
Extra Elle + Trying Weird Beauty Products

Well, hey y'all! Monday, we meet again. Actually, this post and the video you'll see down below were meant to go up on Friday, but my Flash plug in had other plans, and kept crashing. Here's an update of my life lately, plus a silly video of my trying out some weird beauty products.

Tough Week

  • Last week was tough--insomnia decided to make an unexpected visit. I had some nightmares about the election. I blame it on Facebook. 
  • I had to work really late every day last week. I love my day job, but still, getting home late isn't fun.
  • I already mentioned my issues with trying to get Flash to work so I could use the Internet. Crossing my fingers it's all resolved.
  • RIP Daylight Savings! See ya in the spring. :(
  • And finally, Saturday marked one year since my friend JeWa passed away. I stayed up and wrote pages and pages on her. Maybe one day I'll share it. She was a great person and nothing I write here will do her memory justice. She's still so missed.
What a downer that section was, right? I happen to have the personal philosophy of No Bad Days. I'll say or write NBD to remind myself that it's all in perspective. Here's some good things that happened:

Good Things
  • I was on Instyle.com! I shared the link on social media, but it's here if you'd like to see!
  • I went a little crazy at the Sephora VIB Rouge sale! I can share a haul, if you'd like?
  • Amy sent me a Williams-Sonoma (LOVE that store) gift card for my birthday! One thing I picked up was a kit to bake Apple Cinnamon bread. It was yummy!
  • UGA finally won a dang game!
  • And my video from last week is FINALLY up! It's only a couple of of minutes long--and I'm demonstrating silly beauty products from my last video. You can always subscribe so you don't miss a video and watch when you'd like:

What's new with you?

PS: I am planning on buying a domain for the blog to move to word press. ellesees . com is out--someone bought it and wants me to pay $4000 for it! UM NOPE! Do you have an suggestions?


  1. That's so cool that you were on In Style! The first mask in your video is so odd! I want to try that hand mask!

    Doused In Pink

  2. Ok first, YES to the Instyle.com feature and to your Sephora overhaul! I am dying to know what you got! And you are not the only one have nightmares about this election. I am too. I feel like it's not even real. Ugh. So sorry about your friend. You are so strong to keep her memory alive through letters. You will cherish them in year's to come.
    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  3. Congrats on the InStylist feature! So sorry that you've had troubling sleeping. I've had some problems too. Just try to stay away from social media for a while and that will help. It did for me. Happy Monday!


  4. Very nice video , interesting products :-)

  5. Ooh yes I would love a Sephora haul! So sorry about your friend, congratulations on In Style that is amazing! Well done you xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  6. I had the same issue with insomnia a few months back, so I deleted my Facebook! Haven't looked back since and I'm sleeping SO much better :)

  7. i'm so sorry that it was a tough week and the anniversary of your friend passing is even tougher. and insomnia no! but amazing about in style and yes to sephora haul. hope you have a better week!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  8. My heart goes out to you and I hope that you are still able to relish the beautiful memories with a little less pain over time.
    Congrats on the instyle.com mention and i hope you have a more relaxing week!

  9. Congrats on your InStyle feature! So awesome! And sorry to hear you've been having insomnia, I hope that goes away quickly for you. <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  10. Congrats on the InStyle feature, Elle! I would love to see a haul video of what you picked up during the Sephora VIB sale. I love your philosophy of NBD. It can be easy to stay stuck on the sad and frustrating things that happen in life, but as you said it is all about perspective. Hope you have a great week!

  11. Congrats on being featured on Instyle, that is so cool. Oh man, I was so bad at the VIB sale. I went a little crazy too. I couldn't help myself. They had so many great gift sets!! I'm sorry about your friend, I know how painful that is. I wish I could say that in time the pain goes away but it never really goes away, we just become more accepting of it. I hope you find comfort in the memories you have of your beloved friend. Hugs.

  12. Hmmm maybe a dot net domain name instead?

  13. Sorry last week was hard! I am glad you had some good things to help balance it. Congrats on the Instyle feature!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  14. Great post!!

    Mónica Sors



    DON'T MISS: <A


  15. I'm so sorry to learn of your friend's passing, I've lost a few friends in my life and I know how hard it is, my condolences are with you. On a lighter note, congratulations on being featured on InStyle, that's awesome, girl! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have the best week ahead!



  16. So awesome about the feature on Instyle, Elle! Sorry that it was a rough week last week and yes, so sad about the time change! I hate coming home in the dark every night!!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  17. Look at you on Instyle!!! That is so impressive!!!!
    I dont want to talk about Daylight Savings Time gone. Makes me so sad :(

  18. Congrats on the InStyle feature! I am sorry about the loss of your friend, it's sweet you wrote pages and pages about her! I am SO ready for the election to be over (so my FB becomes somewhat normal again!). That bread you baked on SnapChat looked SO yummy!


  19. Great product! Happy new week! :)


  20. Congrats on your InStyle feature! That's awesome! I would love to see your Sephora haul...I am having to behave this year lol, so no big hauls for me. Maybe next year I can splurge on some things.

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. It's so hard when we lose someone we're so close to but keeping her memory alive is so wonderful. It sounds like you're doing a great job of honoring her memory.

    What about elleseesyou for the website since that's also your Twitter/YT handle and email addy?

  21. Sorry you had such a tough week *hugs*, hoping you get more sleep this week and YAY for the UGA win <3
    Green Fashionista

  22. Congrats on being insytle.com. I also hear ya with bad weeks. I had one myself last week.


  23. I agree with what someone posted about, what about elle sees you?!? I think that's great!

    It's so important to sit down and remember our loved ones on days when we're hurting. I know that for me, I still celebrate their life and their memory lives on! It's never easy though!

  24. That's awesome you were featured on InStyle.com! Congrats! I only have a few things I have to pick up for the VIB sale. I would love to see your haul!

  25. It's OK to share not so great things. You're not being a Debbie Downer about, you're being real. It helps readers relate :)

    And yay for being on instyle.com!

  26. Such a nice video! Congrats for being on instyle babe!




  27. That sucks that you were having so many issues with your site and stuff last week, but like you said sometimes it's about perspective. But seriously, congrats on getting published on Instyle.com! That's so huge and amazing for you!

  28. It's not a bad thing that you miss her.. it's a testament to her wonderfulness.. and writing it all down is a great way to work through your feelings.. so much better than holding it all in.

    Congrats on your instyle inclusion!

  29. I have insomnia, too. It's the worst. Mucho caffeine and good vibes coming your way! xo

  30. It's like your totally famous now :) Congrats on the quote!!! Insomnia. Woof. So sorry! You totally need to do a Sephora Sale haul!!! And that STINKS that someone has your domain. Ugh! You are cracking me up with your pore strip. I can feel it peeling on my own nose!

  31. Love that you're able to find balance and the good things even in a really difficult week. I'm hoping this week is a lot better and you can catch up on some sleep.

  32. Sorry to hear last week was rough for you! Sending happy vibes your way! Also, congrats on being on instyle.com! That's amazing! :)

  33. $4000?! that's insane. i hope you come up with something. congrats on being on instyle.com that is amazing! you go girl.
    i am so sorry about your friend Elle. hugs.

  34. Oh man...so sorry to hear you had a rough week. Insomnia is no joke!
    Congrats on being on InStyle!
    $4000! They are insane! Will you please let me know how the change goes? I've been thinking about switching but I've heard horror stories!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  35. That's such a fun video, Elle and no, you're not a dork! LOL! You're right about those exfoliate ball, it's gimmicky but definitely fun to try.

    ps: Yes to your Sephora haul please!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  36. Share that haul! And selfishly share it before Friday so I can use it as a guide! Congrats on being in instyle!

  37. Congrats on being featured on instyle, that's so exciting!!


  38. I hope this week is better for you, Elle! I can relate to the insomnia and nightmares, not about the election, but I can totally see how Facebook would be a good blame for that. I would definitely love to see a haul on your Sephora purchases. And I would be super angry about those people wanting you to pay that much money for your domaine name!

  39. Congrats on being on instyle! :) It's a shame you've had a tough week with a lack of sleep lots of extra work and some sad memories of your friend passing. It's good you can still see the positive sides and you're trying to make the most of it though.

    I can't help you with the domain name sorry, I'm still just using my free blogger one, haha!

    Hope you're having a wonderful start to this week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  40. Sorry it was a tough week. How exciting that you were on Instyle.com!

  41. I'm so sorry that you had a tough week, but I really admire how you keep it in perspective and strive to find the good in every situation. Sending lots of love!

  42. Ugh, insomnia is no fun! I am, incidentally, going through that myself right NOW, haha... - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  43. I'm so sorry to hear of your friend... She's lucky to have had you as a friend who will keep her flame alive... Insomnia is the worst... Try L-theanine - it was the only thing that worked for me and the best part it's not even a sleep aid!

  44. Congrats for being on instyle.

  45. I also think of NBS, but sometimes they happen and we can learn from them :) I am sorry for the your loss, a great friend will always be missed, one year after, 2 or 10. But the memories with her will be very cherished, I am sure! I am so scared by the elections, don't know what to expect... blame it on TV news :)

  46. I am sorry that you had such a tough week last week. This election is enough to give anyone nightmares wide awake! I hope this week goes better and you also don't have to work so late; I think sometimes it is hard to decompress. On a happier note, congratulations on the InStyle feature! That is huge and well-deserved!!

  47. Interesting! I would definitely try that hand mask for winter. My hands get so dry!

  48. Love your videos !!! Would love to try that thing for taking the black pores away hihi :-D


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)