
The Skin Care You HAVE To Try!!

This post has been sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own.

Have you ever been really excited for something that you couldn't wait to share?  That's how I feel about Bebe & Bella skincare. I first got to meet these ladies a few months ago, loved their story and loved their products. And now, I get to share them with you!

About Bebe & Bella

Bebe & Bella was started in 2013, for women, by women. These three ladies, who all happen to be related, know the responsibilities and roles we have as women can take a toll on our health and our appearance. That’s why they created a product line that addresses caring for both. There's more about their role in the company in Probiotics paragraph.

What Makes Them Different

But what makes Bebe & Bella different is their use of probiotics--something I am a firm believer in. Probiotics enhance the skin’s protective moisture barrier and improve digestive health. What you put in your body matters just as much as what you put on it, when it comes to skin.

Probiotics--Good For Skin?

Research is still uncovering the full potential of probiotics. It is well established that they balance intestinal flora and improve digestive health. BUT! There is evidence that probiotics enhance the quality of the skin and brain function. 

Allison, in her role as CEO for the pharmaceutical company, was auditing the growing and harvesting of the patented probiotic strain. Allison, an innovator at heart, was curious to have the probiotic components tested to see if they possessed any hidden benefits for new applications. Based on in-vivo testing, her hunch was proven correct as the probiotics were identified as having remarkable skin restorative attributes.

The Essentials

Now that you have a brief understanding, let's get into the products: first up is the Probiotic Essentials Starter Kit--is an ideal way to sample all of the BeBella® topical skincare favorites. This set contains 5 products which help soften fine lines, fade age spots and inflammation. Use all products twice a day. Inside are the:
  • Facial Cleanser
  • Purifying Facial Toner 
  • Facial Essence
  • Hydrating Night Cream
  • Eye Cream 

You Gotta Try These:

I also liked trying the BeClara Skin Lightening Oral Supplement. Take up to 2 capsules daily. This is a probiotic supplement that contains Lactobacillus casei, Glutathione-reduced, NAC, ALA and Vitamin C to provide maximum antioxidant effects. With added collagen, BeClara™ boosts your beauty regime from the inside out.

And the Bebella Collagen Pro Oral Supplement (Take up to 3 capsules daily). This supplement has collagen peptide, hyaluronic acid, Lactobacillus casei + vitamins. Formulated to nourish + hydrate!

Finally, the Facial Essence Stick - Reduces the appearance of fine lines and puffiness around the eye area and refreshes.


I've enjoyed using this line and have seen a difference in my skin--just take a look at my pics on my Instagram--do you think I look my age? My sister has already taken some of my products for herself! Hmph. Seriously though, I don't share anything here that I don't believe in, so I highly suggest you give it a chance.

Interested in trying BeBella for yourself? Use my discount: (PRIMP20)

Have you tried probiotics in your skin care?


  1. Did it actually lighten/brighten your skin? The supplement? Loving the sound of this range, great post! Xx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  2. I have never heard of this brand before but one of my samples I got from a allure box had a probiotic wash in it and I found myself really enjoying it. I will have to check these out.

  3. This is really interesting because I love the effects that yogurt has on any tummy issues someone has, but never thought of probiotics for the skin!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I love that they are using probiotics. That facial essence stick looks like something I could use! I'm going to have to check this one out!

    Doused In Pink

  5. I am all about the facial essence stick. Looks like such good products, I will have to try them out. Thanks for sharing.

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  6. Love the sweet packaging of this line! Sounds like a wonderful line. Thanks for sharing Elle!


  7. Someone just messaged me today about probiotics! There has to be something to it right? I'd definitely try this out!

  8. I just like the name - BeBella... because, hello, I am living life like BE BELLE! ;) haha

  9. i honestly know nothing about probiotics in skin care so this is super interesting. the facial essence stick sounds amazing.

  10. I believe in taking probiotic as a supplement however, I'm not sure how effective it is in skincare and for topical application. I know the brand Aurelia also has probiotic in their products.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. I take probiotics daily in the pill form. I have never heard of probiotics in skincare until today!

  12. Awesome. I have been randomly breaking out (I blame binging on Halloween candy!) and I could use a skin care boost... - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  13. I've been taking a collagen pill recently- interesting approach, nourishing the skin from the inside out!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. Very nice review, seems like a great products :-)

  15. These seem like such great products! I never would have thought to put probiotics on my skin!

  16. Thanks for the heads up about this brand, Elle! I developed cystic acne around end of August and after doing my research, I started taking probiotics to help out just recently. Fingers crossed....Anyhoo, the oral supplements from this line sounds great!

  17. I have been really impressed with this skincare line. I am obsessed with the toner, which rarely happens for me, ha. I also love the facial essence stick. It's awesome that it can be so easily taken with you while on the go!

  18. I've used Aurelia Probiotic Skincare are & loved the products but never heard of this brand. Do you know if they ship overseas? xx


  19. Oooh this is new to me! Great post to read!

  20. I take probiotic supplements and they make a difference in my overall wellbeing and skin so I'm very intrigued by this line. Thanks for the intro Elle!

  21. That Facial Essence stick looks amazing! I've been hearing more and more about probiotics lately.


  22. I have never try a skin care product with probiotics in it.


  23. First of all, I don't think you look your age AT ALL. I definitely envy your skin (and incredible make up skills). I love the idea of putting things on your skin and taking supplements to help it from within. I need to check these out!

  24. Great to hear your thoughts on this brand. First time I am hearing about it.
    Simera |Beautetude

  25. Great review. This brand is new to me as well and I am interested in a few products.


  26. This is interesting. Don't think I've ever noted skin care with probiotics included.


  27. I've never heard of probiotics in skin care, but they are definitely something that I'm a firm believer in too! All of these have definitely perked my interest!

  28. Sound is good. Nicely reviewed.

  29. I do believe in probiotics too! I just never saw as a beauty line! I am amazed by Bebe and Bella products! I would like to try the stick and the oral supplement, that even has hyaluronic acid! That's an amazing product, for sure!

  30. I've never heard of this line but I'm definitely going to have to check it out! I'm such a firm believer in probiotics! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  31. I love probiotics so I so need to check out this line, have not heard of it before. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Wow this sounds good. I've never thought of using probiotics in my skincare regime. I would love to give this a try.

  33. I've never heard of this line, but know how amazing probiotics are for you so I'd imagine they'd also be a huge benefit for your skin. Thank you so much for sharing <3
    Green Fashionista

  34. I just need a product that make it look like I actually got a full night's sleep after an insomniatic one. ;) I'd totally do the line reducer for around the eyes.

  35. I had no idea that probiotics were also good for your skin! Definitely sounds like something to check out!


  36. I have to say, I've not heard of this or tried the brand. Thanks for sharing. It sounds really interesting, especially with the probiotics. <3

  37. I'm intrigued by skincare with probiotics! I didn't realize they are good for your skin!

  38. This sounds like such a wonderful brand and company! I love it's origins and how it stemmed from curiosity and that it contains probiotics, something I've personally never heard of in a skincare line before! Thank so much for sharing and I hope you have a great rest of the week!



  39. So glad to hear that this line has worked so well for you!

  40. I Never heard about this brand. The packaging looks nice :-D

  41. The eye cream is still a favorite for me! I'm almost done and then I'll be sad! Definitely getting another one!

  42. Absolutely love love loveeeeeeee the eye cream and the facial essence stick. hands down the most amazing line I have tried in 2016.

  43. This entire system is amazing; so glad I got to try it! I think I'm hooked.

  44. The Essence Stick is one of my favorite skincare products! I don't know that I'll ever be without it now!


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