
NEW Chocolate Chip Palette Reviews (White & Matte)

Hello, my name is Elle Sees and I'm addicted to buying makeup palettes that are adorable and/or look/smell like sweet treats. I don't see this addiction being cured anytime soon. Or do I?

On Black Friday, Too Faced released two new palettes, White Chocolate Chip (exclusively at Sephora) and Matte Chocolate Chip (TooFaced.com). If you "like" my blog's Facebook, you'll know I had posted about these coming soon a few months ago. Being a Too Faced fan, I had to have them. But are they worth the price at $26? Keep reading to find out.

The first thing I noticed was how tiny they are. Here's the Matte Chocolate Chip in comparison to the original Chocolate Bar. It does say it is a CHIP, but yeah, it's really tiny. And this caused a major upset online.

Here it is in comparison to the Naked Basics from Urban Decay. When those two palettes were released I don't recall there being such a fuss, but I'll get into why in just a moment.

Nowhere on either website does it list the size. It does give the ounces, so I *thought* I had a good idea of what to expect.

Here's the inside of the White Chocolate Chip.

You get 11 shades but the pans are TINY. I think this is the reason so many were disappointed. This looks like a play palette for kids. We are used to those huge-looking pans.

The Naked Basics palettes, while small and with only five shades, have larger-looking pans for $29!

The TF Chocolate Chip palettes have .02 oz per shadow (minus the top left shade which is .05), which is roughly $1.30 per shadow. This is the slightly smaller than the standard .05 MAC shadow,  or UD NB for comparison.

This palette has 6 shimmer shades and the rest are matte.

The lighter shades don't swatch well at all--you can barely see them--but they show on my light-medium skin tone. Barely.

However, I was able to get a look out of them. The pictures don't do it justice--I tried lighting, flash, everything to get it to show.

It doesn't show well on camera but it does show well in person and lasted on me, without primer, all day. That taupe-purple shade can be a little chunky with fall out. The shimmer black blends away too easily for my liking.

Then we have the Too Faced Chocolate Chip Matte

This also has 11 shades and this takes shades from the original Chocolate Bar (pic below) and turns them matte.

The packaging is a matte plastic.

Again, I cannot get good pics of these, but just like with the White Chocolate, I was able to get a full look out of these. They lasted the entire day on my lids without primer (I have dry skin, so most shadows will stay).

Here are the colors in comparison to the original Chocolate Bar.

The original CB has pans that are .03 oz (minus the white shade which is about an ounce). Remember a standard shadow size is .05. I would have guessed the original CB was .05.

But are they worth it? I liked the Matte Chocolate Chip much better than the White one. I don't think either are holy-grail status, but if you're TF-brand obsessed, you might want to get them. I'm not disappointed in either palette, and they will make excellent traveling palettes, but I don't think either is a must have. But they sure are cute.

Do you own either of these?

Extra Elle:
I was supposed to get another one of these for a giveaway, but only received one. Glad to say I finally heard from them yesterday and another will be sent.

Charlie and I finally got a tree up and decorated. I also completed about 98% of my Christmas shopping. Not a thing has been wrapped, of course! I'm a procrastin-wrapper.


  1. Basically if it has Too Faced stamped on it, I'm in. Ha Ha! These are so fun and the colors are perfect. Thanks for the review.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. So jealous you're almost done with your Christmas shopping! I should probably start haha! And loving these palettes! Super annoying about only receiving one when you ordered two, hope you get that figured out soon! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  3. well that is sure good to know about these palettes. i thought the packaging was cute but you're right they sure are small! def probably wont add these to my list. i'm waiting for the kat von d and too faced collab :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. This packaging is too cute! But you are right, so small in comparison. I love how frosty the colors are in the white chocolate palette, but they might be to light for my complexion! I hope you find your lost palette...5 days seems like a really long time to get back to you!!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  5. Thanks for the review! This looks cute, but I find most TF palettes are similar and getting worse and worse in quality. Shame!

  6. These palettes are so cute! I don't own either but would love to try the matte one. Thanks for sharing!


  7. Both palettes are so cute! x


  8. I am so impressed you are almost done with your shopping! I feel super behind, but I think that is because I am making a lot of things this year. The palettes are cute, but they do seem pretty small for the size. I think I'd rather splurge on a bigger size!

  9. Its so hard to know what sizes are online. Thanks for the comparison.

  10. There were lots of ladies in a beauty FB group that I am in upset because they couldn't get their hands on this. Good to know that I wasn't missing out on anything special.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. I'm a sucker for pretty palettes too, and what a fun name! Sorry you're dealing with customer service issues, hope you can get it straightened out soon <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. Thanks for the honest review Elle! Neither of these really excited me and I'm not willing to pay that price for such little product. I'm glad that you weren't disappointed in your purchase but I can def understand why some people were.

  13. These are so cute! I love the colors in the chocolate chip one the best! So pretty!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  14. I am dying for the packaging. What a great stocking stuffer!

  15. I love the packaging! And I love the look you created with the chocolate chip one. I never stray form my Naked 2, best bang for the buck in my book.

  16. i am a procrastin-wrapper as well.
    that sucks that people were so disappointed in the size of these. i can't believe you only received one and haven't heard back or gotten through to customer service - that's ridiculous!

  17. I'm a procrastin-wrapper as well! The only wrapped gifts that are underneath our tree are from Chris to me. Oops!
    I think that I tried the Chocolate palette before, and I ended up not liking it as much as the Naked palettes. Although I think that I'd end up liking the matte chocolate chip one!

  18. I'm really ignorant when it comes to makeup. I'm very simple, very basic actually. As long as you keep posting these that associate my mind with food, I'm going to have to step out of my box and give one a try!

  19. Oh wow I did not expect these to be so tiny!! That's a shame the pans are so tiny as well. I think we knew the urban decay basics were smaller palettes, but for some reason I though these TF ones were going to be larger. I like the way the matte one looks though. And I'd be super annoyed with the customer service issues that you're having!

  20. The packaging is cute but so tiny. I never use up my palettes though so maybe these are good ones for me!

    Doused In Pink

  21. These are just darling...but tiny for sure! I don't think I would purchase either of these...especially since they are colors that are more than likely already in my collection. And I would be so frustrated with customer service...that is just wrong!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  22. I actually think these palettes are too cute, although I understand why peeps would complain about the size. Thanks for the review, Elle. I kinda like the Matte Chocolate one better too.
    PS Ugh...that sucks about the email messaging taking 5 days to get a response!

  23. Those are some ting eye shadow. Yay for getting your tree up.


  24. I don't need any more eye shadow palettes because I have far too many already, but I love the packaging!

  25. I love that they made the palettes a bit smaller - and as always the smell is my favorite part! LOL

  26. They do look like the perfect size for travel!

  27. Wow. Those looks so good, I want to eat the carton it comes in... - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  28. I currently don't own any Too Faced products, but these look great for travel.

  29. They are cute, but I've never tried Too Faced yet... But they do seem perfect for travel!

  30. Great reviews, as always! I love how small these are-- there are so many times I'd rather have something naked basics size, but with more shimmery shades when I'm traveling.

  31. I was going to say the same, that I liked better the dark chocolate one than the white one. And bad that they are so tiny, but it makes them travel friendly :) Nevertheless, I liked the colors, as I said, more the darker tones than the light ones :)

  32. The dark one definitely is more of my taste! Such a cute palette though!

  33. I thought these were so cute when I saw them. I don't wear eye shadow much so I knew I didn't need them, but I still wanted to see a review on them somewhere. I saw where a lot of people were disappointed in how small it was. I like the chocolate chip better too. You are so right, they are adorable! Too Faced always has super cute packaging.

  34. No I don't but they are super cute. The darker one would be more my thing I think. :)


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