
#TBSCON Recap!

A couple of weeks ago I was in Charleston, SC (one of my fave US cities) for The Blog Societies annual conference. I've been a member since the beginning and missed only the first conference. I thought I'd share a recap since so many of you requested it. Settle in--there are lots of pics ahead:

photo credits Kim Graham Photography--her pics are featured throughout this post 

Charlie and I left Thursday morning and the drive up to Charleston was rough, with the bad weather and all. Charlie was awfully quiet because apparently he had found one of my "chicken cutlets" and was using it as a chew toy. Then I lost a shoe and had to wear flip flops to the first event. I had to laugh!!

Before the conference, some of the sponsors had little events. I went to the It Cosmetics one--you might have seen me there on my Insta Stories or Snapchat, where they were doing touchups on makeup and introducing new products. I made the makeup artist laugh because every product she was showing me I had already. #beautynerd

Part of the conference was held at the beautiful Belmond Charleston, where most of the bloggers stayed. I stayed with a friend who lives in Charleston instead. I would suggest staying with others because I felt lonely most of the time since everyone was hanging out with their roomies, but I did save some $ though!

I got ready and noticed my earring was missing a back, so an eraser to the rescue! Y'all know I love a good beauty hack. Add that to my one chicken cutlet that was left, and I was ready for the Vera Bradley opening party--a mixer where myself and 74 others got to mingle, have cocktails, take pics as it stormed outside. Believe it or not I cannot stand having my pic taken--I'm never photogenic --and tried to hide whenever I saw the photographer.

The next morning was the conference, held across the street at the Riviera Theatre (in the very top pic). I learned so much from the presenters. I was sitting alone until some of the Atlanta girls let me sit with them, so it was good to see everyone in person instead of just on blogs/social media and catch up. Each year the speakers are better and better--how to get press, Instagram tips, website design, and more.

After lunch we all headed to the Gifting Suite--I shared all of my swag on my Snapchat. Most bloggers are style, but they had sponsors who did beauty and other things, so it wasn't all clothes and jewelry (not complaining about that one bit!!!). But I appreciated that. We got so much stuff! I'm still going through it all.

Once that was over, I took a nap--I heard a lot of the other girls did too--before heading out to Folly Beach for some seafood and some salty water between my toes. I will not pass up on opportunity to see the ocean. Charleston is very dog-friendly, and Charlie was treated like a celebrity. Everyone kept coming up to love on him.

It was Charlie's first time at the beach and he was SO scared of the waves. My hope of him being a beach-lover like his mom were dashed. ;) He liked digging in the sand though. We headed back and watched the Opening Ceremonies.

The next morning was breakfast hosted by Kendra Scott. If you squint your eyes you'll see me in the back next to Rachel. It was so nice to meet her in person! We immediately talked about our dogs, of course. Charlie was asked to be in wedding pictures that day by some strangers who saw him! He was a natural. He never acts like that when I am taking his pic, as evidenced at the end of the post.

Next up were the sessions. You got to choose 3. I attended sessions on Reward Style (I haven't applied for LTKI yet), SEO (the AMAZING Lindsay from White Oak Creative, pictured), and Photography. There were ones on accounting, founders, and more. All of them were great and gave me a ton to think about. This was new this year to the conference and I really enjoyed it.

That night Charlie and I went out for dinner again, but this time next to a harbor, and walked around the beautiful parks and Rainbow Row--this pic was taken right down the road from it. Being near the sea and a beautiful sunset always does the soul good.

Not ready for our closeups

The morning we left I tried to take some family pics, but it was SO DANG hot that Charlie and I were kind of over it.  It was too hot to do my makeup, so I threw on some red lipstick and hoped for the best. I look like I'm shooting a bird--maybe I am subconsciously at the heat! ;)

He is famous for looking away whenever I try to take his pic. My sweet boy, and destroyer of chicken cutlets (y'all know what I'm talking about, right?).
Still not ready for our closeups 

Real life y'all: Posting this outtake of the sun in both of our eyes--makes me laugh! We look mad, but we aren't, we just can't see. My tip is to go there really, really early so there aren't people in your pics (and the heat isn't as bad as later on). I cropped this pic because I didn't realize there was a person bathing in the fountain.

And it just isn't a trip without a pic of the Pineapple Fountain. A fun time was had by all and I can't wait til next year. Thanks Jessica and Cathy for another great conference! Here's a video below of the conference in nutshell:

The Blog Societies Convention from Drew Glickman Films on Vimeo.

Have you ever been to a Blogging Conference?


  1. I am so glad that Charlie got to come along with you to the conference! It was so much fun and it was great seeing you! It was definitely hot that last day!

    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. Such a fun weekend! I love that Charlie got to come!

  3. So sad that I missed it this year - looks amazing!
    xo - katestylepetite.com

  4. looks like a fun time, I love Charleston! I went in june this year and died every day with sweat. worth it!

  5. This sounds and looks like so much fun! I love being able to get together with other blogger babes! Glad you were able to have a sense of humor about the shoes and missing cutlet. ;)

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. Charleston looks beautiful and Charlie!! How do pets find a way to get into everything?!

  7. So glad you enjoyed yourself at the conference! I love Charleston and all it's southern elegance.


  8. I'm so glad we finally got to meet! And talk about our cute morkies, of course :) It was such a fun weekend. I hadn't had time to watch the video yet so I'm glad you posted it! Have a great weekend, Elle!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  9. Ah looks like a great trip! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh my gosh! That pic of you and Charlie at the end is just priceless:D And thanks for sharing your experience, Elle:) Sounded really awesome, and thank you for sharing that earring hack! I always lose earring backs!

  11. I dient even know that society existed! These panels you attended sound very interesting, especially the one on photography.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  12. It looks like you had a fab time! I'd love to go one year! Ooh and I want to see the swag!
    That pineapple fountain looks so cool!

  13. One of these years I will finally make it to the conference! I've wanted to go each time, but something is always going on or I'm out of town when they are happening. They always look like so much fun!

  14. I've always wanted to visit Charleston. Looks like such a cute place and a fun conference.

  15. Looks like so much fun.
    I ADORE you took your little man... & that he was treated like a celebrity. I would have loved to see his Ocean reaction :)

  16. Charlie is just too cute! I love the picture with the sand all over his nose :) It looks like you had fun at the conference and scored some major cool stuff!

  17. How gorgeous. Never made it to Charleston. I've been to Savanah, though. Love the Southern charm. Thanks for sharing! XO


  18. What a great conference- and isn't Charleston the cutest? I'm soooo glad Charlie got to come along for the trip, too!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  19. Looks like a great trip - I'm so glad you got to go!!

  20. It sounds like you had so much fun, and I love that you brought Charlie with you too! Dart totally does the same thing and basically ignores me when he knows that I'm trying to take a picture. Rude!

  21. I laughed out loud...I can just imagine Charlie chewing on your "chicken cutlet" that's hilarious!
    Loved your snaps! Looks like such a fun event!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  22. Omg looks like you had such an amazing time minus the shoe mishap! Haha!! So glad Charlie got to come along too!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  23. This looks like such a fun time! I want to go to a blogging conference so much, but I would be so nervous! Hopefully there is one nearby soon!

  24. Looks like so much fun! I've always wanted to go to a blogging conference.

  25. Sounds like you had a great time at the conference!

  26. This sounds like a lot of fun! That pineapple fountain is so cool! I love the beach pictures too! And the eraser for an earring back is such a good idea! Thanks for sharing that!

  27. Looks like you and sweet Charlie had a ball at the conference! Fuchsia is your color Elle :)

  28. This sounds like so much fun and it looks like you and Charlie had a great time! You looked beautiful too in your picture above! I wish they had events like this near me!

  29. This looked like it was a blast, lots of fun :) Love your pics with Charlie xx


  30. This seemed like a great event and you had a good time! Thanks for sharing Elle!!

  31. What fun! I feel like I'm missing out on all these blogging conferences being out in Singers... Loved that pic of you and Charlie squinting!! And wait, there was someone bathing in the fountain?!?! WTF?!?!

  32. That looks like a fun event! I've never been to a blogger conference but I hope I'll be able to attend in the future.


  33. Haha Windsor would so do the same thing if he found one of my chicken cutlets. I feel the same way when people mention products to me. I embrace my inner #beautynerd. I've stayed at that hotel when my dad was on a business trip. It's very nice but very expensive. The eraser trick has saved me several times. I'm not surprised that everyone loved Charlie, who wouldn't?! I love the sunset picture. I'm with you, being near the water and taking in a sunset is so refreshing. People always ask me how I get Windsor to pose so well, but I've had the camera shoved in the face his entire life so he's just used to it.

  34. It looks like a great conference! I live that you were able to bring Charlie and also explore the city a bit!

  35. Sounds like a lovely trip and conference, so lovely that you brought Charlie too! Xx


  36. I loved your recap! I could see you there at Kendra Scott's breakfast :) I loved the pineapple fountain and ppor Charlie, a destroyed, who would have thought! He looks so sweet at the beach and I loved the picture where you said you two look mad, but I don't think so! So nice you had all the products that the beauty expert was showing, because you are an expert too! Also nice to meet some bloggers in person - till now, I was lucky to meet some really nice ones in person!
    DenisesPlanet.com - Friday Feelings

  37. Oh so fun! Well, except for you not having a chance to get good photos of you and Charlie. Those pics are funny because they are so real life. I've been there with planning to get cute pictures and then they don't work out at all because of the heat or time of day. So I feel ya!


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)