
Beauty Hacks for Wrinkles

Y'all, I don't know how it happened: I got old. One day I looked in the mirror and wrinkles popped out of nowhere. Half of you are thinking I'm not old--thank you, thank you. The other half are thinking We thought you were 22! I know, right? ;)

Seriously though, sometimes my wrinkles bother me and sometimes they don't. And by the way, not smiling or having Resting B*tch Face does not prevent them from happening. The wrinkles still showed up anyway. While I do use products that help smooth them out a little like this, sometimes I want a little more. Okay, I want them GONE.

Here's how I came up with a beauty hack to temporarily get rid of wrinkles:

One of the kids I take care of has a scar from a bad fall (I wasn't there, fyi) and I recommended a silicone scar patch. I used one from a post-surgery scar on my arm. It helped smooth the scar and the wrinkles or puckering around it.

That's when it hit me. Wrinkles. Smooth. Silicone pad. I got the crazy idea to get one for myself to test out on my facial wrinkles. I tested it out on my laugh lines and marionette lines around my mouth--this is how my brain works, y'all. It WORKED. The results were temporary as long as I kept using them, but it worked. You can get these at Walmart, Target, drugstores, online.

Here's another hack for wrinkles that's similar:

I also tried these with gel eye patches, like the ones pictured above. I thought they were the perfect size for the lines around the mouth.

I like these because they are smaller, usually cheaper, and easy to find too. I leave these on for about 30 minutes. Lines will be instantly softened. If you can, sleep in them--easier said then done--which is why I like the silicone patches. I trim those to size. There are silicone patches for eyes used by those who dye lashes--a bit pricier but an option.

Here's the before. Not too bad, but noticeable. I decided to test this out on one side of my face. Please excuse the difference in lighting on the pics. These were all taken different days, and I thought I had the same settings. Also note I am wearing an illuminating foundation in the hopes that it would make my wrinkles more prominent on camera.

Here's the after, after a week of use. Looks practically gone, right? I know what you're thinking--she's just tilted her face towards the light to blur out her wrinkles. Nope. I think you can see the wrinkle on the other side of my face.

To prove it wasn't some fancy lighting trick, here's the front view. CRAZY!! It looks so weird seeing it like this, but I assure you it's real, or I would have bought Photoshop and edited out my chapped lips, rash on my neck, and peach fuzz (are those things you can do in PS?).

I know I can't be the only one to think of this because I was sent a kit to remove chest wrinkles (side sleeper here) and it has the same "technology" of the silicone.  If I skip a night, it comes back some, so I only do this every once in a while because I forget (or lazy). But it lasts as long as I keep up the ritual of wearing the pads. Just something I thought might be helpful to others!

FYI:  If you are allergic to silicone or the products mentioned, please don't use them.

Do you ever use beauty hacks?

Extra Elle:
I recently wrote a post about cleansing balms. It's right here.
To further explain them, I made a video on my blog's Facebook page where I give a demonstration and more. You can view it here. I didn't make a Youtube video this week, so check it out instead if you'd like. Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, so so interesting. I'll have to try these out..I've honestly never heard of them until now!

  2. That's such a great idea!! I'll definitely be giving this a try! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I used a silicone pad on a nasty scar on my knee for 12 hours a day for a whole year, and it has virtually disappeared. Amazing stuff www.indigoandmouse.blogspot.com

  4. This is such a great hack, and it reminded me to get some for my shoulder procedure next week! I am definitely giving this a try. Have a great weekend!

    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  5. Great idea. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Oh my gosh, what a great idea, Elle! I never would have thought of this! Hope you have a great weekend!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  7. What a great hack! I'm definitely trying this! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  8. You are a genius!!! And tell me about it, wrinkles are rough!!! Where did they even come from it was like one day BOOM!

  9. Genius! I never thought about using the eye patches around the mouth!

  10. ah stop. buying those immediately. i'm a wrinkle fanatic. perks of being in my 30s! i never would have thought to put them there. have a great weekend!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  11. Amazing post! Have a great weekend. :)


  12. This looks so interesting...great post hun...xoxo, Neha


  13. When I saw the title of this post I rejoiced! Need to try this asap. Have a great weekend Elle!


  14. You find the coolest things.
    I'd want to put those around my eyes.

  15. Okay this is genius!! I have laugh lines all of a sudden too, and I HATE it. I tried a sample if a similar patch made for face wrinkles. It worked but was too expensive for me. Trying this!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  16. Wow! These look like they work really well :) Definitely trying this!

  17. Ah the wonders of silicone! Amazed that this works but it totally makes sense when you think about it.

  18. Wow, that's pretty cool! You can def see the difference. Thanks for sharing this beauty hack!

  19. Wow, there is a difference! That's super smart!

  20. Oooo this is an amazing beauty hack! I would have never thought to try this! I'll definitely keep this in mind. I should probably use those eye patches for my eyes too, I have too many fine lines under there!

  21. That's such a great idea that I never would have thought of! Thanks for sharing! And you totally don't look old, I promise!

  22. Well color me impressed! This was a genius idea!!!

  23. This is a great idea! I'm going to try it!

  24. That's brilliant! I never would have thought of this!

  25. I can see it is not the light, it's an amazing effect! I never heard of silicon scar patches, to tell you the truth, and I am amazed by the great use of that! Wow, I love what you share, really practical for life!

  26. These are great hacks! I have a few "crinkles" that need attention... :)

  27. Wow! It definitely does make a difference. Thanks so much for sharing. Also, you are so hard on yourself; I didn't see any of the "flaws" you mentioned to prove you didn't photoshop! :)

  28. I am so impressed! I usually don't think products like this work but i definitely see the difference!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  29. Girl...! You're a genius!! I used Scar Away after my abdominal myomectomy and maybe I should use them again... ;)

  30. that is so cool. thanks for sharing!

  31. I'm starting to notice lines around my mouth too, gah!! I will have to try these sometime--even though it's temporary it really does make a difference!

  32. What a great idea! I definitely have the smile lines and sometimes you just want them gone. Thanks for sharing!

  33. That's such a good idea! I love doing the under eye patches. They just feel so good and refreshing! I don't have smile lines (yet!) but I'm sure I will need this trick in the future!

  34. Funny, I was just looking in the mirror a few days ago wondering when the heck I got old lol. I swear I didn't notice too many fine lines around my eyes and suddenly I see full on wrinkles. I'll have to try your hack for sure!

  35. Well dang! Look at those results! I suffer from super attractive forehead lines. They bother me so bad and I'm only 26! So I know they're only going to get worse. Perhaps these would work?

  36. this is such a good idea! i'm not afraid of getting old or anything but if i can delay the wrinkles.. why not right? and yes, side sleeper over here too1 well, back and front, basically all over sleeper. chest wrinkles are not cute :(

  37. Wow the effect is very evident within a week...and it is visible in picture...


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