
Extra Elle

I thought I'd do a quick little post to catch y'all up on my life lately-- think of it as Extra Elle in expanded form. Let me know what you think:

  • My sister's dog of 10 years had to be put down the morning of her son's birthday party. The kids didn't find out until yesterday, but it made for a bittersweet weekend. He was a great friend and he is going to be so missed. My heart goes out to my nephew and my sister, especially.

  • I post A LOT of links for articles I think you'll like on my blog's Facebook page. Give it a like and let me know what you think. There's beauty, food, life, home, travel, etc. Lots of good stuff!

  • I am not a big tv watcher, but recently had to upgrade my cable box and internet--supposed to be faster, but it's not. One channel I have is MTV Classic--they play a lot of 90s videos and tv shows. It's fun to leave on while I'm working.

  • Speaking of nostalgia, I'm old enough to have a faint memory of Crystal Pepsi. It's back in stores and I had to try it. Let's just say some things are better left in the past!


  1. Good luck tonight! You will be great!! I have never heard of Crystal Pepsi, it sounds so oldschool! Like New Coke!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. I like having an extra elle post! Sorry to hear about your sister's dog :( I also tried Crystal Pepsi and it completely tripped me out! I won't buy another one but it was fun to try! Good luck at the panel!

  3. Good luck tonight on your panel! I know you will do great. :)


  4. Oh no, sorry to hear about your sister's dog. I had to do that recently too with Gracie and it is so hard and stays with you for a long time :( I used to love Crystal Pepsi! Perhaps I shouldn't seek it out so I don't ruin the good memories? Good luck tonight!

  5. Best of luck with your panel tonight. I'm sorry to hear about your sister's dog my dear :( Hugs all around

  6. I'm very sorry for your sis' dog, it's always so hard. MTV 90s sounds like a fun idea! i should give it a shot! Great article sharing dear! and have a great week!

  7. I'm sure your panel will go amazingly well! And I'm really sorry to read about your sister's dog. the great tragedy of pet ownership is that we usually outlive them, and that's always a rough experience.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  8. Good luck with your panel tonight- it sounds like a great event & you will do wonderful! So sorry to hear about your sister's dog :(

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's dog, that is one of the hardest things. Thinking of your sister and nephew during this tough time. Good luck with the panel tonight, I'm sure everything will go perfectly! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  10. Nice report. Good luck with the panel!

  11. Sorry to hear about the dog! And good luck with your panel!! Xx


  12. There's an MTV Classic? WOW... I'm old.
    Oh gosh - any time someone looses a fur baby, it breaks my heart.

  13. Isn't that always the case when you upgrade internet? Grrr! So sorry to hear about your sister's dog! And good luck tonight!

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's dog- it's SO HARD to lose a pet, they become part of the family! Sending good vibes.

    And GOOD LUCK at your social media panel, lady! ;) GO CRUSH IT!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  15. Good luck tonight, Elle! You will be amazing! I don't remember Crystal Pepsi, how is this?!! Ugh, it is so sucky to lose a pet. One of the worse. :( How sad it was the day before a party!


  16. Good luck with your speaking engagement! You will do great!

  17. So sad about your sister's dog. :( That's always hard. Michael was OBSESSED with finding Crystal Pepsi. I thought it was just normal Pepsi without coloring, but apparently it was not! Good luck tonight!

  18. I like the idea of these types of posts! I'm sorry to hear about your sisters dog, my heart is with you guys. I always enjoy articles on Facebook. And even when we upgrade our internet, it never seems faster either

  19. Good luck! I saw that you were doing this and was thinking to myself, that as much as I'd love an opportunity like that, I don't think I could do it! I'm way too shy!!! HA!

  20. That is really sad about your sisters dog. Im sorry..losing a pet is like losing a family member. I have seen the Crystal Pepsi but never knew what it was before that. Does it taste like regular Pepsi? Good luck at your panel tonight! I'm sure you will do great!

  21. Crystal pepsi is back?!?! Say what? I need to get it for old times sake ;)

  22. So sorry for the loss of your sister's dog! That is so hard. Good luck tonight!

  23. Good luck tonight and I hardly ever watch TV either (unless its Netflix or Hulu) but I would love me some Classic MTV.

  24. Good luck tonight! I KNOW you will rock it!

  25. I love Extra Elle and catching up with you. So sad about your sisters' dog :( I'm sure you're going to kill it tonight!

  26. Oh that is so sad about your sisters dog, that is never an easy thing. And speaking of slow, I am so over Bluehost. My site keeps getting slower and slower I need to move away from them and get a new service provider.

    Allie of

  27. So sorry about your sister's dog, but good luck tonight!
    Allie | RainyAllie

  28. Good luck, Elle:) And so sorry to hear about your sis' dog:'( RIP

  29. Love this! Hope it goes well tonight friend! I am so sorry to hear about your sis's sweet pup :(

  30. I am so sorry about your sister's dog. That is really tough, and I will be thinking of them. On a happier note...I totally remember crystal Pepsi! What a blast from the past!

  31. I recently heard of this "new" MTV Channel...one question, do they play Singled Out?

    Hope your panel went great!

  32. I do remember Crystal Pepsi... And yeah, better left in the past..! Good luck with the panel - you'll kick ass!!

  33. Sorry to hear about your sisters dog. :(
    Good luck tonight!


  34. Aw I am so sorry to hear about your sisters dog... That is always so hard, just like losing a family member. I totally need to see if I have MTV Classic! I love all things 90s! Good luck tonight!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  35. I hope your panel today went well! That's super exciting you got to get out there and talk about your experience with social media but my nerves would be flying high too!

  36. Oh no that is so sad about your sister's dog! Good luck with your panel you are going to be GREAT!

  37. I am so sorry about your sister's dog... it is really very sad :( My brother has two dogs now, because one passed away this year and we were all very very sad, so I understand your sister's family. So sad :( I hope your speech was a big success, I am sure it was!

  38. Good luck on your panel, I hope that it went well! I'm sure you were great! So sorry about your sister's dog--that is so hard, they are part of the family for sure.

  39. Love a full Extra Elle post!!! So sorry to hear about your sister's dog . . . super sad as they really do feel like family. I remember Crystal Pepsi and Classic MTV! Good luck tonight!

  40. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's dog, Elle!
    I hope your panel went well...so happy for you!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  41. Well I already saw it was a success on Facebook, but I am very happy your panel went well! I am so sorry for your sister! ):

  42. Losing a pet is so hard! I've been keeping your family in my prayers. I love the articles you post on your Facebook page. I read a lot of them and I always enjoy them. I watch more YouTube than I do TV. I got the Crystal Pepsi the other day because I had to try it. It was ok, but I prefer Diet Pepsi. It was fun to try though! I'm so glad your panel went well. I wish I could have gone. Loved this post!

  43. oh, i am so so sorry about your sister's dog. how heartbreaking.

    hope your panel went well :)

  44. So this is super belated now, but so cool that you got to part of a speaking panel on social media! :)

    And so sad about your sister's dog. I just hate even thinking about that sort of thing. :(

  45. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for your sister! Dogs really become part of your family, and it's so tough to lose them!
    I'm so glad that your panel went great a couple of weeks ago! I knew that you'd do great!


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