
My Weekend: Stubbs BBQ, Charlie Adventures & More

Hey y'all! Hope you had a good weekend. Mine was a good mix of busy with some relaxing.

He looks really excited, right?

Friday, my dog Charlie and I met up with some friends for dinner. A little girl and her dad came up to him and she kept asking me why he was so soft. When her dad told her it was time to go she said, "But I love him." Everyone who meets him feels the same way, kiddo!

Saturday my bff and I headed to the Atlanta BBQ Festival. They had live music, a bourbon experience (Kerri I sent you a Snap of it!), and of course, plenty of groups competing for the best bbq and they were selling samples.

Along with bbq, you gotta have a good sauce, right? I got to attend as a guest of Stubb's BBQ. You've heard of them, I'm guessing. If not, you've probably seen their sauces in your grocery store!

They're a bbq sauce (and more) brand out of Austin. Texas (I automatically equate bbq with Texas) started by the late C.B. "Stubb" Stubblefield. I'm pictured above with Rocky Stubblefield, grandson of Stubbs, and brand ambassador. He was so nice and explained me to all about Stubb's sauces, marinades, and rubs, pictured below:

 8 sauce flavors

 5 Anytime sauces

 4 cooking sauces
Plus Moppin', Liquid Smoke, and Wing Sauces
5 rubs
4 marinades

I mention all of these because they are free of high fructose corn syrup, contain NO artificial colorings, flavorings, sweeteners, or MSG. And they're the only national bbq brand to carry the Gluten-Free Organization seal and is certified NON-GMO. Did I mention they're tasty? More info here.

Sunday morning was quiet as I finished the September issue of In Style magazine--it's GOOD if you haven't check it out yet. I also cleaned out the Beauty Closet--it was getting out of control.

That was my weekend--how was yours???


  1. Summer's all about that BBQ grill! Looked like a ton of fun!
    Thank you for the blog visit babe, hope to see you back to check out my TOP PARIS TRAVEL GUIDE!

    Xx- Julie

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  2. Stubbs makes an awesome BBQ sauce and marinade plus so much healthier than anything else on the shelves.

  3. To say that I am jealous is an understatement. I LOVE Stubb's products!

  4. What a fun weekend. I love me some Stubb's ;) Looks so sunny and pretty outside too!

  5. I think I've seen Stubbs BBQ sauce before but never tried it but definitely will now! Sounds like you had a great weekend, Elle!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  6. Well duh she loved him! Windsor is not a fan of kids. They always come up and get right in his face and he's just not a fan. I know it was hot out there, but good BBQ makes the heat worth it. I let my InStyle subscription lapse so I've got to get a copy ASAP.

  7. i am so out of the loop...i feel like i haven't bought a magazine in ages!! heading to the store this weekend!! lol

  8. Good to know that Stubbs is a better natural option. I love that they have embraced not adding all of the crap! You must have been roasting yourself, it was sooooo hot last weekend!

  9. How awesome! Those sauces sound delish! Love that photo of you and Charlie!

  10. I cleaned out a ton of stuff this weekend as well - it always feels so good to purge

  11. Hm... I wonder if stores up here carry this BBQ brand? I'm all about my non GMO stuff! Charlie is such a handsome guy, and now I know he's super soft and fluffy. (;

  12. That looks like such a fun event! I have heard of that BBQ sauce, but I don't think I have ever tried. Going to remember next time I am at the store!

  13. I have bought Stubbs a few times to make crockpot bbq and have enjoyed them. Sounds like a fun event!!! And I would have a hard time walking away from Charlie too if I ever met him. I get attached to everyone's dogs lol. What a sweet little girl.

    Fall fashion magazines is my favorite time of year to browse!!! My mom and I always went out and bought all of them when I was younger and we still share them today!

  14. I bet your beauty closet is crazy . . . mine has some chapstick, old makeup and hair clips! Ha! Okay, maybe a few more things but you know what I mean!

    We love the Stubbs sauces in our house - so cool you got to check them out!

    And yes, I love Charlie too!

  15. All of your snaps of the BBQ festival looked like so much fun! I feel kind of ashamed that I'm from Texas and I have yet to try Stubb's BBQ...

  16. That sounds like such a fabulous weekend! We LOVE BBQ and my hubby smokes his own meat. I need to try those sauces ASAP!

  17. Sounds like a great weekend! I never heard of Stubb's but it does look tasty! And being the only one with the Gluten Free seal, that is great! And Charlie, oooohhh! The girl saying "but I love him", oh so sweet! He is really sooo cute! Who wouldn't love him! He has such a friendly face!

  18. I love their sauce! Charlie is too cute!

  19. I love Stubbs bbq sauce! I have a large bottle of the spicy in my pantry!

  20. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend. I have Stubbs in my fridge right now!

  21. What a fun and relaxing weekend, Elle!
    I've had Stubbs a few times...really good and it's EVERYWHERE her in Texas!
    Beauty Closet!?! I'm so jealous! ;)
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  22. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I haven't tried Stubbs bbq sauce before! So cute about the little girl saying she loves Charlie!

  23. I've been seeing so many pics of bbq and I want some soooo bad! My wknd was good fun!!

  24. Sounds like a fun weekend to me! You're making me want to go get the September issue of InStyle (and also eat some BBQ, ha!).

  25. I love Stubb's BBQ sauce! I have yet to attend a BBQ fest but hopefully I get to one sometime!


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)