
Futuristic Skincare: HiMirror Info Plus Tips

Happy 2017! I'm so excited about what this year holds for the future--and speaking of the future, when you were little, did you ever think about how life would different? As in how the technology would change? Well, allow me to bring a little of the future to you today by introducing HiMirror.

Y'all--have you heard of this fancy-pants fabulous thing?? It's a brand new product, the first of its kind, and I hope you find it as fascinating as I do! It is straight up THE FUTURE OF SKIN CARE and I am SO excited to talk about it.  

What is the HiMirror?

The HiMirror is a smart mirror--the first of its kind--that analyzes your skin. By taking a picture of your skin, it will give a detailed analysis of wrinkles, fine lines, red spots, dark spots, dark circles, pore & complexion.

By analyzing your skin, it helps to give you a skincare solution to skin problems. It does this by looking for Healthiness, Clarity, Firmness, Texture & Brightness. If you've ever wanted a personalized skin care assessment, this is the product for you. HiMirror provides you with a precise analysis just as you would get from a professional service...but it's all from home!

And it's hands-free!! You wave your hands (check it out in the video at the end) to maneuver through the menu. It also recognizes your voice and face.

How does it work?

So basically, take a picture of your face--there is a camera at the top that you can turn off/on. The HiMIrror stores that pic and analyzes it. Then, as you take more pictures, you can see how your skin has gotten better depending on your skincare routine. It measures it on a scale of 0-100 (100 being the best). You can see in the pic below how much mine has improved!

HiMirror was developed under the supervision of professional consultants in the fields of dermatology, cosmetics applications, cosmetics raw materials, skincare and medical beauty, making HiMirror a quality personal Skincare consultant you can trust.

How do I use it?

You can mount it to the wall or existing mirror. Make sure it's near an electrical plug and that you have wi-fi. I have mine mounted to the wall, but sometimes I will put it on an easel on my vanity. It's not a free-standing device. Tip: Make sure it's at eye level.

Next tip: Download the app so you can keep track of your progress as well as enter your skincare products. Sparkly nails, optional. ;)

You'll set it up and then navigate through HiMirror with hand gestures. It recognizes your face and voice! My big tip is to keep your fingers together as you swipe up, down, left, and right through the menu. You will see where you take your pic to have it analyzed. You'll see this in the video at the end.

What other features are there on the HiMirror?
There's a body & fitness section, where you can purchase the smart scale to keep track of your weight.

You can upload your products in the My Beauty Box. You can access your routine.

Once you turn on the HiMirror, you'll get the weather, skin care tips based on the weather, and the news.

There's a media center where you can upload videos but my fave is the radio. You can listen to music as you get ready. Spotfiy is coming soon!

But my best tip? See the HiMirror in action! I made a video where I demonstrate the HiMirror and give more tips:

If this is the year where you finally want to start a consistent skincare routine, but don't know where to start, the HiMirror is for you! Want to learn more about HiMirror? Click here!

Extra Elle:
Had a fabulous NYE and started the new year off with a low-key day. Glad to have to day off to get blogging things done! 


  1. thanks for sharing..this is very interesting

  2. Wow, this sounds so neat! I think this product would definitely help everyone be more proactive with taking care of their skin. Happy New Year!

  3. This is so flippin' cool!! I would love this. Happy New Year gorgeous!!

  4. Well this is awesome! thanks so much for sharing, it's so important to take care of your skin and this gives such a personalized in depth look which is great!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  5. The HiMirror is really cool and so futuristic. What a great tool to help with managing one's skincare. Happy happy new year to you and Charlie!

  6. This sounds like a really cool concept but I wonder if it will make me more self conscious about my skin? I agree with you about it's never too late to start a good skincare routine. I have my mum to thank as she made sure I had a proper skincare routine when I was only 13-14 years old.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  7. No way?! This sounds too cool! Technology seriously amazes me sometimes.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  8. Hahaha....you did the robot:D Anyhoo, I haven't heard of this before so thanks for introducing me to this HiMirror. So very cool. Admittedly, it's kinda scary too coz my skin has not been the best lately, but it's good to be able to see the improvements when u start using it! And I like the fact that it has that body weight thing too.

  9. This mirror sounds really interesting! Skincare is very important to me and I think that this mirror could be very beneficial! Happy New Year to you and Charlie :)

  10. This is so cool! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  11. Gary and I always talk about technology and how far its come!! That is a very cool beauty product!!

  12. Thanks for introducing me to this product. My skin needs it!

  13. This sounds really interesting! And I like that you can measure progress with it too. It is much more scientific than just observations I make!

  14. I would love to try this, it is such an innovative idea! That is neat that you can use it to see if you're taking better care of your skin.


  15. A great entry, happy new year !🌲🌲

  16. Oh my goodness, how amazing is this?! I so need it! Happy New Year sweet friend <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. I just got this and am having a hard time getting it to read my gestures. I will have to watch your video and see if you mention any trouble shooting tips. It seems like an amazing product other than that though.

  18. This is such a cool product, so futuristic! Glad you had a great new years!

  19. Woah, that is the nearest! I could totally benefit from this. I never know what my skin really needs! Glad you had a low key day. Those are the best. Happy New Year!

  20. Whoa! This sounds absolutely amazing. How cool of a device. It's like a daily skincare pro by your side :) Happy New Year beautiful!

  21. I have never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing it.

    Happy New Year!


  22. Oh, that mirror sounds awesome! Now, I want one :)

  23. Technology is just the coolest and has come so far!!! What a neat gadget!

  24. This seems so cool! I've never heard of anything like it and I'm totally intrigued by the concept! Can't wait to watch your demo video!

  25. Wow! So futuristic! I would love to have some recommendations on how to take care of immediate skin problems before they get worse. So this sounds like a great system for that.

    xx Yasmin

  26. This looks absolutely amazing and like you say, it's so futuristic! I really want to try and look after my skin a bit better and it would be so interesting to see the results from the analysis. Definitely one to look out for :) x

  27. WOW looks like an amazing product! I really like it although I am concerned. it might make me obsessed!!
    Dora www.BangsBang.com

  28. Ok, this is amazing! And definitely futuristic! It's crazy to think that it can identify skin problems down to wrinkles. Thanks so much for sharing this, Elle, and Happy New Year!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  29. Interesting product! I love the idea that it can do so much to evaluate your skin. I want one!

  30. This sounds amazing and slightly terrifying haha! I'm sure I have plenty of sun damage I don't even know about from my years of laying out in the FL sun. Definitely cool! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  31. I think this mirror looks awesome! I've been reading all of the reviews and can't wait to give it a try!

  32. This is pretty cool! I have seen one other review of this. It does so much!

  33. I loooove how technology and beauty are mixing- it makes for super cool products like this!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  34. That's such a cool concept, and I love that it tells you what you need to work on!

  35. OH-my-word, dear Elle, you are amazing, always bringing new things for us to go crazy about! I WANT or NEED or whatever it is, want-need (there's a subtle line separating that sometimes :) this HiMirror! What for a great thing! And I could tell you are a gadget/technology fan :) I think that this HiMirror is so good to improve daily care routine and even to prevent things - when it's too sunny, for example, it reminds us to wear sunscreen! Brilliant! Thank you so much for showing it to us and glad you had a nice NYE! Chilling or doing things for the blog is also good! I hope you have an even more brilliant 2017, you deserve it, lots of success - you are so sweet and caring - a Libra, this is soooo your sign! A great 2017, dear Elle, you really made and make a difference to all of us and I thank you for that!

  36. Wow..that's freaky cool! Love all this new beauty technology!

  37. I saw this mirror before somewhere. I can't remember where. But it does look pretty cool.

  38. Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Even though I love tech gadgets that sounds more like a tool to sell skincare to me. But then again I havent tried it and only judge from afar.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. It doesn't sell skincare, so it's not a selling tool. You can input what you'd like and see if it's working. This was made more clear in the video.

  40. This sounds awesome. I wonder if it's just store bought items

  41. That thing is so cool! I would love to have my skin analyzed to see if I’m using the right stuff for my needs.

  42. When you think about A B E the thing that strikes you is that more multani mitti online of a decent quality is great at fading.


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