
Haul + Chit Chat (Daiso + Disneyland Video)

With everything going on lately (aka blog deadlines and lots of travel) I feel like we haven't had a proper chat in a bit, so that's what's on the video below:


So where have I been? I went to Disneyland for my birthday. In the videos there are lots of pictures from my trip. I want to take the time to thank everyone for the birthday love last week--thanks Lanae and Amy Fashion Blog for the cards, and Ally for the Halloween card! I also went to my hometown to see my family to celebrate my bday with them! And while I was traveling, I did a little beauty shopping as well! You can see all of this in the video (please, please watch) but here's a peek into my haul:

The first place I went was Daiso, a Japanese variety story (aka like a dollar store). They have the most awesome, random stuff--I've only seen them in CA. I got some cotton squares, some heart packing peanuts, a body towel for exfoliation, a microfiber towel, a brow pencil, a mascara/eyeliner duo, makeup remover cotton swabs, charcoal swabs, smooth skin foot exfoliator.

More Daiso stuff! And a lot of them are masks: royal jelly, hot pepper mask, bubbling oatmeal, collagen facial, cucumber facial, bath salts, hand pack. There's also a charcoal pore pack for the nose and silkworm cocoon balls! You use them to exfoliate the skin.

There were also stops at Walmart and CVS, and yes, I got more masks. I have a section of my cabinet just for them. When I go on long flights or long drives (aka the past 2 trips I've taken) I will wear a mask to treat my skin. Let me know if you want reviews on anything pictured. In the video, there's something else that I got that you'll have to see.

I also stopped by Sephora at Downtown Disney at Disneyland Resort, and got the lipstick on my Birthday Wishlist.

What caught your eye?
Have you purchased anything fun lately?


  1. What a great haul! I've never heard of Dasio - I just checked it out online but didn't see one in Chicago. I try to do a mask several times a week and would love you to do a review of these!

    Doused In Pink

  2. I couldn't seem to view the video :/ but what a haul! I've been really obsessed with skincare lately. Which of the masks are your favorites? I'd love to see some reviews!

    So glad you had a good birthday and got to have so much fun! :)

  3. How fun that you went to Disneyland. Ho fun are those Dasio products. Can't wait for you to review some of them!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. Looks like you got a great selection of masks! I have been wanting to try the "Yes to" brand, but haven't read too many reviews. The last mask I used was awful -- my face broke out in hives! (super sensitive skin here!). After that experience, I've been staying awake from masks! Sounds like the birthday festivities were so fun!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  5. So glad you enjoyed your birthday trip! It looks like you've picked up so many fun things recently- I've still never tried a sheet mask, but I like the sound of so many of the ones you have.

  6. Oooh, your mask game is going to be strong, girlfriend! :)

    What an amazing bday trip!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  7. Glad to hear you had a wonderful trip! The Daiso stuff looks like so much fun! I wish there was a similar store around here. I could spend so much money there!

  8. i will check back for the video :) i'm glad you had a fun birthday trip. i love the 'yes to' brand stuff - though i don't think i've tried any of their masks.

  9. wonderful trip..i'm curious to know more about all these products

  10. You can really never have too many masks! I'm glad you had a great trip and can't wait for the vlog!

  11. I have heard of Daiso and would be interested to check out the store. Its too bad there aren't any around me.

  12. Awww this video makes me miss your coffee and chit chat videos! You grabbed so many masks! You will have to share what your favorites were. And certainly tell us about the eye pod mask you got from CVS! I cant believe your battery tested as an explosive!!

  13. You had such a good haul! I haven't had a good makeup haul in a while, but one of my friends sent me the dates for the Sephora sale you'd better believe that I'll be making a big purchase then!

  14. Love all the goodies you got! Can't wait to hear your experience with some of them on the blog.


  15. Awww, so jealous you went to Disney! I used to work there, and I miss it so much! Happy b-day and great post! <3 - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  16. I loved your Disney Snaps :) That Daiso place looks like so much fun, and you got some awesome goodies too!

  17. Oh my gosh! Great haul, Elle! We don't have Daiso here in TO but we do have Japanese dollar stores and those stores are like heaven:D I need that Smooth Skin for my feet too, and would love to try the activating cooling gel mask.

  18. I am so glad you had a great trip for your birthday! I have never heard of Daiso, I will look when I am on the road. I love that you wear a mask for travel, I will have to remember that trick!

  19. Sounds like a lovely birthday !!! Love your video and all the stuff you bought! :-D

  20. What a great haul, and I love your beauty DIYs!

  21. Going to checkout your video! I went into Dasio when I was in CA over the summer. I wanted so many things but my suitcase was already over flowing!

  22. I loved your hat and the picture at Disney! Such a nice cake! I am glad you had such a nice time there, after some years - well done! What caught my eye, the masks! But what caught my eye and mind was what? Explosive battery? No way! Sometimes security exaggerates!

  23. I'm glad you had a great time in CA! It's a bummer it was a little rainy, but I saw some blue skies in your photos too so I'm glad you had some clear days too.
    Haha, i just called out Daiso on my IG because I got the little lady's beach bucket and shovels there. She ADORES them and they have the cutest stuff!

  24. That's so awesome you went to Disneyland! You looked like you were having so much fun based on your pictures from Instagram! Glad you had a wonderful birthday!

  25. The jack o lantern mug looks so damn cute! :)

  26. So happy you had a great birthday. I lately have been getting in to more face mask. I have used the SOO AE one and love it.

    Have a great weekend.


  27. I've heard of Daiso from my boyfriend but there isn't one around me, unfortunately. Great post! :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  28. How cute are you in that hat?! I totally remember coffee & chitchat videos! Loved those. And I loved this. You kept me company while I was making bread this afternoon. :)

    I've never heard of Daiso, but it sounds like such a cool spot! And a HUGE hooray for Disneyland! Bummer about the weather, but I'm glad you still had a good time! :) And girl, I can't believe your battery tested as an explosive! I'm glad you made it through security!

  29. OMG, you hit the jack pot! What a fun weekend in store!

  30. I would be like a kid in a candy store at that place. I would want to try and buy everything. I’ve seen a few of these products on Amazon, but I’ve never tried any. I’ve got the video on my Watch Later list. I’m behind on YouTube, but I’m going to catch up this weekend! So glad you had a great trip!!

  31. OMG I bet the Japanese variety store was awesome! I'm so jealous. I'd love to visit one. I'm sure I'd buy everything lol.

  32. Seems like u had a great bday! Love the daiso stuff! I have always wanted to go to one!

  33. Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like it was so amazing! I love Disney!!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  34. I went to my first Daiso store the other week and it was so fun. So much stuff. I walked out with random storage stuff but I wish I picked up some beauty masks. Are they any good? For the price though hehehehe? And Disneyland for you birthday, must have been epic. Will have to check out your video now.



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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)