
Extra Elle: Happy Fall, Y'all!

So I had another posted scheduled for today (you shall see it Monday) plus I am going to be spending the night at work, so I went ahead and posted this now! I'm going to go ahead and tell you--due to that scheduling change, there will be 3 sponsored posts next week. All products I loved, or I wouldn't have agreed to them in the first place. But back to the blog:here's what's been going on with me lately:

I am so excited today's the first day of fall! Even though it doesn't really feel like fall, let's just pretend it is! Fall is my favorite season--it's so spectacular that it has 2 names. And I will not apologize for it. Goodbye summer, it's been real!

The dark nail polish has come out--that's how I know it's fall. I've been wearing Essie Gel Couture Spiked with Style and everyone has been asking me about it. If you follow me on social media, you've seen it's appearance on there. I was able to get a good week out of it. I've talked about this line before and I still like it!

I've only put up a wreath but have gotten all of my fall decorations out. And then I proceeded to head to Michaels and buy more crafty stuff. And then I ordered candles.

Another fall thing--football season! I pull for UGA and they've been winning...but barely! And by unranked teams, so I'm hoping they get in a groove.

I got my first Iphone (yes, you read that right) last Friday! It's been a little adjustment, coming from only Droid phones, but I've been enjoying it. I haven't thrown the thing out yet. Where do you get your cases? I am looking for one!

This week I had another Hello Fresh box. I think this is maybe my 4th one? I like them, but I still don't like cooking. I posted my escapades of my trying to cook on my Insta (ellesees) and was glad I was able to crack a few of you up.

I think that's everything new with me--what's new with you?
See y'all Monday!


  1. That Essie color is my fav for fall and going to be on constant repeat! And yay for your first iPhone! I used to have a Droid then I switched and honestly, I don't love one more than the other but the iPhone is super easy! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. Congrats on the iPhone! I hope you love it, I could not figure out a droid, this is so much easier! Happy Fall!

  3. I love my Android. I dont think I could ever go to an iPhone solely for the memory card options in Androids. Enjoy your new baby though!
    YES to dark polishes. They are always my favorite year round anyways

  4. I am so glad it is fall too!!! I am ready to whip out some dark polishes and more fallish things...if the heat would ever give up!!! GA is making me nervous but at least they are pulling off wins. I pull for Alabama first of course, but Georgia is my second favorite college team.

    I used to get otterboxes and stuff for my iphones but I hate how bulky they make things. I have been getting Kate Spade cases (either from KS or Best Buy) the last two years and I love her cases!!! I have dropped my phone several times with her cases and never had a problem. Not that I recommend dropping your phone, but it happens.

  5. Yay for a new iPhone! I love mine and have been devoted to them since having the 4. I got my last case from Etsy and I love it--I prefer 2 piece cases for added protection. Yay for pretty fall nail colors too!

  6. That nails shade is very pretty for the fall season ! I have a otter-box on my iPhone just give me that extra comfort, specially if you drop your phone or little hard on your phone. Also a life-proof cases are great too, they are little more $$ than a cheaper case but you want your phone to last.

    Katie | https://ktmcgworld.blogspot.ca

  7. Congrats on the iphone hun, I just a new phone this week, will be reviewing and giving one away soon :) xx


  8. Yay iPhone! I love Kate spade cases. They're super fun and hold up really really well!

  9. Love that Essie shade! so perfect! I haven't been able to paint my nails since my newborn, honestly not mad about it haha.. maybe soon I'll paint them a pretty Fall appropriate shade! Yay for the iPhone! I switched over from the droid a few years ago, never looked back! Haha

  10. Need that vampy polish in my life! Perfect for the new season. :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  11. I find tons of cute iPhone cases at Claires or Icing and at Charming Charlies. And as for cooking, well I hate it too! :/

  12. I would love to hear your thoughts on the new Iphone (since you are coming from android). I have never had an iphone and am interested in what you think...also, hello fresh, I've been thinking about these subscription boxes and if they are worth it?

  13. i love that dark nail polish!! helloooo fall! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  14. I am going strong on day 5 with my nails - not sure if it will last the full 14 days, but still it's nice that the whole work week will be covered - assuming nothing happens between today and tomorrow. :)

  15. That Essie polish is gorgeous! I need to pick up some more polishes from that range! xx


  16. Yay for your new iPhone! I love that Essie color! So pretty!

    Doused In Pink

  17. I've been liking the Essie Touch Up color but I need a darker shade for fall. Definitely getting that Spiked with Style shade next!

  18. I really want to try the Essie gel polish! That's such a pretty color. Yay for an iPhone! I love the cases by Sonix.


  19. I'm so excited it's the first day of Fall too! I love that nail color!

  20. I have already bust out the dark nail polish's too. I buy my phone cases on Amazon.


  21. Happy first day of fall Elle! It still feels like summer in NYC today. Welcome to the iPhone world!

  22. Happy Fall! I love seeing the new dark nail polishes come out :)

  23. Ooh, good shout! I always forget fall is coming but I think I'll get fall colors today for my mani!! Ahh, welcome iPhone land!

  24. loving those essie gel polishes and that is the perfect color for fall. and yay for iPhone! i have had one for forever and love it. tech 21 cases are not the most chic but i tell you what - i had my last phone for 2 years with it on and it never got a cracked screen. bulletproof!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  25. I need to get my fall stuff out and paint my toes dark. Yay!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  26. I am so ready for fall it't not even funny! It's been so hot that I haven't gotten out all my fall decor because it just doesn't feel right! Next week is our fall break so after that I'm doing it - regardless of the temp!

    I love having an iphone - you'll adjust although it is probably pretty frustrating at first! I love Otterbox cases just because they are durable - I have a cute project runway one that I love!

    Have a great weekend, even if you're working!

  27. Congrats on your first iphone! I'm using a case from CaseApp right now. I just did a post about it including a discount code if you are interested!
    And I love the dark nail polish for fall! I need some fall nails asap!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  28. I don't have an iphone, but I love to get my cases from Amazon. They seem to always have something good, and it's usually the best price I can find. I've broken a couple screens with a case on the phone, so I've had to be picky about not getting just any case!

  29. I'm so excited for fall too. My mom has been loving the Essie Gel Couture line. It works really well on her nails. Welcome to iPhone world!! I'm sure it's been an adjustment getting used to it. Amazon and Etsy have the best cases!

  30. Your first iPhone?! You're going to be obsessed. Welcome to the Apple family :)


  31. It's so true, Fall has two names! It's so cool that you got your first Iphone, congratulations! And also, cooking is cool, but only if you enjoy, so take your time, maybe in the future. It doesn't have to be a "love at first sight" thing :) I loooved that nail polish color, freally "autumny" :)

  32. Love these essie color.<333
    New outfit is online...

  33. It's my favorite season as well even though we don't really have seasons here. Makes me miss being up North...

  34. I had an Iphone years ago and switched to Android phones after that. No way I'm going back to Apple! The Android phones I had were awesome, and sooooo much more affordable than the Iphones. The one I got a couple months ago does a lot of things that the Iphone can't, and the voice recognition works so much better. To be honest I don't get the Apple hype...


  35. I love that darker nail polishes are beginning to come out, my favorite time of the year!
    After switching to an iPhone from a Droid...I don't think I could EVER go back to a Droid. But everyone is so different...
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  36. Hooray for dark nail polishes! I love that shade! And GIRL - you will ADORE that iPhone once you get used to it. I bought my first one four years ago and I will never go back!

  37. I did a collab recently with CaseApp. I genuinely love my iPhone case from them! My previous case was an OtterBox. Probably a bit more sturdy, but not nearly as cute.


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)