
DIY Halloween Bath Bomb (With Surprise Inside and Bonus DIY!)

Halloween is almost here, so I thought I'd share a last-minute DIY! If you follow me on Snapchat or Instagram, you got a sneak peek! I came up with this idea as one for kids but it can be made for anyone (aka ME). I promise y'all these don't take long at all to make. And the best part: there's a surprise inside! Here's how to make DIY Halloween Bath Bombs:

You'll need--

  • bath bomb mold (I used a plastic ornament)
  • 1 c baking soda
  • 1/2 c cornstarch
  • 1/2 c citric acid (online, canning section, health food stores)
  • 2 tsp water
  • neon orange (or red + yellow) soap colorant or food coloring
  • plastic toy (I used a spider ring)
  • optional: candy sprinkles
  • optional: essential oil + 4 tsp coconut oil or oil of choice--I leave out fragrance for kids

You'll do--
Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl. In another bowl, mix the water and coloring (and oils if doing that). 

Very carefully add a few drops at a time of the colored water to the dry ingredients and mix. Be patient with this step because the mix will begin to bubble if you add too much at a time. It should look  as pictured above.

In the bottom of each mold, place your Halloween sprinkles. These dissolve in the water, so no worries for using them in the tub. Leave out this step if desired. I forget this every time, but the dang sprinkles go every where when pouring.

Begin pressing the mixture into the mold. Add the plastic spider and then keep adding on top. Repeat on the other mold, sans spider.

Allow to dry for about 30 minutes and then place the molds together to make a ball. I place the mold on top of a cup or something similar so the mold won't fall over. After another 30 minutes, remove from the mold. Unless I'm in a time crunch, I'll just leave them overnight.

Place in a tub (demonstrated here in a cauldron bowl) and let them dissolve. Don't forget to tell the recipient there's a treat inside! This makes two big bath bombs.

BONUS! DIY Pumpkin Spice Bath Bombs!
-Follow the ingredients and directions above except add a pinch of pumpkin pie spice to the mix and leave out the sprinkles. I got the pumpkin mold at Walmart, but there are more online and in craft stores. I used red and yellow soap colorant for these. I was able to get almost a dozen of these.

Some reminders:
  • These keep around 6-8 months (some I've kept up to a year, and they were fine).
  • If giving this to a child make sure they are 3 or older, since there is a toy inside and that this isn't edible. Make sure the recipient (and parents) know there is a toy inside. I've never had any issues, but you can never be too careful.
Do you enjoy bath bombs?
What are you or kids going to be for Halloween?

Extra Elle:
Went home this past weekend to celebrate my birthday part 2! I got to take 2 nieces and 2 nephews to the pumpkin patch. They had so much fun playing (and the line was crazy long) that we never actually made it to the hayride for the pumpkins!


  1. These are so darn cute! What a perfect DIY for halloween! My friend's daughter has a halloween birthday and this would be a perfect gift!

    Doused In Pink

  2. This looks so awesome Elle! You come up with some amazing DIY's. Thanks for sharing!


  3. yeah i almost had a heart attack when i saw the 'surprise' on snapchat lol

  4. ok this is the cutest thing ever. how creative! and i love love the spider inside. glad you had a fun birthday part 2!!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. I loved seeing the sneak peak of these last night on Snapchat! The added spider surprise is a creative touch!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  6. These are absolutely darling! I always like to make the gals that work for me a lil something special for Halloween. Think I'll try these this weekend. Plus I think I'll have fun making them too!!

  7. These are SO CUTE!!

    Xx Taylor

  8. I saw your video of this on snapchat. Super cute!

  9. This came out so well, and I love the little spooky surprise inside!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  10. These are so and festive! I love bath bombs!

  11. These are adorable! I need to try and make some of these quick for the nieces! So glad you got to get home and see family!

  12. That's such a cute bath bomb, and I love the surprise! I would love to do this to my husband and not tell him about the surprise inside!

  13. Love this- so festive and the little spider ring addition is too cute!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. Wow. so cute and fun bath bomb DIY. I will surely try it


  15. Such a cute Halloween treat and I would much rather receive this than the tempting candy ;)

  16. These are so dang cute! I love the sprinkles and the spider inside! I need to try these with my daughter!

  17. So cute. You should sell these diy things you do for lazy people like myself lol.

  18. These are both so cute and fun for the season! I will have to do make the first one with SC when she gets a little older; it would be such a fun bath time surprise! Glad you had a fun time celebrating your birthday with your family. :)

  19. Get out of here! This is too cute!! I love the spider inside!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  20. These bath bombs are so cute! You're really talented with your DIY projects Elle!

  21. These are so cute!! I love the pumpkin spice ones, so perfect for Halloween!

  22. These are so cute! Better than Lush I think! Oh the cute little surprise spider is so cool! (:

  23. I need to make these! I love halloween and I love bath bombs!
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Ambitieuse Paris

  24. Glad you had fun celebrating your birthday with family! :)

    And girl, you are so creative. These are so cute!

  25. Aw I love this! What a cool little surprise inside!

  26. These look spooky, cute and fun.

  27. Is is so awesome! I love Halloween and bath bombs so this is wonderful!


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