidity was rough!

  19. How adorable are these?! I don't use sugar scrubs too often because they are so messy, so this is such a good idea!

  20. So cute and convenient! I love pineapples too!

  21. These are ridiculously cute! Oh my goodness... I may need to make them. I never thought of putting a scrub in a solid form (let alone a super adorable one... ) but it's a great idea. It's like portion sizes for scrubs. :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  22. Oh my goodness, these are so adorable! Pineapples are definitely perfect for the summer, but I'd probably want to use them year round!

  23. These are super cute and sound perfect for summer ready skin! You always share the best DIYs :D

  24. Pineapples are Blaire's favorite she would love these. i see a gift in her future!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  25. I have never tried a solid sugar scrub before. These def look super cute!

  26. These are so adorable! I like the idea of a solid scrub way more than the messy ones I've been using.

  27. I've never used a solid scrub, but it's intriguing. Especially when it's this cute! I think I need a pineapple ice cube tray for these, ice cubes, and anything else I can think of. Ha! Semi-related note: I have a sold lotion bar and it's super weird to me. I haven't used it yet...but I'm like, how am I supposed to store it once I've started using it???

  28. You have got to be kidding me with this tutorial! I love it and am totally on the same page - pineapple all day everyday for me!! It really would make the best gift!!

    Xox Dana Ivy // www.iadorewhatilove.com

  29. I need that pineapple ice cub tray! Lol. I'm a total fail at DIY but you always make me wanna do better with these posts!

    Beauty Isles

    My Mommy Years

  30. These are the cutest. They would make great gifts too :)

  31. I agree, they´d make an amazing gift. I wouldn't mind receiving them.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  32. Those pineapples are so cute!! I really want to try to make these and use them before shaving like you said.


  33. These are SO cute!!! And so perfect for summer. I like how these are soild, because you're right that sugar scrub can get messy!

  34. This is the cutest DIY! Who doesn't love pineapples?!

  35. These are adorable and sound amazing!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  36. Pineapples are so on trend right now and I love the itty bitty size of them. So dang cute, girl!


  37. Oh, I loooved, really loved this idea! It is easy to make, I just have to buy some items to be ready to make this scrub, and it'snot only good for the skin, but you are right, they make a very nice present! I will definitely definitely try it!!!

  38. Oh my gracious, these are ridiculously cute! LOVE them!!

  39. These are so stinking cute! I am a huge pineapple fan so these need to be made ASAP!

  40. These are adorable! I need to get that pineapple tray!

  41. Girl... You never cease to amaze me! These are just too cute for words on top of that!


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