
Letter From The Editor: NOVEMBER

I gotta admit, October was an awesome month. I kicked it off with a visit to the Hello Kitty Cafe, followed by a fabulous birthday trip to Disneyland, complete with a dinner and cake at the Blue Bayou Restaurant (the restaurant inside Pirates of the Caribbean). My dog Charlie celebrated his 6th Gotcha Day. Then I headed to my hometown and celebrated my birthday again with family and a pumpkin patch.

With all of that activity, it's no wonder that October seems like the fastest month to me. I feel like I'm trying to catch up with life as the year begins to slip out of my grasp.

November, is that really you?

November is the month, for me, that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. There's so much beauty that just gets missed as we push forward to get to the holidays. It's when the leaves have reached their beautiful peak and the colors are glorious. It's when my makeup begins to match those jewel tones of nature. My hair gets a little darker. I get to pull out the sweaters and scarves.

I've decided that November, for me, is that "breather" month--a slight break before the holidays. I'll make sure to appreciate watching the leaves begin their last dance for the year. I'll be sure to soak up those fleeting moments of sunshine in the late afternoons. I'll be thankful for the little things.

As someone who meticulously plans out everything, I'm letting all of that go this month. I'll let things happen. I'll go plan-free and enjoy this last bit of autumn, with the knowledge that comes with my new age (still cannot believe how fast my birthday flew by), focusing on gratitude, coffee in hand, and pup by my side.

I can't wait to see what November brings.
--Be safe, behave, and be well.--
Love, Elle

What are you looking forward to this month?


  1. November always seems to fly by so making it a breather month is such a good idea! It will be refreshing to step back and let things happen so you can take everything in and savor the important things!

    Doused In Pink

  2. I'm so happy that October was a great month for you! It was super busy with work (working 60+ hour weeks) so I'm hoping that slows down in November! I'm ready for the holidays :)

  3. Such a good attitude! I also tend to let November get lost in the shuffle so I'm going to try to remember this.

  4. november will surely be a good one! will fly by too, i'm not ready for it!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. I am so glad that you had a great October, and I am definitely with you on enjoying November. October flew by and I am so not ready for the holidays!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  6. October did fly by! Sounds like you had a great month. I like your plan for November. Enjoy pretty lady!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  7. I'm looking forward to my planning ahead skills so I can do this "breather" thing come December. lol My goal, is to be 100% done Christmas shopping by December!

  8. I have my final photo appointment this weekend (A wedding) & then I get to just enjoy my weekends getting ready for the holidays. I do look forward to the break. Get to capture my own life with the camera during that time.
    GIRLLLL - you look so beautiful in that picture. You look so tan & your lashes look amazing & that lip color ... & that hair. GORGEOUS!

  9. November really always does get lost in the shuffle. Good for you for letting it all in this month. Gorgeous photo!

  10. I love the idea of November being a "breather" month. I agree, it really can get lost in the shuffle of the holidays. I'm going to try to do the same with just letting things flow and not trying to plan out every detail.

  11. I think that's the best thing to do sometimes, not plan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an advocate for a careless life, but I've learned that many times, we plan and plan and to be quite frank, not everything goes as planned. When we put all of our hopes into a little square box to cross off, I think it limits us to really enjoy and embrace life as it happens, as you've said! You look gorgeous in that photo by the way and I hope you have the best month ahead!



  12. I'm not sure what November has plan for me. I do plan on going to see a couple movie this month. Also I would love to spend the holiday with my family. Since I'm now closer to them again.


  13. I can't believe that it's November either! This year has just flown by, and I love that you're going to try and take the time to enjoy the little things this month!

  14. I got to admit, I love the posts that are more personal and your Extra Elle . . . it's good to splash those in with the awesome beauty info! I never thought about November in this way, but you're right . . . it's a means to the holidays. I will take a moment myself to enjoy, thanks to you! Take care and be well!

  15. I love your makeup in the last picture! You definitely had an exciting October, and I can relate to what you mean about November kind of getting lost. I'm big on making Christmas celebrations last as long as possible because this time of the year really goes so quickly.

  16. It can be so hard to just let things happen, especially if you are a control freak like me! Thanks for the push to relax and take life as it comes!

  17. Yay for a breather month! :) You deserve it after all that hustle + bustle in October!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  18. You look super pretty! :) I hope you have a great November!

  19. I like the idea of letting go before all the craziness happens in December. Enjoy your quiet time. :)


  20. You had quite the October!!! November is my favorite month! It is the month Chris and I got married, it holds Thanksgiving and Black Friday (two of my favorite days besides Christmas!!!) and I almost am due in November (2 days past...wouldn't be sad if baby girl decided to make her appearance in my favorite month!) I am with you, it is the most beautiful with the trees and usually the fall weather. (Lets hope it comes this year! Go away 80's!!!) I love love love our hair color right now! It is gorgeous on you!

  21. you look gorgeous here, sometimes its good to just let things be and i am super excited for november because its my birthday month ;) xx


  22. I definitely agree with you that November is generally unappreciated, you look really stunning in that picture too by the way! Your blog is really lovely, I am so glad I have found it, keep up the wonderful work pretty lady! x


  23. You had such a great month! I love November and remembering to be thankful as Thanksgiving approaches. I am looking forward to cozy times at home with my family enjoying as much time together as possible :)

  24. November really is such a quick month. My daughter has her birthday in November (and my mom), so its hard sometimes to make it a breather month over here. The leaves really are at their peak here, so pretty. I have yet to throw on a sweater or scarf, it's been so hot... but, I am looking forward to it! Sounds like you had an awesome birthday.


  25. Beautifully written, Elle! I hope this November is a great one for you. And I love that photo of you! :)

  26. Happy November to you Elle! I love this month since my husband and mom both have birthdays:)

  27. Hope you had a great birthday month!! And waaah, I can't believe it's November... Full steam ahead!

  28. Youre such a beauty! Yes we all need to take a breather sometimes!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  29. What a wonderful October! November will be a busy month for me since my husband and I are finally going to France. I used to live there, so I'm excited to relive my experiences with Dan.

  30. I'm so glad you had a great October! I think November gets lost in the shuffle too. I was just thinking yesterday how sad I was that September and October, my two favorite months, are over. And then I thought 'I like November too, right?' So like you, I'm going to enjoy the last bit of fall and try to enjoy November instead of thinking the whole month is just a wait for thanksgiving and the holidays.

  31. You are so right, November does kinda get lost in the shuffle. I just wish it would cool off so it would feel like fall!

  32. Love this post and here's to just enjoying a few moments to breathe!

  33. Ah, November is going to be a great month for you! :)

  34. Gorgeous picture, Elle! Yes, my word, November is here... and you are right thinking of it like a " break" before holidays... still so many things to do and if we close our eyes and open them again, it's Christmas :) But life is like this :) Focusing on gratitude is so good!

  35. I saw your Snaps from Disneyland and it looked like you had a good time. Hope you have a good November!


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