
What's In My Bag?

Y'all, I love a What's In My Bag post. Do you? It's like I can secretly be nosey since it's all laid out there.  But to be fair, I'm sharing mine today. It's been over a year since I've shared what's in my bag. And while I don't have a ton of stuff, there's quite a bit! Let's take a peek, shall we?

What's In My Bag--September--Starting on the left hand side going clockwise-ish in a spiral:

Black quilted bag with fluffy key chain thing (official name). Key chain also serves as toy for my pup Charlie

DIY Makeup Refreshing Spray--This must have fallen out of my makeup bag onto the floor in my car, so I threw it in here to take it back inside

Lip Balm--I'm trying to use up my many lip balms up

YSL Elle Sees Lip Stain--Because I always wanted my blog name on my own makeup. I wish this was my own creation! #goals

Sunglasses--because I always need them

Hair elastics--There was a clip, which I prefer, but apparently it was broken when I dumped out my bag for this post. Luckily I have these!

Let's zoom in closer:

Tin of solid perfume--I took an old lip balm tin and converted it to solid perfume. It's better than having a bottle leak in my bag.

Embryolisse cream--Just shared this on this post. I tend to use this on my hands when it's in my bag, but as a primer or even a mask when at home. But I only put lotion on the tops on my hands. Is that weird?

S6 Phone--#teamdroid, baby! Okay, I'm like the only one who is.

Frends Ear Buds--These are in their natural state of tangledness. No matter what hack I use or suggestion, they end up back like this.

Pink & White Striped Planner with Pen--to write down blog ideas and plan them! I don't do the stickers or anything cute; just the pen and paper.

My Business card--I still get shy giving these out!

Wallet--Contents are self-explanatory on this, right? This is in the bottom left corner.

Moisturizer/Skin Brightener with SPF--Usually put this on my face in the am but keep it in my bag for my hands and arms. Really good stuff. More info soon.

Let's zoom all the way in!

Random contact lens--My question: Where is the other one?

Lipstick--in a classic good ol' nude shade

Earrings--Did you know that you're supposed to remove the plastic disks on these? I keep them on anyway.

Mints--that fell out...no idea where the container went

Earplugs--because I'm the world's lightest sleeper and they are AMAZING for ear pressure

Penny--My late Daddy collected rare coins and would get onto ya if you didn't pick up a penny off the ground. I've always associated pennies with him and have even more stories. This one was found on the table after my nephew's birthday. Say what you will, but to me, it means he was there.

ZonePerfect bar in Chocolate Mint--Because I need to keep the "hangries" at bay. Y'all know what I'm talking about! These are really tasty and I got mine at the pharmacy section at Walmart. Sometimes I need that emergency snack when I'm stuck in Atlanta traffic, y'all. They come in other flavors, too, but this is the one I grab the most often.

Any bag surprises?
What's in your bag?

PS: I posted yesterday--did you see it?

I have been compensated by ZonePerfect for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.
#ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins


  1. How fun that YSL has a lip stain with your blog name, I love that! You have such a fun bag. How sweet that a penny reminds you of your dad. What a great memory.

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. I LOVE what's in my bag posts...call me nosy LOL! I keep the disks on the earrings too - feels like they are more in place when I wear them like that!! Love that lipstick with your name on it!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  3. The color of the lipstick looks lovely! Xx


  4. These are fun posts! I love that you have YSL lip stain with your blog name on it! I never take the disks off earrings either - I didn't know you were supposed to!

    Doused In Pink

  5. I always keep emergency snacks too. It definitely helps! So sweet about your dad and pennies. It is such a nice way to remember him.

  6. I always have hair-ties because Lord help me if I don't! The other day I whipped out a bra and a laptop charger out of my purse and people were like OMG what the hell?!

    The Adored Life

  7. My bag is so boring. I only keep the necessities- wallet, work badge, and sometimes my kindle. That would be a boring post!

  8. You know, I was never #teamandroid until my S7. You're not alone!:D And having a solid perfume in the bag is such a great idea. Imma gonna steal that!:D

  9. I always get shy when it comes to handing out my business cards - I thought I was the only one!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  10. love these kinds of posts! i still cant get over your YSL with your name on it. love. and i always have blog cards too. and sunnies. and well, a lot of this stuff :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  11. How awesome is that Elle Sees lipstain! And I need to start carrying refreshing spray <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. I always keep 2-3 mini hand creams in my bag, a lip balm and 1-2 lipsticks to reapply during the day and of course my favourite mist! :)


  13. I always pick up spare change too! We found a 1939 nickel on the ground recently! I am a big fan of paper and pen planners too. I just can't convert to google calendar!

  14. These "what's in my bag" posts are always fun! How sweet about the penny. I think you are totally right right about your dad being there! Such a special memory. Have a great week, Elle!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  15. Being a nosey parker, I love these types of posts! I actually use the same ear buds and they always get tangled up in my bag as well. That personalized YSL lip stain is too fab!

  16. I always keep a protein bar on me because I never know when I might need one! Also I'm team Android too! I have the S5 and Christopher just got the S7!

  17. I always like having a snack bar of some sort in my purse. Never know when you're going to need an emergency piece of food.
    I need ear plugs in my purse. I could use them at MANY places in a day.

  18. You are a well-stocked lady! :) I love it. And I need to try the ZonePerfect bars- I like to keep something on hand in case I'm out and don't have time for a proper meal.

    Le Stylo Rouge

  19. Your bag is so tidy! I was getting out of the car this morning and just about fell over with all the unnecessary weight in paper and etc I'm carrying around. (;

  20. I loved seeing what's in your bag! And I love the YSL lip blam with your name in it, that's so cute. I always keep sun screen in my purse too. And my ear phones are always tangled no matter what. These are all great essentials to have! I love the soild perfume too, that's such a great idea!

  21. I always love seeing what's in other people's bags too! I definitely always need to have a snack on me too because I always seem to get hungry!

  22. I always love peeking into the whats in my bag posts! I always have random stuff in my purse like a rogue mint or hair tie as well. I didn't know you were supposed to take the plastic off the earrings? You learn something new every day!

  23. This is such a cool post! The bag is so chic. I need to try this energy bar. :)


  24. Love What's in my bag posts! It was fun to see what you kept in yours.

  25. I always love posts like these! How fun is that lip stain with your blog name?!


  26. Love seeing what in your bag. Those zone prefect bars are awesome.


  27. Love these posts! You definitely have all the essentials down!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  28. Your purse is so pretty and I love the fluffy key chain. I've been wanting to get one for my purse. My planner goes everywhere with me and yes, sunglasses are always necessary!

  29. I love a good "what's in my bag" post! Your purse is full like mine! And I definitely think your daddy was there, girl!

  30. What's in my bag posts are so fun to read! Lip balm and a snack are a must for me :)

  31. That is so sweet that you found the penny on the table!
    I always have to have lip balm too but have been slacking on snacks. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Such a fun read. Cleaver idea reusing the tin

  33. I like seeing the what's in my bag posts too! I also always keep a bar in my bag. Gotta keep those hangries at bay lol!

  34. Loved to see what's in your bag, dear Elle! I loved the bag, first of all :) and the key chain that Charlie plays with. The bag's content also gives me an idea for mine, too. I tend to be so laid-back and practical, and your bag is practical, I liked it! So, wires (also for me) always get that way :) Lip balms are a must, and the chocolate bar too. I also love coins and I DO BELIEVE that your dad was there and showed it to you. Migraine got better, but still strange. I never had it that way, it used to be fast and light and rare. So it may be something else, this means, doctor, argh :) My bag: sometimes phone, but 95% of the time I leave without it. Balms yes, money, ID, mirror, credit cards, sometimes a comb, sometimes Kleenex tissues. Basically that's it. The lenses were funny, one lens :) I don't remove the plastic of the earrings, either!

  35. Such a fun post :) My purse always has a ton of receipts in it, I never file or pitch them. Its horrible! I also always have snacks in my purse, that Zone Perfect bar looks delish! I haven't tried them.. yet!


  36. You got alot of stuff in your bag! I have way more random stuff though so yours is pretty clean compared to mine. I always keep that clear round backing on my earrings too.

  37. Love these kinds of posts! That bar sounds super yummy :D

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  38. Looks like you have the essentials in your bag! Love that personalized lip stain. That's really cute!

  39. I always love seeing what's in people's bags! You have a lot of stuff in there but I feel like I have a lot more junk, like random papers, coupons, and receipts. Cute bag too!

  40. I was just thinking last week about how I need to film an updated WIMB video! I do love to see what types of things others carry. LOL... I have got to make me some of your setting spray asap. I'm finishing up the last of an old avon setting spray and then I'm going to use that bottle to make it in. Love your personalized lipstick!!!!

  41. Cute post! Love the lipstick with your blog name. For a second, I thought I missed your big launch! Hopefully one day.

    The Closet by Christie

  42. I love what's in my bag posts too. I need to do an updated post too! I had one of those cute, fluffy key chains too, but Winds destroyed it in less than 10 minutes. We have a lot of the same staples--hair ties, sunglasses, and lip balm. I'm the same way with my planner--just pen and paper. Nothing fancy for me either!

  43. The one contact lense! 😂 I love these kind of post too but right now, I don't even know where my purse is!


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