
Fall Beauty To Do List

Happy Monday, y'all! Has the weather finally cooled down a little where you are? It finally has in Atlanta and I couldn't be happier. Fall is my fave, and that extends to all things beauty OF COURSE!

I decided to make a little checklist for y'all, think of it as a Fall Beauty To-Do. These aren't the law by any means, just some little tweaks to make to your beauty routine. I've got drugstore and luxury suggestions, as always.


This all depends on where you live, but in the colder months, even though I do not tan anymore, my skin is a little lighter. It's around this time of year I switch my foundation for a shade lighter.

This too depends on location, but your foundation type might switch up during cooler months. I have some foundations that are perfect for summer but are way too drying for fall and winter. I switch those out.


Did the summer heat fry your hair? Does the drier winter air cause frizz in your hair? Try some sort of a hair conditioning treatment. This could be a simple deep contioner, like the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle or Sally Hershberger 24 K Get Gorgeous. For a more intense hair masque, Davines NouNou is amazing or L'Oreal Oleo Therapy Deep Recovery Mask.


What kind of facial cleanser do you use? Do you ever switch it up in the cooler months? Sometimes gel cleansers can be a bit drying when the temperature drops and that tight, pulling feeling is plum awful. I suggest cleansing balms--see my full list of suggestions here.

Darker Lips

You knew this was coming. It just isn't fall without a switch out of a darker lip color. But dark lips seem SO intimidating, right? It's all about finding the right formula and the right shade for you. I have tons of suggestions, if you need them.
  • Balm--Fresh Sugar Berry is a great natural color
  • Lip Crayons--These come in matte and shiny finishes. I love Revlon's.
  • Liquid Lipstick--I tend to go to a matte lip in the fall, but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. Check out this list of demi-matte liquid lipsticks that aren't drying!
  • Berry Lipsticks--With these, go as intense as you feel comfortable with. TIP: To warm up to the idea, try swiping some on your finger and then dab the color on lips for a wash of darker color.

And finally, finally, let's talk about moisturizing that skin. You might need to make a swap for something heavier. You might need to add in a facial mask here or there--check out my Sheet Mask Reviews for more info. TULA has been just the thing lately for my skin. Belif will be on the list once it's a little cooler. And I'm still loving Sleep Masks. Get more info on Sleeping Mask Reviews.

And here's my Fall Beauty Checklist cheat sheet!

Do you change your beauty routine with the seasons?


  1. I love a dark berry lip and those Revlon lip crayons are the best! I need to find a new cleanser and moisturizer for the cooler weather.

    Doused In Pink

  2. mac darker lips it's perfect for this fall

  3. Yes to darker lips! I absolutely love the Sugar Berry! It's such a pretty every day color! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. These are great suggestions! I have never used a cleansing balm so need to try. Have a great week Elle!


  5. all great tips! i love love a dark lip for fall like every girl. and the fresh sugar balms are such a great pick.

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. I don't really switch out my products season-wise, except for moisturizer maybe. I'm just so lazy:P

  7. Love all your beauty items hun, mine will change now that its sunny my side though, lots of shimmer and bronzer and more hydrating products :)


  8. I use milk cleanser in the morning all year round, I find it to be the best for my dry skin. And yes, definitely darker lips these days and lots of overnight masks!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  9. I do like a little bit more browns & darker lids too.

  10. For fall I switch out my lipstick colors and nail polish. I might also go back to using my oil primer again.


  11. I do believe I have finally found a foundation that I can wear all year round. It's not too heavy, not too sheer and I am hella pale, and never change colors. (;

    It's been ages since I used one of those 3 minute miracles! I LOVE them and so need to pick up another!

  12. I def switch up my foundations in the Fall/Winter and use more darker and red lips!

  13. I love these to do lists and suggestions! Yes to the darker lips for me, and I definitely moisturize more in the colder months!

  14. I don't change too much because my skin doesn't change...it's oily and pasty white ALL year long. LOL! But I do add a ton more darker lip shades to my collection.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  15. Such great tips! I swear by Aussie 3 minute miracle! It works better for me than anything I've tried! And I am all about dark lips and moisturizing masks in fall, too!

  16. When I was doing my makeup this weekend I was thinking....hmmmm I think I need to get a shade lighter next time! I am big in to hair masks for the winter, I get a thicker body cream instead of lotion for all over (Body Shop Vitamin E is my all time favorite!!!!) and I really want to try the Belif moisturizer and Sugar lip stuff soon!

  17. Living in Florida I don't switch up much in Fall/Winter. I may add a berry lip occasionally but that's about it. It's always fun reading what others change up though.

  18. i love the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle! i definitely use it more in the colder months, so i guess i do change my routine.

  19. Revlon lip crayons will always be one of my all time fave products! I jus love them. I also love the brand Davines but I haven't tried that conditioner u mentioned!

  20. I love the idea of a fall beauty to do list! I have yet to try a cleansing balm, but definitely want to. I've been wearing NYX Cherry Skies and love it, looking for a few more darker ones too.

  21. I definitely want to try and wear some darker lip colors this fall! Darker lips just go so well with cooler temps!

  22. I'm so excited about darker lips, you have no idea.


  23. I love sleeping masks because I'm always sleeping in AC... and generally heavier moisturizer at night, but gels during the day... Oh I miss autumn.

  24. Great post, as always dear! <3 - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  25. I definitely change my foundation formula in the winter. It's nice not to have to worry about it melting away. Trying a cleansing balm in on my list of products to try this fall, too!

  26. The only thing that really changes for me is my foundation as my tan fades. Oh, and I bring out the darker nail polish (my fav!). And once it's actually winter I start wearing lipstick again. I don't wear it most of the year, but when my skin is really fair, I love how a bright red lip looks! :) Haha! Okay, so I do have more changes than I thought. ;)

  27. Thanks for all your recs! With the colder weather I definitely need more moisture for my hair and skin. Masques are a lifesaver!

  28. I love cleansing balms!! And of course I love fall lip and nail shades. My skin can get dry in the winter so I stock up on body lotions and more intense moisturizers.

  29. This is a great fall checklist! I actually have been planning on buying a lighter shade foundation because my current base is definitely too dark now! My tan is fading fast, lol! I also spritzed lemon juice in my hair a few times before going to the pool and got some nice free highlights but it definitely dried my hair out big time! Won't be doing that again next year. Blessings on Aussie 3 Minute Miracle, LOL! :D

  30. I don't know if it's the dryer weather or my hormones after having Baker but my scalp has been extremely dry and itchy lately! I was just looking for a good hair mask to try out. I'll check out the Aussie one!


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