
DIY Shimmer Beachy Waves Spray

I consider myself a bit of a diy beachy waves spray expert--something that started as a kid, when I figured out the salty sea air made my waves in my hair appear. My hair had never been cut until I was in high school, so any bit of wave in my then stick-straight hair delighted me. I desperately wanted wavy hair like my mom, sister, and cousin when I was little.

Over the years I've purchased many and made my own versions. I've got around 15 recipes so far, and make it a tradition to share one of them on the blog every year. 

This year I'm adding a little shimmer to the mix. The idea came a few years ago when I had some left over mica from some diy highlighters and luminizers I had been making, and decided to throw some into a bottle of beachy waves spray. I kind of wanted to recreate the NUXE body oil, but for hair. This is easy to make, and you can leave out the shimmer if you'd like.

DIY Shimmer Waves Spray
  • empty spray bottle
  • distilled water
  • coconut oil (fractionated is easier to use)
  • organic aloe vera gel
  • kosher salt (I used a couple of pieces of rock salt to help mix, but it's not a necessity)
  • mica powder in color of your choice (order online or use a bit of a sparkly shadow/highlighter)
  • essential oil (if desired)
  • tiny funnel, if needed

To Make:
Since spray bottle sizes vary, I'll give general guidelines here.

  • Pour 1 tsp of salt into empty spray bottle
  • Add 3 tbsp of aloe gel 
  • Pinch of mica (it should be body-safe)
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 5 drops essential oil
  • fill the rest with distilled water
  • Shake away!

Apply to damp hair and use an old t-shirt to scrunch waves. Or use on hair curled with curling wand or curling iron. The effect is subtle, and looks better in person. If you have blonde hair, you'll definitely see it.

Mesmerized by the swirl!

Have you ever made beachy waves spray?

Extra Elle:
  • Thunder storms knocked out my power for most of the day, so I'm a little behind with everything, including visiting your blogs. I did get a good nap in though! ;)
  • I have been dealing with jaw/ear/neck/shoulder pain all week. I think it's TMJ. 
  • Did you miss this post to win $100? Just leave a comment here: 


  1. This would be such a fun DIY project to take to the beach with us next week! My daughter has blonde hair and I know she would love it!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. Your hair looks gorgeous! What a great DIY! I really want to try this!

    Doused In Pink

  3. amazing dear..thanks for sharing
    your hair are fab

  4. Omg it's just so pretty! Yes, totally mesmerized by the swirl! lol

  5. I love that this recipe adds a little shimmer to your hair! That would be so much fun, and perfect for the summer!

  6. I bet this looks so pretty, love the idea of this xx

    Zoe Mountford x

  7. Such a cool DIY for hair and perfect for summer!


  8. How fun is this DIY! Love that it's not too intense but just the right amount of shimmer! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Oh, wow, no electricity! At least you had a good nap, that should count for something.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  10. Are you grinding your teeth? I had jaw issues for awhile & didnt even know it was from the middle of the night stuff I was so unaware of.

  11. Very cool! I need to make this for next year's beach trip! Sorry about the power outage and TMJ!

  12. We've had some great storms here in Atlanta the last couple of days . . . bummer about your power - bonus about the nap! ;-)

  13. SO FUN and I loved reading this even more cause I'm sitting on a beach as we speak. ;-)

  14. So pretty, lady! I love the shimmer idea- especially because salt can really mattify. Gotta add some shine back in! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  15. I was bummed out about your power being out and then happy about your nap haha!

    Love the shimmery swirl! I've never made my own. I actually tried a store bought beach spray once and hated the results! I never tried another. I should give some a try! Xo

  16. Oh, the shimmer is such a nice added touch!

  17. I am loving this version of your wave spray, Elle:) Great way to add some shine to the hair.
    PS Yay for naps, but not for your pain:( Hope it goes away soon.

  18. What a great idea! It's beautiful in the bottle-I bet it's even better on hair!

  19. loveeeeee! I need you to come do my hair! :)

    xo, Stephanie

  20. Your waves look amazing. I hope you feel better soon.


  21. This is so pretty! I haven't made my own sea salt spray before. I'll have to give this a try!

  22. oh wow! amazing results too, i need to try this!!

    Jen / Velvet Spring x

  23. I love sea salt spray in my hair, and it's such a good idea to make your own! Love the shimmer.


  24. I've never made a sea salt spray before. I love the idea of the added shimmer!

  25. I love how your waves look and that shimmer is so pretty! I hope your TMJ gets better! I'm sure that is a miserable feeling.

  26. It looks amazing! I have naturally wavy hair, so I don't really need a sea salt spray, but more something that stops the frizz and helps define the waves. Looks fantastic on you!


  27. Sorry to hear about your TMJ. BTW, a friend of mine just wrote a really smart book about women and beauty. If you're interested, I can mail you a copy. (I bought a bunch.) She even quotes me in it.

  28. Pretty looking and functional! Love it! Sorry to hear about the pain. I've had TMJ before. Make sure you keep your jaw relaxed and there are exercises you can do to stretch it out that will make it feel better. I ended up having to wear a mouth guard at night for awhile but it helped. Hope you get relief!

  29. I mean, GENIUS!!!!! I love me some sea salt spray!! This is one of the most useful and coolest hair DIYs I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing, girl!

    Xox Dana Ivy // www.iadorewhatilove.com

  30. I was obsessed with the shimmer when I saw it on your snap! I need to make this asap!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  31. I hope your jaw feels better soon. That is no fun at all! I'm also glad you got your power back, but I am sure that made the middle of the day kind of tough. I feel like I am so reliant on electricity now! I love your waves. My hair is naturally somewhat wavy, so maybe I will try this so my hair is a little more consistent. :)

  32. This sounds and looks like so much fun, Elle! Another winning DIY from you.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  33. That's cool that you made it. I naturally have curly/wavy hair, but I want it straight.

  34. I would have never have even thought to do something like that.. but then again it's probably because my hair is natural wavy.. Got a spray to make it straight? :)

  35. The shimmer spray is so pretty! Love that swirl! :)

    Also... you had never had your hair cut before high school?! Did I read that correctly?? How long was your hair?!

  36. This looks like such a fun and useful DIY! I just broke down and bought some beach spray for my hair, but I think next time I'll try to DIY it.

  37. Ooh, I need to try and make my own. I have tried a few and can't say I love them... But this looks awesome!


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