
DIY Mirror Nails Tutorial

After trying different options over the years for chrome nails, I was about to give up, when I came across this polish set on the Born Pretty (an online Asian beauty store) website earlier this year. I was surprised to finally get those mirror nails I wanted. These were $9.99. Not an affiliate (I worked with them once years ago) link, fyi.

I shared a link on my blog's Facebook about this polish, and all of you wanted a tutorial on it. It's so easy and fast!

I received 2 polishes--one that says Top Coat and one that says Mirror Nail polish. There were no directions, so after a couple of attempts, here are the directions:

Paint the Top Coat (it's clear) and allow to dry fully. It doesn't take long at all.

Paint the mirror polish on top. It will instantly turn into the mirror effect and dries immediately. It looks exactly like chrome/mirror. No top coat can be added.

Here's a very quick video of the tutorial in action with more tips and tricks:

Extra Elle:

  • Not into these nails? Check out this collection of toxin-free polishes.
  • I have been playing around with powder chrome nails, so if you'd like to see that, let me know.
  • My blog's design will be changing soon and I'm seeking advice. Anything you'd like to see changed? I'm debating removing the ads from the top and side, but I make $200 a month on them. I debated signing up for affiliate codes, but does anyone ever click on those/make a profit?


  1. This polish is so much fun and not something you see everyday! Love it!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. I don't mind the ads on the top, so I´d say keep them. And for affiliates, I am signed up with skim links and recently received a payment. Quite to my surprise, I wouldn´t have thought I´d ever earn anything from them.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  3. So fun! I love the mirrored nails! I don't mind the ads and I click on links if I'm interested in the product so I can get it in my shopping bag before I forget. Have a great day!

    Doused In Pink

  4. I am so loving these mirrored nails, Elle:) And I don't mind the ads either. If it's making you that much $$$, keep it, girl!
    PS Just wanna say thank you, Elle, for all your support. You're one of the first readers I've ever had, and will always remember how kind you've been all these years. Mwah!

  5. Obsessed with this look! Need that nail polish now!


  6. Those are so much fun! Those nails would be perfect for a night out! And I can't wait to see what your new blog design looks like! It's always fun to freshen up your little place on the internet, right?

  7. These are awesome! Love how they turned out!

  8. I LOVE these! I am always into this look but too scared to try it for myself. Your nails came out so great!

  9. I like your nails! That color is so pretty!

  10. Love the tutorial! I've loved the look of mirror nails but never pulled it off before and this looks very doable. Your ads are tasteful in placement and amount so keep them and the income. I follow some other blogs with affiliate links and if the product they are reviewing is something I am going to purchase, I try to remember to go through their link to do so.

  11. The mirrored polish is fun. Right now I am using only 5 free polish but I will keep these in mind for after December!

    I use shop collective for affiliate links for some things. I try to click on all affiliate links for bloggers because we are all just trying to make a living. Whether we blog full time or just do it as a hobby, it is nice to have a few extra pennies to throw around. Your adds don't bother me. You have to feed the need for make up girl! No shame in that! I was thinking about doing a little refresh on my page lately too but haven't decided which direction I want to go. Good luck!

  12. i love the look of mirrored nails!

    Girl, $200/month is pretty good! I say keep it. I try to click on other blog's affiliate links, but it depends on your traffic of course. It's totally up to you!

  13. LOVE how shiny + mirrored these turned out!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. Love this look! I will have to try it. I always click on affilate links!

  15. I love nails like that but my cuticles always look horrid with this kind of polish.
    $200? I'd keep it then - that's a nice little side stash.
    I cant wait to see your new design - I am DESPERATE for a new blog look.

  16. This is such a cool nail look for summer! Thanks for sharing!


  17. I this the mirror effect looks so cool! I would keep the ads! Thats great extra money! I use affiliate links and honestly rarley ever see any money from them. But I know you have far far more traffic than me so it doesn't hurt to try? I'm going to send you an email...:)

    i want this nail polish

  19. These look SO cool! Love the effect!

    I'm not opposed to clicking on affiliate links at all, but I only click on them if it is something I'm interested in. If I have extra time in my day and it's a blogger I really love, I'll try to click on all of them to help support her blogging business, but it's not often. Not because I don't love the blog - just because it takes up time. But if you add affiliate links, I'll try to click on them as often as I can. I love what you are doing here and want to help support you! Your ads honestly don't bother me, though. They aren't overpowering or flashing or obnoxious like on a lot of blogs.

  20. Ok, this might be the coolest thing ever! Such a fun idea for summer. It makes me think of a disco ball haha!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  21. ahh those nails are so fun! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  22. These nails are so fun, perfect for something different! Excited to see your new blog design, how fun! I use some affiliate links but so far haven't made any money--I'm not as strategic about them as I could be though, I'm sure.

  23. super fun nails. I would say keep your ads.


  24. I just read somewhere that this is like the hottest nail trend! Well it came out great and has very very cool and futuristic feel for sure. I don't mind the ads so long as there are no annoying popups. Those are the worst.

  25. Those nails are so fun! I really want to try this!


  26. I was waiting for this ever since you posted it on FB haha! I am obsessed with the chrome! I need this!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  27. I haven't seen this look yet in person but it looks so fun! I have tried the chrome polish but mirrored sounds even better!

  28. Wow this is super cool! And yes I actually click affiliate codes of people that I like. I love to help others make a little extra money because lord knows I could use some. LOL... Can't wait to see the new blog layout!!!! :)

  29. Absolutely love the nails Elle! Love them. As far as your blog, super excited to see the new changes. I vote skip the ads, but that is just me ;)

  30. That's a nail polish? I cannot believe it. It's SUPER metallic. Love it!!!


  31. I love the mirror polish! It looks so cool. I'm excited to watch the tutorial later!
    And there's nothing wrong with the ads, and if they are making you that much extra money, then I say keep them! I've never used affiliate links before. I'm excited to see your new blog design when it happens!

  32. ooh, nice! i think i saw this on their instagram. very cool....

  33. I am so much into mirrored effect polishes! I remember a friend showing one to me 10 years ago, it was a limited edition. We were so fond of it, but when it finished, bye bye, we always looked for it, but never found a similar one anymore. Two years ago I found one, good, but not like the one I had before :( This Born Pretty one is really great! Right now I am wearing a golden one, but longing to have a good silver one - so I will try to get this Born Pretty one! I would like to see the powder chrome ones you are testing! I like your recipes!

  34. Wow!! These are so amazing! This mirror chrome looks so futuristic!


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