
Beauty Products From Around the World You Must Try

I love, love, LOVE to travel. I've talked about this before, but I've been to 18 countries. I love absorbing all the culture and learning as much as I can of where ever I am visiting. Y'all, when I travel outside of the States, I make sure to do things: check out the snacks and check out the beauty products. It's fun to me to test them out and compare them to what we have here. I used to stock up when visiting or long for products once they ran out, but now many of them are available online. When I originally made this list, I had 126 items, but for today, I'm picking out just a few beauty products from around the world--that you can buy!

Australia and New Zealand:

  • Paw Paw Ointment--Made from paw paws (papayas) this is a do-it-all ointment. Think burns, blisters, etc. When I visited Australia, it was their winter, so I need something for my skin, and this really worked.
  • Lanolin Lano--I just saw this at Ulta the other day! This line has a host of products, like their original ointment (pink tube), moisturizer (pictured), and products for lips (just like Bite Beauty's Agave Mask but cheaper). Vegetarian and baby-safe, however people are sensitive to lanolin.
  • Kevin Murphy Hair Products--A great line of luxury hair care. Try the plumping wash.
  • Antipodes--I've tried only 3 things from this New Zealand skincare line, and loved them all.
    • Also Australian: Aesop and Becca
  • Want more? I did a haul of Australian Beauty Products right here.


  • Soap and Glory--I'm hoping you've heard of this fabulous (and pretty packaging) body care line. Find it at ULTA and now even some Walgreens stores.costa rica--honey?
  • Bourjois--A high street makeup brand (technically from France but owned by an American company) with a lot of great products like their healthy mix serum foundation (if you want a review, let me know), lip velvets, and mascaras. I associate them with the UK because I never encountered this brand in France. Likewise, when I started beauty blogging, I never saw my fellow French bloggers mention it but it was a staple for my English vlogger/blogger friends. It will be more expensive here due to shipping. Try Amazon or Asos.
  • Sleek--I'm a huge fan of their eye shadow palettes.
    • More UK faves: Collection, Boots, No 7 (try Target), Barry M, Max Factor (in US for now, but Covergirl is exactly like it), Essence, Rimmel, Pixi, Charlotte Tilbury, Eyeko...I could go on and on...


  • I did a post here of Beauty Secrets from Mexico with more info, but I love this mascara

I could have done a series just on France alone. A visit to the Pharamcie a must-do. A lot of the products are still exclusive to France, so I picked just a few. But there's so much more!

  • Bioderma--I've tried just about every micellar water on the market. This was the first one and still my favorite. Try Amazon, beautylish, or Frends Beauty for it.
  • Embryolisse--I swear this isn't sponsored, despite this being the third time in the past 2 weeks I've mentioned this brand. I love their moisturizer as a primer or as an overnight mask. Try Amazon or Frends Beauty.
  • Homeoplasmine--Another ointment (what is my obsession with these?) and I even use this to treat spots.
  • Phyto--One of my favorite hair care lines. I swear by their supplements for thicker hair. But their masks, treatments, well dang, everything I've tried has been good.
    • More: Vichy, A 313 (your fine lines will love this),  La Roche Posay, Avene, and lots more

Have you tried any of these brands?


  1. What a fun post Elle! All of these products sound amazing!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. The Kevin Murphy plumping wash and Bioderma micellar water are products I'd like to try! I would love it if you did a review on the Bourjois serum foundation!

    Doused In Pink

  3. There are a lot of brands here that I don't know. Thanks for sharing! I would like to try that plumping wash. :)


  4. There are so many brands here I dont know about it, but this is a great post and a great way to learn about them :)

    We also have a few awesome brands from South Africa, you should check out ;)


  5. I remember when you shared some of your beauty finds from Mexico and I thought that was so cool to find beauty products in different countries... I never would have thought of that! I have tried Kevin Murphy's line of hair products and have loved them!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  6. I want to try all of these - and I LOVE Soap and Glory...there packing is soooo cute:)


  7. I've tried a few of these already and you have some great suggestions!

  8. um supplements to make my hair thicker? sold! and i've heard about that soap and glory line and i need to just try it already :) good round up!
    xoxo cheshire kat

  9. I've tried all the French ones you mentioned except for the ointment one. I honestly think you can never go wrong with French skin care.:)

  10. Great post Elle, I love buying new beauty when I travel!

    Emma | http://www.fluffandfripperies.com

  11. Great post Elle, I love buying new beauty when I travel!

    Emma | http://www.fluffandfripperies.com

  12. Tried any of these? I've never heard of any of them... & went through & tried to PRONOUNCE most of them :) haha

  13. Haven't tried any of these, but would love to! Skincare from around the world is a great idea for a post, loved reading this! Xx


  14. I've never tried any of these. Thanks for sharing!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  15. I love this post. I bought so many beauty products when I was in England last year, they have such great stuff. Heck, I brought home like 6 cans of hairspray! haha

  16. I have had some samples of Kevin Murphy hair products from Allure Boxes and have really liked them. I haven't tried any of the others but I will have to look in to them :)

  17. LOVE your love for travel! I don't know why I never thought to check out beauty products while traveling internationally. Such an amazing idea <3
    Green Fashionista

  18. You have me wanting to go into a beauty store while we're in France!

  19. 18 countries??? Oh I am so jealous! I love travelling and I always buy products from the countries I visit too! I would love to travel to US though, the brands there are endless and products are so affordable! :)


  20. I love trying new products and brands from different countries. I wish they sold Bourjois in the US. Sleek Makeup and Keiko interest me too.

  21. I love trying out beauty products from different countries too! It's so fascinating to me! I love the paw paw ointment, I did a swap with one of my blogger friends who lives in Australia and she sent me it and so many other goodies. I've always wanted to try sleek makeup! I hope you'll do more posts like this!

  22. You are making me want to travel overseas again! What a fun post! That Sleek eyeshadow palette is gorgeous!

  23. I also love going to pharmacies or stores to check the products of local brands! I like Soap and Glory very much and Bioderma and there are so many nice brands that we only get to know when we are in the country they are produced! France is a greeeat source of good products, for sure! I am eager to try Lakme, from India :)

  24. This makes me want to travel! I loved trying all the French products when I was studying abroad. It was so long ago, I cannot remember if it was these or not!

  25. I really want to try Sleek products...it's a brand I often forget about. Great roundup, Elle!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  26. Love hearing about what people in other countries use! I've really wanted to try the Paw Paw ointment and Sleek products. Some day, I hope to make it to the French pharmacies!

  27. It's so fun to try beauty products from around the world! I have a Paw Paw lip balm that smells amazing :)

  28. Paw Paw Ointment sounds like a great product! I need to try and find some! And I love Soap & Glory products!

  29. 18 countries?! HOW AWESOME is that! I have heard Kevin Murphy products are amazing. When I run out of my micellar water I'll buy the Bioderma next for sure!

  30. I so want to try the soap and glory line. Thankfully I know ulta sells it.


  31. Ive never tried any of these products! But they all sound amazing!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  32. I love that more and more brands are becoming available. Great post

  33. I live off Lucas Papaw Ointment! I love Aesop as well - have their hand balm on my desk at work at the moment! And oh, I LOVE Boots!! I could spend hours in there..!!

  34. Nice products ;)


    Mónica Sors




  35. I'm so mad at myself (still) that when we were in Paris I didn't buy more of their makeup and beauty products! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  36. What a neat post, Elle! Love seeing all these new products from around the globe!

  37. I love this list! I spy some products I'm familiar with and some I'm not- that I now need to check out! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  38. I love Soap & Glory products! Just saw a big display the other day at Walgreens. I really want to try the Paw Paw Ointment and Homeoplasmine.

  39. Such a fun list! I need to try the products by Phyto.


  40. Ahh yes, that paw paw ointment does wonders. Not so much for me, except for my lips. I know a lot of people who also use it to treat dry skin and blemishes etc. Sadly it doesn't have an amazing effect on me. But it is pretty awesome for dry lips.


  41. I'm so happy because I've tried a good number of products that you listed here, Elle!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  42. 18 countries, that's awesome! I love to travel too but haven't been able to do it as much these past few years. I need to try some of these, most of them I've never tried (or even heard of). I have tried Kevin Murphy beach spray though and I really liked that!

  43. 18 countries? That's so cool. I wasn't super into makeup when I went abroad so I didn't try anything, but now I wish I had. Thank goodness for the internet! I've heard of some of these brands before. I know a lot of YouTubers are loving the Sleek highlighters and the Bourjois serum foundation.

  44. Great post, never heard of these products except the sleek palette.




  45. I have tried some of these products before and I am interested in trying other products from around the world. Thanks for sharing!

  46. Ooooh this is a great post!! I've only heard of a few of these, but now I want to try several of these products!

  47. Read your post a few days ago and just find the time to comment today ! Better late than never right ;-)
    Just to let you know Elle that Bourjois is a French brand and not a UK one ;-) As the "French beauty blogger of Charleston" I wanted to fix this little mistake ;-)
    I love travelling also and I enjoyed your post like many others !


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