
NEW L'Oreal Voluminous Feline Mascara Review & Voluminous Liner Noir

I'm back after a little blog disappearance! But I have a reason--I was at The Blog Societies Conference, which was held in Charleston. It was fun and informative, and part of it included networking with brands. L'Oreal was there and you could get braids or cat eye liner at their station. They also had these two new products, L'Oreal Voluminous Feline Mascara and L'Oreal Voluminous Feline Noir Liner, which they said are being released this week. I had to grab them and test them out!

L'Oreal Voluminous Feline Mascara

  • $8.99
  • 3 shades
  • instant volume and full lash density
  • feline mascara and Quick-Charge brush captures each lash to deliver instant volume and fullness
  • quick-charge, ultra-glossy black formula provides feline volume and shiny smooth lashes in one coat
  • the "new cat eye look"
    • NOT the same as the UK version, although both feature similar packaging. That brush is curved. EDIT: As of the end of August, ULTA is selling the Uk version as well. It wil have a black tube, not green.
Here's a look at the wand--it has the shape similar to the original Voluminous, but mixed with the plastic wands from the Million Lashes. I received this not in the packaging but as pictured, and according to the website, the wand is originally green.

It does what it says with providing volume with length. I like how it does clump and is a "drier" mascara when compared to traditional L'Oreal mascaras.

I don't really get the "new cat eye" vibe, but I was overall happy with the mascara. It didn't flake, didn't clump, and was easy to wash off. No eye irritation either! 

  • $9.99
  • 1 shade
  • liquid eyeliner pen in a rich, black formula
  • ultra-fine 0.1MM felt tip eyeliner for sleek and easy application
  • unique packaging shape provides added control and precision (see example below)
Here's a close up of the liner and the "unique packaging shape" which I call a grip. The cap will only go on one way too.

Here are swatches of thin and thick lines with the liner. At the bottom is a swatch of the mascara to show how much extra comes off the top of the wand (very little) and the teeth of the mascara wand to help with length.

This liner is not waterproof, but does not claim to be. If you rub your eyes, it will smudge, so oily lids might wand to skip. I wore the mascara and liner in the humidity of Charleston and neither transferred on me, but I don't have oily skin.

Here's a thick line and a thinner line on your right. It is easy to apply, remove, and did not irritate my eyes. Of the two, I would be more likely to purchase the mascara than the liner.

I did a quick Instagram search for availability of these new products (I had originally heard September was the release date a couple of months ago) and they started arriving in stores over the weekend with a full release soon.

Would you try the mascara and/or the liner?

Extra Elle:
  • Charlie and I had the best time in Charleston, a fave city of mine. We were constantly stopped wherever we went, and Charlie was even asked to be in wedding pictures! Did you see it on my Instagram story?
  • One of the best parts of the conference was seeing bloggers you "know" online in person. I was so happy to meet A Blonde's Moment and catching up with the Atlanta bloggers is always fun, too. Would you like a recap of the conference?


  1. I love the packaging of the mascara and like that it does what it says it will do - I don't see the cat eye either but it looks great on you! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Voluminous is my favorite mascara and I can't wait to try this! Your eyes look so pretty! I would love to hear about the conference!

    Doused In Pink

  3. I'd try this mascara for the packaging alone! Your eyes are beautiful! Glad you had a good time at the conference; id love a recap.

  4. How fun for you to get to a blog conference . . . and to get to take Charlie your sidekick is a huge bonus! Glad you had a great weekend!!!

  5. Love that packaging! I don't really see the cat eye effect with the lashes but it still looks like it had good results! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  6. how fun is that packaging! amazing how that usually sells me haha. that liner looks super easy although those pen liners are never easy for me ha

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. Glad to hear you had a great time at the conference, Elle:) And I've always been a fan of L'Oreal mascaras. I do have oily lids though...booo....

  8. I really need to try that mascara.
    I need to get some waterproof eyeliner. That's my problem - I'm constantly rubbing my eyes & getting grey streaks up my face

  9. OMG just the packaging gets me! I just want it for that reason is that bad lol :) It's cute. And your lashes look gorgeous!

  10. I'm not into the whole cat eye look either, but this mascara looks fabulous! Such fun packaging too <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. I love the packaging of this mascara and it looks so pretty on you! I don't really get in to the whole cat eye thing either though, I like to keep it simple. Sounds like you and Charlie had a fun weekend!

  12. I'm in love with the cat eye look! I think it's flattering on my face shape (it's the only time I get compliments on my makeup!) so I think I would love these :)

  13. I would love a recap of the conference! So nice to meet other bloggers! The mascara looks good, I'm kind of digging the green packaging! And not part of he post but that lip color! 🙊😍

  14. Mascara is my weakness...I can't stop buying them! Looks like I should try this :)

  15. Welcome back! Glad to hear you and Charlie enjoyed Charleston! That liner and mascara look really pretty worn together! I was totally obsessed with the cat eye look for awhile and I'm inspired to go back to it again.

  16. Oooo, I like the finish of both mascara and liner on you, Elle, I'll need to try both when they are released here in Canada. And I saw you having a blast at the conference and Charlie is adorable!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  17. That mascara sounds so awesome, but it's unfortunate that the eyeliner isn't waterproof. I'd probably end up with smudges all the time! I thought that it was so cute that Charlie was asked to be in wedding photos, and I would love to hear all about the conference!

  18. I would like to try the mascara! I don't get the cat eye thing either, but it does make for really cute packaging. Glad you had a good time in Charleston!

  19. Looks like a good mascara! The eyeliner intrigued me until you said it's not waterproof. I inevitably mess with my eyes quite a bit so that might not work for me-haha Great review and glad you had fun at the blog conference!

  20. You look so beautiful in your pics! I'm glad that the mascara worked for you. I tend to like a more wet formula over dry. That liner looks nice but that stinks it smudges. Thanks for the honest review Elle!

  21. Such pretty packaging! I'm not a fan of drier mascaras...so this may not be for me. Yes to a recap!!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  22. I love the packaging! It's so pretty. You're lashes look amazing too! Both these products interest me. And I'm glad you had a great time, I love Charleston too! I'd love to see a recap!

  23. I think a recap of the conference would be fun, and I love that Charlie was in wedding photos! That mascara and liner looks especially good on you, and I love that little tray you used to display it!

  24. I'd love to hear a recap of the conference, it sounds like fun! I'm definitely going to give that mascara a try too--it looks so pretty on your lashes!

  25. Sounds like a fun conference and I love the packaging of those tubes. That eyeliner looks great, I could use one like that... plus, I always put my eyeliner on the same way and this one looks like you could try a lot of different techniques with it!


  26. This mascara sounds great, I will have to check for it!! Looks like it would be a great one to have in my collection. Even that liner seems great even though I'm not a liner girl what so ever. This was a great post !!

    Katie | https://ktmcgworld.blogspot.ca

  27. awww how cool that you and charlie were stopped a bunch :)
    this mascara sounds super cool.. i'm not much for liners, especially since i rub my eyes a lot, so i'll skip that one. i kinda want to try the mascara just because it has feline in the name, haha. i always love l'oreal mascaras though, i hope i like this one even though it is drier.

  28. I'd love a recap of the conference! And this mascara sounds really cool!

  29. Sounds like a great mascara! I'm always wanting to try new affordable ones out. Looks like the conference was a lot of fun!


  30. I am definitely going to check out this mascara, love the packaging! Looks like you and Charlie had a great time!

  31. This mascara sounds like a good one! I love the packaging!

  32. I will have to try the L'Oreal feline mascara. Gorgeous images here too! I tend to do a slight cat eye since my eyes are already heavily almond shaped.

  33. Your lashes look fantastic! I need to check out that mascara :)

  34. You are so beautiful!! Love the green packaging and I bet that conference was a ball, I knew Rachel was going, how fun to meet her!!

  35. Well, you've certainly made me want to try that liner! Gorgeous!

  36. So beautiful!!
    Just love it, your blog is amazing!
    I following you in social medias!
    Have a nice day!

  37. I'll have to give this one a try! Your lashes look great!!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  38. I swear by L'Oreal mascaras it doesn't matter which version I try I always find they work amazingly well for me. So I am so glad to hear there is a new one from them. I will be hunting this one down.

  39. Your eyes look amazing...I wish I could do a cat eye like that!

  40. I saw a sneak peek of this on Instagram and of course I was intrigued. I just cleaned out my mascara drawer, but i have a feeling it's going to fill up again. I just feel compelled to try them all! The packaging is pretty and the results are too. I'm not surprised Charlie got the celeb treatment, how can you not love that face?! I'd love to hear more about the conference. I see lots of bloggers post about going, but I don't ever see anything afterwards. I've never been to a blog conference before so I'd love to know more!

  41. I was privileged to read your post. and I left a comment. so great to meet you. I’m “following” you. I hope you have a great weekend.

  42. So nice that you had this conference in Charleston and went with Charlie! I would like a recap, yes, it is nice for us who didn't go :) I think I will buy this Feline Voluminous mascara, after I saw the results you showed, and the price is nice! The liner is very nice too, but as it is not waterproof I have to pass... wearing contacts always make me prefer waterproof products. Mascaras, for example, I always finish with a coat of a waterproof one! Very nice reviews, I hope I find the mascara soon!

  43. You look super pretty in these pics! I don't think I would buy the mascara because I like a bit more volume & drama to my lashes! xx

    Beautylymin| Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct Giveaway

  44. This mascara looks amazing. The slight lift and volume it adds is wonderful.

  45. So glad you had a good time at the blogging conference! I love the sounds of that mascara- it looks amazing & you might have sold me on easy to remove!


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