
DIY Peppermint Macaron Bath Bombs

I admit it--I have a sweet tooth. My evidence: beauty products that look and/smell like food. Sometimes I buy them, like yesterday's post, and sometimes I make them. And they are SO easy to make. It's a fun way to sort of indulge myself without the calories.

A holiday sweet treat I make for myself and that's always in demand for gifts: peppermint macaron bath bombs! I usually keep these around for when I have a cold since the scent opens up a stuffy nose, but they're great whenever you want a bit of Christmas anytime of year. I also use these in my shower--just put in the floor and allow the steam and water to mix.


  • bath bomb mold (I used a macaron mold)
  • 1 c baking soda
  • 1/2 c cornstarch
  • 1/2 c citric acid (online, canning section, health food stores)
  • 2 tsp water
  • red soap colorant or food coloring (I also added in some red pigment powder)
  • peppermint essential oil + 4 tsp coconut oil or oil of choice

Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl. In another bowl, mix the water and coloring (and oils if doing that). 

Very carefully add a few drops at a time of the colored water to the dry ingredients and mix. Be patient with this step because the mix will begin to bubble if you add too much at a time. It should look as pictured above. I made mine very, very red since normally the red will fade some once it dries--the powder pigment really helps with this.

This depends on your mold, but mine was a one piece macaron mold--sometimes they are halves that you put together. I wanted white in the middle, so I saved a little of the mix and didn't add any red coloring to it. 

I put red in the bottom of the mold and really pressed it in. Then I added white (aka no color added) mix to the middle. I didn't have enough mix so I added it around the edges and it turned out well. 

Then I added the red on top. For my mold, I had to make sure the top was level since this was the bottom of my macaron, so keep that in mind.

Allow to dry for an hour. Package or display. These keep for around a year, but you'll use them up before that, I bet!


  1. These are adorable and look good enough to eat! You always have the best DIY's! These would be a great stocking stuffer!

    Doused In Pink

  2. Another awesome DIY! Thanks for sharing. I would love to get this as a gift. :)


  3. I'm a sucker for anything with peppermint, Elle, so really really digging these bath bombs. And I swear, I just wanna eat all your DIYs...heehee

  4. So cute! And such a great gift! I would love the feeling of peppermint in the tub, so refreshing. You always make the cutest stuff!

  5. these are SO cute and would be great even past the holidays as a gift. love peppermint too! so refreshing:)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Ok, now these are cute! I love that they are shaped like macarons and what a festive scent. I just tried my first shower bomb (we only have a walk in shower) and I loved it! Do you think these would work in the shower too? What a great gift idea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  7. So cool + festive- and love that they look like little macarons!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  8. I just envision your house as a make up beauty counter in one room & a science lab in the other part of your house ;)

  9. This are super cute! Now I want to eat a Macaron!

  10. I am right there with you in having a sweet tooth! I always love beauty products that smell good too and these are so cute!

  11. I prefer the eatable macarons, but I would take some of them as a replacement and to save calories.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  12. Oh these would make a wonderful gift or a treat for yourself! Definitely a lovely way to indulge but without the calories! <3 your DIYs!

  13. These are so cute! You have such great ideas! My daughter loved the Halloween ones so much I am sure she'd love these too!

  14. You so should go in to a bath bomb and soap business.


  15. I love everything peppermint, especially when it comes to bath products! Love this idea!


  16. Oh these do sound good for when you have a cold. And again these look so real you could eat them!

    Allie of

  17. Ok these are adorable and I love peppermint!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  18. You are killing me... these are SO, so cute!!! Ahhh! I would love to be gifted these!


  19. These are so so cute! I love anything peppermint, especially around this time of the year! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Such a great idea, and super creative of you. Love it


  21. Oohh they looks so cute. Love the colours on them.

  22. The presentation on these alone is just amazing!! Another great DIY girl and one I wouldn't mind getting LOL! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  23. Sooo cool !!! They look perfect !!! ������

  24. I love your bath bomb DIYs. Where did you find the mold?

  25. These look and sound amazing! I may try making these because my sinuses have been giving me fits lately. Plus I am a sap for anything peppermint.

  26. Can you just open a store already? (; haha Your DIY treats are like Lush-par.

  27. Shower bombs are a mainstream marvel item and any individual who is searching for a lavish treat at shower time ought to attempt these.wholesale bath bombs


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