
DIY Pumpkin Spice Highlighter

Y'all guess what? I'm back with another pumpkin-themed DIY! I'm an October baby, and my family/friends have given me pumpkins as presents over the years, so I've amassed a collection. And I love them. 

In fact, a couple of months ago, one of my friends was poking fun of how I have pumpkin everything. "I bet you have pumpkin makeup!" she teased. Well, in fact I do. Ahem: Burt's Bees pumpkin spice lip balm, PSL sugar scrub, PSL body butter, pumpkin masks, and now a pumpkin spice highlighter. 

I've been making my own highlighters/blushes/shadows/bronzers for years using broken shadows and pigments (here's a tutorial from a few years ago) but never did specific shapes until last year when I saw the pizza highlighter on Facebook. I immediately made cupcakes, ice cream cones, and other things inspired by it. Since those diys were so popular over the summer, I decided to wait until fall to post and am sharing my pumpkin spice highlighter. This is so much cuter in person--it is not photographing as shimmery as it is. And these are SO easy and fast to make!

  • empty compact (you can buy these wholesale or reuse an empty, clean one)
  • pigments (look online) or shadows/highlighters/bronzers/blushes
  • rubbing alcohol
  • stirring and/or scooping object
  • tissue or paper towel
  • optional: lip or eye pencil

Y'all, I can't draw, so I prefer to use an eye pencil to sketch out my design. Think of the shape of your compact and space. I used a round one here, but I have used square and rectangle as well.

In a small bowl, scoop out your first pigment color. While you can use whatever colors you'd like, I kept mine to more wearable highlight colors (y'all, I made a rainbow highlighter and looked ridiculous, but you do you). 

Add in a little of rubbing alcohol and mix. I find that eye shadows are a little lumpier than pigments, since eye shadows come pressed as opposed to loose pigments, but both work the same in the end. If it turns to liquid, add more pigment/shadow. You want a gloppy sort of mix as pictured above.

Scoop your mix into your container and repeat steps with other colors. I did a few of these, so some I did two colors and a couple I did 3 (background, pumpkin, stem). 

Once you have your design, place a tissue or paper towel on top and press to blot away excess alcohol. This will help press those lumps you might have had in your mix. I chose tissue since mine didn't have a pattern, but do what you like. The more you use the highlighter, the more the pattern will disappear anyway. 

Allow to dry for an hour (or longer) and then it's ready. I used 3 colors for some of these and two shades for others. You can use a sharp object to carve out lines, but those fade with use. I used flash here to show the sparkle a bit more.

Here are swatches of the highlighter! You can wear them together or separately. Below is with flash to really show off the sparkle.

And that's it! Do you use highlighters?

Extra Elle:
-Went diy-crazy this weekend--spray painting a candle holder, I made clay marble bowls, and a flameless fire pit. I also started my monthly makeup clean out. 


  1. Elle, this is seriously so cool!! I think you need to figure out a way to try to sell this because as you know anything pumpkin themed would fly off the shelf!! So creative! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  2. What a cute idea and so easy to make! This highlighter is such a cool DIY!

    Doused In Pink

  3. I love this, it's so cute. And I need the tissue trick. Mine always come out bumpy because I don't push them down enough. Thanks!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. I'm always impressed with your DIY's - I'm much to lazy to do this stuff but my daughter loves it! Cute idea!

  5. def sounds like you were DIY crazy ha. i cant wait to see all the results. this highlighter is too cute. so so creative girly!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. What a cool DIY for fall! Love the color. You are so talented Elle!


  7. What a fun DIY for fall, Elle! And I love that you made it in the shape of a pumpkin. So creative!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  8. This is so cute! Sounds like you really did go DIY crazy this weekend, but not a bad thing! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  9. This is one of my favorite colors on my skin! So pretty for fall :)

  10. I tend to only highlight when I know I'll be out for the evening. Having oily comb skin makes highlighting tricky. (; This is super cute though!

  11. This is so fun and festive, you surely think of everything! Love it!

  12. I love your DIY posts! This is super cute and looks like it would be fairly simple to make!

  13. OK, now you're just getting too fancy ;)
    that really is the cutest!!!

  14. This is such a cute idea! I just love your DIY's! I want to hear more about this flameless firepit!

  15. This is so cute and yours came out perfectly!

    Harshita Kapur

  16. This is so cute!! You are so incredibly creative! I think I know what I need to do with that broken bronzer of mine now!

  17. Wow - this is so cool! I've never made my own beauty products except for when I was at beauty school and we had to make cleansers etc! X

    ♥ Carly Susanne - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  18. You are so darn creative, Elle! I can't wait to see the rest of your DIY's!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  19. You are just so darn creative! I'm not into pumpkin things, but I do love the idea of crafty makeup items that are fall inspired!

  20. Such a neat idea!!


  21. This is tooo cute! oh my goodness a makeup company seriously needs to snatch you up to create products for them! ;)

  22. Such a fun idea!! I love pumpkin everything so I'm all about this. I had no idea they made pumpkin lip balms too!

  23. This is just the cutest idea! How fun!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  24. you always are coming up with unique DIY. Have a great week.


  25. Girl you are so creative! I love that you can make your own scrubs and stuff, but that's awesome that you make your own highlighter too! It's so pretty!

  26. This is too adorable, and I don't even like pumpkin spice! But a pumpkin spice highlighter I can definitely do!!

  27. You took pumpkin spice to makeup!?! You are a makeup WIZARD!!! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  28. You took pumpkin spice to makeup!?! You are a makeup WIZARD!!! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  29. This is such a cute idea and again, would make a great gift. I've used alcohol so save broken products, but never to make any.

  30. This is SOOO cute Elle!! I love pumpkin anything so this is so perfect. I've seen the pizza highlighters but pumpkin was way more cute!

  31. Hahaha that is so cute! Your DIY are always so darn cute!


  32. Girl, you should think about launching your own brand...! This is too cute!!

  33. This is super creative. I don't like pumpkin but I have to say I'm loving the shade you got!


  34. Anything with pumpkin is A-Ok with me:D

  35. This is the awesomest DIY I've ever seen. You're a genius!

  36. Hello, GLOW! Love this, doll- and it's so festive!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  37. This is too cute and I love the color!!

  38. Not only is this super cute in the pan, but it looks really good on you! Such a creative and festive highlighter! Loving the pumpkin stuff!

  39. Love it! This is such an awesomely seasonally appropriate DIY! I would've never thought to make my own highlighter.

  40. I am so going to come back to this post and try this out step by step, would love to make my own highlighter :) xx


  41. I don't use a highlighter (even though I probably should), but I can't help but love how you put pumpkin in everything!

  42. This pumpkin spice highlighter seems to be great and doable! Thanks for the recipe! My favorite highlighter broke a year ago and was discontinued :( I guess I told you that before. I will try to make this one, your instructions are very precise, I like that! The swatch is great! I will try to find the ingredients soon :)

  43. So cute! Love how you always have the best themes with your makeup too! :)

    As a side note the link for your previous post on making your own highlighters out of broken shadows isn't showing up/working. It may just be on my end, but I thought I'd let you know so you can look into it just in case. :)

  44. Wow. such a brilliant DIY. I will surely try it.
    Thanks for sharing it

  45. The pattern looks so cute and an easy DIY.

  46. I would have never been creative enough to make this- props to you girl! And nothing could be more festive :)

  47. That is SUCH a cute DIY, but I wouldn't even know where to begin with a highlighter.


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